Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
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Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
SERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and Stephen Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities L. Vargo published their ground-breaking article on the evolution of marketing theory and practice toward “service-dominant (S-D) logic," describing the shift from a product-centered view of markets to a service-led model. Now, in this keenly anticipated book, the authors present a thorough primer Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitieson the principles and applications of S-D logic. They describe a clear alternative to the dominant worldview of the heavily planned, production-orientService dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
ed, profit-maximizing firm. presenting a coherent, organizing framework based on ten foundational premises. The foundational premises of S-D logic havSERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and Stephen Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities deeper sense of why the exchange of sen ice is the fundamental basis of all social and economic exchange. This accessible book will appeal to students, as well as to researchers and practitioners.ROBERT F. LUSCH is the James and Pamela Muzzy' Chair in Entrepreneurship, and Professor OÍ Marketing at Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities the Eller College of Management, University of Arizona. He is past editor of the Journal of Marketing and chairperson of the American Marketing AssocService dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
iation. Professor Lusch's research focuses on marketing strategy and theory with a major focus on the service-dominant logic OÍ marketing. He is the rSERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and Stephen Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitiesProfessor of Marketing at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Prior to entering academia, he had a career in entrepreneurial business and consulted with many corporations and governmental agencies. Professor Vargo’s primary areas of research are marketing theory and thought, and consumers’ evaluativ Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitiese reference scales. He has been awarded honorary professorships and has held visiting positions at many leading universities worldwide and is the reciService dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
pient of major awards for his contributions to marketing theory and thought.“Lusch and Vargo’s new volume is a radical innovation in marketing thinkinSERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and Stephen Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitiesaradigm which will engage numerous scholars across various knowledge domains.”Sergio Barile, Full Professor of Business Management. University of Rome “La Sapienza”Service-Dominant Logic: Premises, Perspectives, Possibilities, Bob Lusch and Steve Vargo bring us to an elevated understanding of servic Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitiese as the foundation of value and exchange in modern society. The book provides in one place a compendium of existing S-D logic knowledge and. at the sService dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
ame time, takes US to new levels of possibilities achievable through adopting a service mindset. The book should be required reading for all students SERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and Stephen Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities Business. Arizona State University; Editor of the Journal of Service Research“If you are a business practitioner or academic who lias been following, either casually or carefully, the development of service-dominant (S-D) logic, you should read this book, for it pulls together the foundations, stru Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitiescture, and implications of S-D logic for business practice and theory. If you have notbeen following the development of S-D logic, you should definiteService dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
ly re https://khothuvien.corn you to a transformational framework for thinking about economic activityShelby D. Hunt. The Jerry s. Rawls and p.w. HornSERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and Stephen Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitiesmic thinking that Ĩ have encountered during the whole of my career. T.usch and Vargo oiler theory and concepts that unite the exponentially growing volume of data and research fragments from our complex modern society. Still, it is not the hard sell of yet another magic management bullet. The book s Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitieshould be read by everyone in management and economic disciplines: students, practitioners and politicians.”Evert Gummcsson, Emeritus Professor, StockhService dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
olm University, Sweden“Ten years ago, T.usch and Vargo turned upside down more than 200 years of economic thought, advancing die view that capabilitieSERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and Stephen Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities their argument to its essence in a remarkable new book that is sure to become required reading tor service scientists everywhere.”Paul p. Maglio. Professor of Technology Management at the University of California, Merced andEditor-in-Chief Service Science“Service-Dominant Logic: Premises, Perspecti Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitiesves, Possibilities draws together nearly two decades of pioneering work and thought leadersilip by the authors. This scholarly and provocative text prService dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
ovides a penetrating analysis of the new discipline of service science. It combines groundbreaking research, deep insight and practical models and is SERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and Stephen Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitiesw South Wales“Two thirds of the world's population still live on less than two dollars per day. To start changing tills, we need to understand this huge segment of society not as passive aid recipients and consumers (Goods Dominant Logic), but as innovative entrepreneurs constantly co-creating solut Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitiesions to survive in their daily life (Service-Dominant Logic), lhe base of the pyramid is a rich, living laboratory where actor-to-actor collaborationService dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
integrating scarce resources for value co-crcation in complex subsistence ecosystems is rooted and practiced every day; w here people are SDL Natives.SERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and Stephen Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitiesdominant culture.”Prolessor Javier Reynoso, Service Management Research Chair, EGADF Business School, Mexico“Service-dominant logic has been widely accepted as a leading theory and thinking framework for service sciences and engineering. ĨI is now entering the consciousness of business leaders and p Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilitiesractitioners: in multiple disciplines in business research and technology development, servicedominant logic is becoming part of the standard vocabulaService dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
ry and its relevance to practice is even more prominent as the data- and analytics-driven economy is emerging. Written by the pioneers who defined andSERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and Stephen Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities, Professor in Management Information Systems, Eller College of Management.University of Arizona: Research Faculty. Chinese Academy of Scien< Service-Dominant Logic Premises, Perspectives, PossibilitiesRobert F. Lusch Un ị vers ity of ArizonaStephen L. Vargo University of Hawai ’iCambridgeUNIVERSITY Service dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities PRESSCAMBRI DGEUNIVERSITY PRESSUniversity Printing House, Cambridge CB2 8BS. United KingdomPublished in the United States of America by Cambridge UniService dominant logic premises, perspectives, possibilities
versity Press, New YorkCambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge.It ftirthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowleSERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and Stephen SERVICEDOMINANT LOGIC PREMISES, PERSPECTIVES, POSSIBILITIESROBERT F. LƯSCHSTEPHEN L. VARGOService-Dominant Logic In 2004, Robert F. Lusch and StephenGọi ngay
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