Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

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Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

Andrea CaputoStrategic Corporate NegotiationsA Framework for Win-Win AgreementspalgravemacmillanAndrea Caputo University of Lincoln Lincoln, UKISBN 97

Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements78 3 030 15478 3 ISBN 978 3 030 15479 0 (eBook) 3 030 15479 0rhe Editor(s) (if applicable) and rhe Author! s), under exclu

sive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broad

Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

casting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, comput

Andrea CaputoStrategic Corporate NegotiationsA Framework for Win-Win AgreementspalgravemacmillanAndrea Caputo University of Lincoln Lincoln, UKISBN 97

Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreementsks, service marks, etc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names arc exempt from the relevant

protective laws and regulations and therefore lice for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors arc safe to assume that the advice and Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

information in this book are believed to Ise true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the pub Usher nor the authors or the editors give a

Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher rem

Andrea CaputoStrategic Corporate NegotiationsA Framework for Win-Win AgreementspalgravemacmillanAndrea Caputo University of Lincoln Lincoln, UKISBN 97

Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreementsgrave Pivot imprint is published by the registered company springer Nature Switzerland AG.The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11,6330 Ch

am, SwitzerlandTo my family and TO my friends^ who always supported me.ForewordWritten by Richard Cycrr and James March in 1963, A Behavioral Theory o Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

f the Firm still represents, without doubt, a catalyst book in rhe study of how dominant coalitions take strategic decisions; in fact, since its publi

Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

cation, many strategic choices have started to be substantially considered as negotiated processes. On this basis, and especially because of the curre

Andrea CaputoStrategic Corporate NegotiationsA Framework for Win-Win AgreementspalgravemacmillanAndrea Caputo University of Lincoln Lincoln, UKISBN 97

Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreementsepresents an important and lively area in the research on and practice of corporate decision-making.Win-lose and win-win scenarios, BATNAs, Reservatio

n Prices, and third parties, but also heuristics, cognitive biases and the personality of who negotiates: in this exciting, constantly evolving, scien Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

tific context, this book written by Andrea Caputo (Lincoln Business School) contributes to the addressing of these simple, but meaningful, research qu

Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

estions: How can negotiations be currently conceived? How and why do they occur? How can the strategic negotiations be improved, in terms of results f

Andrea CaputoStrategic Corporate NegotiationsA Framework for Win-Win AgreementspalgravemacmillanAndrea Caputo University of Lincoln Lincoln, UKISBN 97

Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreementsseful because it constitutes an appropriate mix of theory and empirical evidence; this is also, thanks to the reported qualitative case study analysis

, regarding the important negotiation that recently occurred between Fiat and Chrysler. The latter, at the same time, can find it valuable because it Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

represents an easy-to-read, instructive, toolkit for enlarging the pic in many of the daily negotiations that happen in the corporate world at the lop

Strategic corporate negotiations a framework for win win agreements

decision-making level.vii

Andrea CaputoStrategic Corporate NegotiationsA Framework for Win-Win AgreementspalgravemacmillanAndrea Caputo University of Lincoln Lincoln, UKISBN 97

Andrea CaputoStrategic Corporate NegotiationsA Framework for Win-Win AgreementspalgravemacmillanAndrea Caputo University of Lincoln Lincoln, UKISBN 97

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