Risk, uncertainty and government
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Risk, uncertainty and government
J. lj_0ssh0use1 inpressPat O'MalleyUncertainty andGovernmentRISK, UNCERTAINTY AND GOVERNMENTPat O’Malley Carleton University, OttawauseessFirst publis Risk, uncertainty and governmentshed in Great Britain 2004 by rhe GlassHouse Press, The Glass House, Wharton Street, London WCIX 9PX, United Kingdom Telephone: + 44 (0)20 7278 8000 Facsimile: + 44 (0)20 7278 8080 Email: info@cavendishpublishing.com Websi te: www.cavendishpublishing.comPublished in the United States by Cavendish Pu Risk, uncertainty and governmentblishing c/o International Specialized Book Services, 5824 NE Hassalo Street, Portland,Oregon 97213-3644, USAPublished in Australia by The Glassl lousRisk, uncertainty and government
e Press, 45 Beach Street, C(X)gcc, NSW 2034, Australia Telephone: I 61 (2)9664 0909 Facsimile: »61 (2)9664 5420 Email: info@cavendishpublishing.com.auJ. lj_0ssh0use1 inpressPat O'MalleyUncertainty andGovernmentRISK, UNCERTAINTY AND GOVERNMENTPat O’Malley Carleton University, OttawauseessFirst publis Risk, uncertainty and governmentstem, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of Cavendish Publishing Limited, or as expressly permitted by law, or under the terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights or Risk, uncertainty and governmentganisation. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Cavendish Publishing Limited, atRisk, uncertainty and government
the address above.You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose the same condition on any acquirer.British LibraJ. lj_0ssh0use1 inpressPat O'MalleyUncertainty andGovernmentRISK, UNCERTAINTY AND GOVERNMENTPat O’Malley Carleton University, OttawauseessFirst publis Risk, uncertainty and governmentTitle320.1Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Data availableISBN 1-90438-500-1ISBN 978-1-904-38500-413579108642Printed and bound in Great BritainAcknowledgmentsThis book started out as an edited collection of my writings on risk. In some ways it retains this character, although Chapt Risk, uncertainty and governmenters 1 to 3 and Chapter 9 are entirely new. Only a few of the other chapters correspond very closely with the papers 1 had hoped would just slot togethRisk, uncertainty and government
er. Some are very different indeed from their first published versions. In part, this is because 1 have become more interested in uncertainty, and theJ. lj_0ssh0use1 inpressPat O'MalleyUncertainty andGovernmentRISK, UNCERTAINTY AND GOVERNMENTPat O’Malley Carleton University, OttawauseessFirst publis Risk, uncertainty and government are no foreigners to each other: they overlap and share many family resemblances. But it seemed odd to think of Bentham talking of risk when he insisted that liberal subjects gain foresight. Likewise, it did not appear to me that 19th century judges elaborating upon the law of contract were merely Risk, uncertainty and governmentperforming a variant of social workers filling in risk schedules. A distinction lay in here that I felt was worth making. So, one thing led to anotherRisk, uncertainty and government
and eventually here is the book.The staff at Cavendish Publishing - particularly Beverley Brown and Jon Lloyd - deserve a first and special vote of gJ. lj_0ssh0use1 inpressPat O'MalleyUncertainty andGovernmentRISK, UNCERTAINTY AND GOVERNMENTPat O’Malley Carleton University, OttawauseessFirst publis Risk, uncertainty and governmentks for providing advice and comments, unfortunately more than could be named. My dear friends Mariana Valverde, Nikolas Rose and Stephen Mugford gave me many of 'my' ideas and saved me from a few of the more egregious errors in my thinking. Mariana, in particular, has read and commented on most of t Risk, uncertainty and governmenthe chapters and encouraged me to keep going when I thought of giving the project away. I'm enormously grateful for her friendship, collegiality and suRisk, uncertainty and government
pport. The usual suspects in the risk and government area have strongly influenced this book, especially through considered criticisms of the articlesJ. lj_0ssh0use1 inpressPat O'MalleyUncertainty andGovernmentRISK, UNCERTAINTY AND GOVERNMENTPat O’Malley Carleton University, OttawauseessFirst publis Risk, uncertainty and governmenter, Kit Carson and David Garland, especially, should be mentioned here. So too, all the faculty and graduate students at the Centre of Criminology at the University of Toronto where most chapters were first tested. 1 would also like to thank John Braithwaite and the Australian National University, w Risk, uncertainty and governmenthose award of a Sabbatical Fellowship allowed me write and think in a scholarly and friendly environment. Likewise, 1 owe a debt of gratitude to ChrisRisk, uncertainty and government
tine Harrington and her colleagues in the Institute of Law and Society at New York University, who provided me with a term as a Distinguished ProfessoJ. lj_0ssh0use1 inpressPat O'MalleyUncertainty andGovernmentRISK, UNCERTAINTY AND GOVERNMENTPat O’Malley Carleton University, OttawauseessFirst publis Risk, uncertainty and government Nevertheless, it was a period where, perforce, 1 learned much about risk that would otherwise have remained obscure. 1 am indebted to my former colleagues in the School of Law and Legal Studies at La Trobe University, particularly to David Wishart. Likewise, 1 owe much to my new colleagues at Carle Risk, uncertainty and governmentton University - Aaron Doyle, Alan Hunt, Dawn Moore and Bruce Curtis. My graduate student Chris Peters at Carleton made a heroic effort to help me wriRisk, uncertainty and government
te English, and together with Dan O'Malley turned a chaotic mass of references into a manageable bibliography. Margaret Foddy lived through all of thiJ. lj_0ssh0use1 inpressPat O'MalleyUncertainty andGovernmentRISK, UNCERTAINTY AND GOVERNMENTPat O’Malley Carleton University, OttawauseessFirst publis Risk, uncertainty and governmentbeen substantially revised, I would like to thank the following for giving permission to include material originally published elsewhere. Chapter 4 originally appeared in a different form in Economy and Society volume 29 (20(X)), under the title of 'Uncertain subjects' (www.landf.co.uk). Chapter 5 i Risk, uncertainty and governments based on a paper that appeared as 'Imagining insurance. Risk thrift and insurance in Britain' in Embracing Risk edited by Tom Baker and Jonathan SimRisk, uncertainty and government
on (© 2(X)2 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved). Chapter 6 appeared in its original form as 'Moral uncertainties: contract law and the J. lj_0ssh0use1 inpressPat O'MalleyUncertainty andGovernmentRISK, UNCERTAINTY AND GOVERNMENTPat O’Malley Carleton University, OttawauseessFirst publis Risk, uncertainty and governmentrsity of Toronto Press in 2(X)3. Chapter 7 is loosely adapted from 'Risk, crime and prudentialism revisited' in Risk, Crime and lust ice edited by Kevin Stenson and Robert Sullivan, and published by Willan Press in 2001. Chapter 8 is based on 'Drugs, risks and freedoms' that appeared in Gordon Hughe Risk, uncertainty and governments and Eugene Mcl.aughlen's edited collection, Crime Prevention and Community Safety: New Directions, reprinted by permission of Sage Publications LtdRisk, uncertainty and government
(© The open University, 2(X)2).Contents IAcknowledgmentsHiJ. lj_0ssh0use1 inpressPat O'MalleyUncertainty andGovernmentRISK, UNCERTAINTY AND GOVERNMENTPat O’Malley Carleton University, OttawauseessFirst publisJ. lj_0ssh0use1 inpressPat O'MalleyUncertainty andGovernmentRISK, UNCERTAINTY AND GOVERNMENTPat O’Malley Carleton University, OttawauseessFirst publisGọi ngay
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