Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

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Nội dung chi tiết: Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

R IS K i________regulationOF UNCERTAINTY IN INTERNATIONAL LAWEdited byMonika flmbrus,Rosemary Rayfuse, and Wouter WernerRISK AND THE REGULATION OF UNC

Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international lawCERTAINTY IN INTERNATIONAL LAWRisk and the Regulation of Uncertainty in International LawEdiced by MONIKA AMBRUS ROSEMARY RAYFUSE WOUTER WERNEROXFORDU

NIVERSITY PRESS0X1 OKI)UNIVERSITY PRESSGreat (datendon Street. Oxford, 0X2 6DP, United KingdomOxiord University Press is a department oi die Universit Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

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Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

ed trade mark of Oxford University Press in rhe UK and in certain other countrieso rhe several contributors 2017Hie moral rights oi the author have be

R IS K i________regulationOF UNCERTAINTY IN INTERNATIONAL LAWEdited byMonika flmbrus,Rosemary Rayfuse, and Wouter WernerRISK AND THE REGULATION OF UNC

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must impose this same condition on any acquirerCrown copyright material is reproduced under Class Licence Number Co 1P0000148 with the permission of O

R IS K i________regulationOF UNCERTAINTY IN INTERNATIONAL LAWEdited byMonika flmbrus,Rosemary Rayfuse, and Wouter WernerRISK AND THE REGULATION OF UNC

Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international lawnited States of AmericaBritish Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data availableLibrary'of Congress Control Number: 2017934733ISBN 978-0-19-87958

9-6Printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Lid, Croydon, CRO 4YYLinks to third parly websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information onl Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

y. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third parry website referenced in this work.PrefaceThis book has its origins

Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

in a small ‘exploratory workshop' which was held al the Faculty of Law ar Lund University in May 2011 on ‘Imagining rhe Future Climate Regime'. Al lh

R IS K i________regulationOF UNCERTAINTY IN INTERNATIONAL LAWEdited byMonika flmbrus,Rosemary Rayfuse, and Wouter WernerRISK AND THE REGULATION OF UNC

Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law rhe one hand, that lack of scientific uncertainty as ro rhe seriousness Of irrevers-ibilily of damage Irom climate change should not prevent the taki

ng of protective or mitigation measures while, on rhe other hand, simultaneously demanding that lack of seriousness or irreversibility of damage from Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

these protective or mitigation measures themselves should not be used as an excuse to prevent their introduction. We foresaw, and wanted to explore, t

Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

he problem of responding to climate change by introducing mitigation measures despite uncertainty as to both their efficacy and their potential to cau

R IS K i________regulationOF UNCERTAINTY IN INTERNATIONAL LAWEdited byMonika flmbrus,Rosemary Rayfuse, and Wouter WernerRISK AND THE REGULATION OF UNC

Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international lawglobal geoengineering as a mitigation strategy, as well as discussions relating to scientific uncertainty in decision-making more generally.It quickly

became apparent that there was much more to the topic than a climate change-centred focus would suggest. Indeed, 'imagining the future’ has become an Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

important and influential part of international law in general, with international legal arrangements across the multiple regimes and sub-regimes of

Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

international law increasingly imagining future worlds, or creating space for experts to articulate how the future can be conceptualized and managed.

R IS K i________regulationOF UNCERTAINTY IN INTERNATIONAL LAWEdited byMonika flmbrus,Rosemary Rayfuse, and Wouter WernerRISK AND THE REGULATION OF UNC

Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law promises, or threats, or of radical uncertainty. Examination of the various imageries, vocabularies, expert knowledge, and rules developed within the

se different areas of international law seemed, at its core, a worthy pursuit, and one which might lay the groundwork for future comparisons between t Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

he values articulated and methodologies or practices developed in different international legal regimes for anticipating future regime stress and allo

Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

cating preference for one imagined future over another.In a second workshop held in 2013 at rhe Vlije Universireit (VU) Amsterdam, a group of scholars

R IS K i________regulationOF UNCERTAINTY IN INTERNATIONAL LAWEdited byMonika flmbrus,Rosemary Rayfuse, and Wouter WernerRISK AND THE REGULATION OF UNC

Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international lawk. Ar a further workshop hosted by the Institute for Legal Studies at rhe Centre lor Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy oi Sciences in October 2

014, participants exchanged papers and ideas on the theme, which have now been transformed into the chapters of this book. Risk and the regulation of uncertainty in international law

R IS K i________regulationOF UNCERTAINTY IN INTERNATIONAL LAWEdited byMonika flmbrus,Rosemary Rayfuse, and Wouter WernerRISK AND THE REGULATION OF UNC

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