Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

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Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

---- LEE JONES -SOCIETIESUNDER SIEGEExploring How International Economic Sanctions (Do Not) WorkSocieties Under SiegeExploring How International Econo

Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) workomic Sanctions (Do Not) WorkLee JonesOXFORDUNIVERSITY PRESSOXFORDUNIVERSITY PRESSGreat Clarendon Street, Oxford, 0X2 6DP,United KingdomOxford Universi

ty Press is a department of the University of Oxford.It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by p Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

ublishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries©Lee Jones 2015The moral rig

Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

hts of the author have been assertedFirst Edition published in 2015Impression: IAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, st

---- LEE JONES -SOCIETIESUNDER SIEGEExploring How International Economic Sanctions (Do Not) WorkSocieties Under SiegeExploring How International Econo

Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) workpressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographic's rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction

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in any other formand you must impose this same condition on any acquirerPublished in the United States of America by Oxford University- Press 198 Madi

Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

son Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States of TunericaBritish Library Cataloguing in Publication DataData availablelibrary of Congress Control Numb

---- LEE JONES -SOCIETIESUNDER SIEGEExploring How International Economic Sanctions (Do Not) WorkSocieties Under SiegeExploring How International Econo

Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) workd faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party- website referenced in this work.

AcknowledgementsThe research for this book was funded by a major grant from the UK's Economic and Social Research Council (RES-061-25-0500), enabling Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

the lengthy and costly periods of fieldwork and archival research involved. I am deeply grateful for this support. Britain's funding councils face unp

Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

recedented pressures from mindless fiscal austerity and an incessant emphasis on nonacademic 'impact'. Sadly, these external threats to academic freed

---- LEE JONES -SOCIETIESUNDER SIEGEExploring How International Economic Sanctions (Do Not) WorkSocieties Under SiegeExploring How International Econo

Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) worke 1 would (presumably) wish to use 'quantitative indicators' to explain how sanctions worked, since 'no such methodology exists', I would be unable to

proceed. Thankfully the ESRC ignored this narrow-minded counsel. l ong may it continue to do so!My research benefited from extensive intellectual inp Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

ut from others. My research assistants, Kelly Gerard, Sahar Rad, Zaw Nay Aung, Kyaw Thu Mya Han, and Aula Hariri, provided invaluable support. Dozens

Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

of interviewees kindly gave their time (and often considerable hospitality) to help improve my understanding of their countries. Kyaw Thu's assistance

---- LEE JONES -SOCIETIESUNDER SIEGEExploring How International Economic Sanctions (Do Not) WorkSocieties Under SiegeExploring How International Econo

Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) workion on sanctions research; Merle Lipton for her extensive and wise counsel about South Africa; Indrc Balcaite, for stimulating my thinking on Buddhism

in Myanmar; Martin Smith, Kevin Woods, and Patrick Meehan for illuminating conversations about, and their superlative work on, Myanmar; Matthew Shead Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

er and Khin Maung Nyo for their help in Yangon; and Christopher Alkhoury for his assistance at the Conflict Records Research Centre of the National De

Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

fense University in Washington, D.C. Feedback from Toby Dodge and Elin llellquist on earlier drafts was extremely helpful, as was input from three Oxf

---- LEE JONES -SOCIETIESUNDER SIEGEExploring How International Economic Sanctions (Do Not) WorkSocieties Under SiegeExploring How International Econo

Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) workouragement.1 am also indebted to my wonderful colleagues in the School of Politics and International Relations at Queen Mary, University of London. In

Britain's increasingly instrumentalist university sector, it is rare to encounter such a warm, collegial, and intellectually engaged group of scholar Societies under siege exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work

s in one place.

---- LEE JONES -SOCIETIESUNDER SIEGEExploring How International Economic Sanctions (Do Not) WorkSocieties Under SiegeExploring How International Econo

---- LEE JONES -SOCIETIESUNDER SIEGEExploring How International Economic Sanctions (Do Not) WorkSocieties Under SiegeExploring How International Econo

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