The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budge

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Nội dung chi tiết: The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budge

The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budge

about the authorsSebastian Nokes and Sean Kelly have worked together on a number of strategic projects and programmes.SEBASTIAN NOKESSebastian Nokes i

The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budgeis a practicing project and programme manager who also advises corporations, government bodies and professional service firms on project and programme

management, decision making and information management. He has led major projects in the investment banking, nuclear and high technology sectors. He The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budge

Is currently a partner at Aldersgate Partners LLP, a management consulting firm, and previously worked for IBM and Credit Suisse First Boston. He was

The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budge

educated at Eton College and London University (Birkbeck. SOAS. Imperial and LBS) and has served as an officer in the 2nd Goorkha Rifles and the Royal

about the authorsSebastian Nokes and Sean Kelly have worked together on a number of strategic projects and programmes.SEBASTIAN NOKESSebastian Nokes i

The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budgeks in the UK. Europe and Asia/Pacific.His current Interests Include how to change the mindset and culture of management teams to enhance project perfo

rmance, and how to structure major strategic projects In large organizations. His current research work focuses on valuing projects and securitization The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budge

.SEAN KELLYSean Kelly is a serving British Army officer with wide experience In both the public and private sectors. He was educated in the UK and Aus

The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budge

tralia and his past employers include Deutsch Bank. OCL and Hoechst. His current areas of interest are the practical implications of implementing a co

about the authorsSebastian Nokes and Sean Kelly have worked together on a number of strategic projects and programmes.SEBASTIAN NOKESSebastian Nokes i

The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budgeEast. His qualifications include MA. MBA and PMP.As the first officer sent to the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries during the Foot and M

outh crisis of 2001, he was responsible for project managing how and where the military could assist. This led to the deployment of thousands of servi The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budge

cemen. He was awarded the MBE in 2002 for his role in the worldwide operations that followed 9/11. He is currently commanding a British Army Regiment

The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budge

and working with a number of leading training providers across Great Britain.VFTPrentice HallFINANCIAL TIMESIn an increasingly competitive world, we b

about the authorsSebastian Nokes and Sean Kelly have worked together on a number of strategic projects and programmes.SEBASTIAN NOKESSebastian Nokes i

The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budgeakes sense of it all. The more you know, the smarter and faster you can go.That’s why we work with the best minds in business and finance to bring cut

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The definitive guide to project management the fast track to getting the job done on time and on budge

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about the authorsSebastian Nokes and Sean Kelly have worked together on a number of strategic projects and programmes.SEBASTIAN NOKESSebastian Nokes i

about the authorsSebastian Nokes and Sean Kelly have worked together on a number of strategic projects and programmes.SEBASTIAN NOKESSebastian Nokes i

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