Supply chain coordination mechanisms new approaches for collaborative planning

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Nội dung chi tiết: Supply chain coordination mechanisms new approaches for collaborative planning

Supply chain coordination mechanisms new approaches for collaborative planning

628ECTURE NOTES IN ECONOMICS AND MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMSMarlin AlbrechtSupply Chain Coordination MechanismsNew Approaches for Collaborative Planning0 Spr

Supply chain coordination mechanisms new approaches for collaborative planningringerhttps: //k hoth u Vi en .comLecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical SystemsFounding Editors:M. BeckmannH.p. KttnziManaging Editors:Prof. Dr.

G. FandelFachbereich WirtschaftswissenschaftenFemuni versi tat HagenFeithstr. 140 AVZ II. 58084 Hagen. GermanyProf. Dr. w. TrockelInstitut lur Mathem Supply chain coordination mechanisms new approaches for collaborative planning

atische Wirtschaftsforschung (IMW) ưniversitẵt BielefeldUniversitatsstr. 25, 33615 Bielefeld, Germany628Editorial Board:A. Basile. H. Dawid. K. Inderf

Supply chain coordination mechanisms new approaches for collaborative planning

urth. w. KiirstenMartin AlbrechtSupply ChainCoordination MechanismsNew Approaches for Collaborative Planning0 SpringerDr. Martin AlbrechtPAUL HARTMANN

628ECTURE NOTES IN ECONOMICS AND MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMSMarlin AlbrechtSupply Chain Coordination MechanismsNew Approaches for Collaborative Planning0 Spr

Supply chain coordination mechanisms new approaches for collaborative planningt London New York

628ECTURE NOTES IN ECONOMICS AND MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMSMarlin AlbrechtSupply Chain Coordination MechanismsNew Approaches for Collaborative Planning0 Spr

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