The experience economy, updated edition
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The experience economy, updated edition
‘•Qne of the best business books of the twentieth century, now renewed for the challenges of the twenty-first.” -Tom Kelley General Manager, IDEO* THE The experience economy, updated editionE*s"1♦ THE*EXPERIENCEs 1 K ■EXPERIENCEECONOMY-ĨECONOMY* THE* EXPERIENCE ECONOMY♦THE* m f *J_HE* rn r *THE*mEXPERIENCE g EXPERIENCE I EXPERIENCE ECONOMY LIJ (^ECONOMY I] LJeCONOMY* THE* EXPERIENCE ECONOMY! £ 1★ THE*!EXPERIENCEịECONOMYI* THE* EXPERIENCE ECONOMYi* THE* EXPERIENCE ECONOMY0* THE* EXPERIE The experience economy, updated editionNCE ECONOMY* THE * EXPERIENCE ECONOMY8♦ THE** THE*Til♦ THE*"s JSEXPERIENCEEXPERIENCE1 1 ***♦ .'EXPERIENCEsECONOMYECONOMYECONOMYỰ♦ THE* EXPERIENCE ECONThe experience economy, updated edition
OMYm e 1 iỊ* THE * EXPERIENCE ECONOMYị♦ THE* EXPERIENCE ECONOMYpl ịB. JOSEPH PINE II JAMES H. GILMORE* THE * EXPERIENCE ECONOMY--UPDATED EDITION-B. JO‘•Qne of the best business books of the twentieth century, now renewed for the challenges of the twenty-first.” -Tom Kelley General Manager, IDEO* THE The experience economy, updated editionrinted in the United States of America10 987654321No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior permission of the publishe The experience economy, updated editionr. Requests for permtssbn should be directed to, or mailed to Permissions, Harvard Business School Publishing, 60 HarvardThe experience economy, updated edition
Way, Boston, Massachusetts 02163.Library of Congress Catabgrg-in-Pubfcatbn DataPine, B. Joseph.The experience economy / B. Joseph Phe II, James H. Gl‘•Qne of the best business books of the twentieth century, now renewed for the challenges of the twenty-first.” -Tom Kelley General Manager, IDEO* THE‘•Qne of the best business books of the twentieth century, now renewed for the challenges of the twenty-first.” -Tom Kelley General Manager, IDEO* THEGọi ngay
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