The change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any company
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The change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any company
HOW TO SEEK, SEED AN[ INNOVATION InIaNY coSCALEIPANYTHECHANGE MAKER'SPLAYBOOKForeword by Paul B. Carroll, coauthor, Billion Dollar LessonsAMY J. R"As The change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any company a fellow change maker, I've long admired Amy Radin's impai Change Maker's Playbook, she offers a practical guide to getting IU uie uiner blue or change in a way that creates value and meaning. An important resource for anyone looking to innovate better."— Beth Comstock, author of Imagine It Forwar The change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any companyd and former Vice Chair, GE"What businesses need today is change makers: driven leaders who turn market disruption into innovation opportunities, creaThe change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any company
ting real impact and value. If you're up for this, Amy Radin's fearlessly focused and practical book is your next must-read."— David Rogers, Columbia HOW TO SEEK, SEED AN[ INNOVATION InIaNY coSCALEIPANYTHECHANGE MAKER'SPLAYBOOKForeword by Paul B. Carroll, coauthor, Billion Dollar LessonsAMY J. R"As The change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any companyonly clear. The true lesson woven throughout the book is that it all begins and ends with culture, an important lesson for organizations of every size."— Ajay Banga, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mastercard"Innovation is clearly a MUST but never comes easily. Thanks to The Change Maker's Pl The change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any companyaybook, we now have a practical, actionable guide to help tackle the non-negotiable task of delivering value through innovation."— Emma Weisberg, HeadThe change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any company
of Global Business Marketing, Waze"This book has become my team's manifesto. Radin inspires you to keep the momentum while laying out the steps to moHOW TO SEEK, SEED AN[ INNOVATION InIaNY coSCALEIPANYTHECHANGE MAKER'SPLAYBOOKForeword by Paul B. Carroll, coauthor, Billion Dollar LessonsAMY J. R"As The change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any companyispensable guide for marketers and those who want to truly deliver better products and experiences for their customers, not just talk about it. In her accessible and relatable way, Radin lays out the path for finding and delivering innovation essential to brand impact."— Lewis Gersh, Founder and CEO The change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any company, PebblePost"So much of innovation focuses on developing and testing breakthrough ideas. Yet, thevast majority of these ideas fail to be adopted. AmyThe change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any company
Radin not 0 generation of innovative ideas (seeking), but also the process 01 OI icpi ICI Mil iy LI lyoc lucao through organizational hurdles (seedinHOW TO SEEK, SEED AN[ INNOVATION InIaNY coSCALEIPANYTHECHANGE MAKER'SPLAYBOOKForeword by Paul B. Carroll, coauthor, Billion Dollar LessonsAMY J. R"As The change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any companyrld would be well advised to seek counsel in The Change Maker's Playbook."— Michael Wade, Cisco Chair in Digital Business Transformation, Professor of Innovation and Strategy, IMD"Radin's Seek, Seed, Scale framework should be in the workspace of any leader who wants to create sustainable franchises The change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any companyand shape the future (and not be undone by the forces at play in today's world)."— Ashok Vaswani, CEO, Barclays UKTHECHANGEMAKER'SPLAYBOOKHOW TO SEEK,The change makers playbook how to seek, seed and scale innovation in any company
SEED AND SCALEINNOVATION IN ANY COMPANYAMY J. RADINCity Point PressContentsForewordIntroductionHOW TO SEEK, SEED AN[ INNOVATION InIaNY coSCALEIPANYTHECHANGE MAKER'SPLAYBOOKForeword by Paul B. Carroll, coauthor, Billion Dollar LessonsAMY J. R"As HOW TO SEEK, SEED AN[ INNOVATION InIaNY coSCALEIPANYTHECHANGE MAKER'SPLAYBOOKForeword by Paul B. Carroll, coauthor, Billion Dollar LessonsAMY J. R"AsGọi ngay
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