Sustainability principles and practice 2nd edition
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Sustainability principles and practice 2nd edition
Margaret RobertsonSustainabilityPrinciples and Practice^from RoubedgeSustainability Principles and PracticeTills new and expanded edition builds upon Sustainability principles and practice 2nd edition the first edition's accessible and comprehensive overview of the interdisciplinary field of sustainability. The focus is on famishing solutions and equipping the student with both conceptual understanding and technical skills for the workplace.Each chapter explores one aspect of the field, first in Sustainability principles and practice 2nd editiontroducing concepts and presenting issues, then supplying tools for working toward solutions. Techniques for management and measurement as well as caseSustainability principles and practice 2nd edition
studies from around the world are provided. The second edition includes a complete update of the text, with increased coverage of major topics includMargaret RobertsonSustainabilityPrinciples and Practice^from RoubedgeSustainability Principles and PracticeTills new and expanded edition builds upon Sustainability principles and practice 2nd editionGoals; and new thinking on native species and novel ecosystems.Chapters include farther reading and discussion questions. The book is supported by a companion website with links, detailed reading lists, glossary, and additional case studies, together with projects, research problems, and group activ Sustainability principles and practice 2nd editionities, all of which focus on real-world problem solving of sustainability issues.The textbook is designed to be used by undergraduate college and univSustainability principles and practice 2nd edition
ersity students in sustainability degree programs and other programs in which sustainability is taught.Margaret Robertson is a member of the American Margaret RobertsonSustainabilityPrinciples and Practice^from RoubedgeSustainability Principles and PracticeTills new and expanded edition builds upon Sustainability principles and practice 2nd editionprogram.Sustainability Principles and PracticeSecond EditionMargaret RobertsonQ RoutledgeTaylorbTrancuCroupLONDON AND NEV.YOHKsrntiiisfiiFiiifrom RoutledgeSecond edition published 2017by Routledge2 Park Square. Milton Park. Abingdon. OxoiL 0X14 4RNand by Routledge711 Third Avenue. New York. NY 10017 Sustainability principles and practice 2nd editionRoutledge is an imprint of the Tayìor & Francis Group, an informa business£*2017 Margaret RobertsonThe rjglM of Margaret Robertson to lie identified aSustainability principles and practice 2nd edition
s author of this work lias been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright. Designs and Patents Act 1988.All rights reservMargaret RobertsonSustainabilityPrinciples and Practice^from RoubedgeSustainability Principles and PracticeTills new and expanded edition builds upon Sustainability principles and practice 2nd editionter invented, inchiding photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, wrtliout permission in wriilg from tire publishers.Fast edition published by Routledge 2014British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue record for tins book is available from the Brit Sustainability principles and practice 2nd editionish LibraryLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataNames: Robertson. Margaret, author.Title: Sustainability principles and practice / MargarSustainability principles and practice 2nd edition
et RobertsonDescription Abmgdon. Oxon; New York. NY Routledge. 2017.1 Eaibei edition: 2014.1 Includes bibliogiaplucal references and index.IdentifiersMargaret RobertsonSustainabilityPrinciples and Practice^from RoubedgeSustainability Principles and PracticeTills new and expanded edition builds upon Margaret RobertsonSustainabilityPrinciples and Practice^from RoubedgeSustainability Principles and PracticeTills new and expanded edition builds uponGọi ngay
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