Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27

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Nội dung chi tiết: Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27

Reviews inComputationalChemistryVolume 27Reviews in Computational Chemistry 27Edited byKenny B. LipkowitzEditor EmeritusDonald B. Boyd©WILEYA John Wil

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27ley & Sons, Inc., PublicationKenny B. LipkowitzOffice of Naval Research 875 North Randolph Street Arlington, VA 22203-1995 U.S.A.kcnny.lipkowitz@navy.

milDonald B. BoydDepartment of Chemistry andChemical BiologyIndiana University-PurdueUniversity at Indianapolis 402 North Blackford Street Indianapoli Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27

s, Indiana 46202-3274 U.S.A.dboyd@iupui.eduCopyright €>2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reservedPublished by John Wiley &Í Sons, Inc., Hobok

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27

en, New JerseyPublished simultaneously in CanadaNo part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any for

Reviews inComputationalChemistryVolume 27Reviews in Computational Chemistry 27Edited byKenny B. LipkowitzEditor EmeritusDonald B. Boyd©WILEYA John Wil

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27nited States Copyright Act, without cither the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy

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Reviews inComputationalChemistryVolume 27Reviews in Computational Chemistry 27Edited byKenny B. LipkowitzEditor EmeritusDonald B. Boyd©WILEYA John Wil

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27pleteness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No war

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Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27

or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.For general information on our othe

Reviews inComputationalChemistryVolume 27Reviews in Computational Chemistry 27Edited byKenny B. LipkowitzEditor EmeritusDonald B. Boyd©WILEYA John Wil

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27United States at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572-4002.Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in

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ataloging-in-Publication Data:ISBN: 978-0470-58714-0ISSN: 1069-3599Printed in Singapore10 9876 5 4321PrefaceComputational chemistry transcends traditi

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27

onal barriers separating chemistry, physics, and mathematics. It is, de facto, a product of the “Computer Age,” but the impetus for its success really

Reviews inComputationalChemistryVolume 27Reviews in Computational Chemistry 27Edited byKenny B. LipkowitzEditor EmeritusDonald B. Boyd©WILEYA John Wil

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27 quickly, in part because there were institutions like the Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange disseminating software free of charge and websites like

rhe Computational Chemistry Listserve making available a variety of services, but also because of books like Reviews in Computational Chemistry provid Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27

ing tutorials and reviews, especially for nontheorists and novice molecular modelers. By and large, computational chemistry moved from the domain of t

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27

he theorist to that of rhe bench chemist, and it has moved from the realm of chemistry to other disciplines, most notably in the biological sciences w

Reviews inComputationalChemistryVolume 27Reviews in Computational Chemistry 27Edited byKenny B. LipkowitzEditor EmeritusDonald B. Boyd©WILEYA John Wil

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27s of interest to chemists. Those topics were written by mathematicians, chemists, computer scientists, engineers, and physicists, and they cover a wid

e swath of computing in science, engineering, and technology. One area of research where chemists are under-represented in terms of theory and simulat Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27

ion, however, is in multiscale modeling. The scales typically involved here are those in, say, a molecular dynamics protein folding study where picose

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27

conds are required for assessing molecular vibrations but milliseconds are needed to understand segmental relaxation, and length scales in materials s

Reviews inComputationalChemistryVolume 27Reviews in Computational Chemistry 27Edited byKenny B. LipkowitzEditor EmeritusDonald B. Boyd©WILEYA John Wil

Reviews in computational chemistry, volume 27ng certain bulk behavior.

Reviews inComputationalChemistryVolume 27Reviews in Computational Chemistry 27Edited byKenny B. LipkowitzEditor EmeritusDonald B. Boyd©WILEYA John Wil

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