The global development crisis

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Nội dung chi tiết: The global development crisis

The global development crisis

The Global Development CrisisBen Selwyniff f'rrioTHE GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT BENJAMIN SELWYNpolitycopvTigiiteBen Seiwyn 2014The right of Ben Sehvyn to be i

The global development crisisidentified as Author of tills Work lias been asserted in accordance-w-------------Patents Act 1988.First published in 2014 by Polity PressPolity Press

65 Bridge StreetCambridge CB2 1UR. UKPolity Press350 Mail SueetMalden. MA 02148, USAAll rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages fo The global development crisis

r the purpose of criticism and review, no pail of this publication may be reproduced, stored m a retrieval system. 01 transmitted. Hl any form or by a

The global development crisis

ny means, electronic. mechanical photocopying. recording or otherwise. without the prior permission of the publisher.ISBN-13:978-0-7456-8106-1A catalo

The Global Development CrisisBen Selwyniff f'rrioTHE GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT BENJAMIN SELWYNpolitycopvTigiiteBen Seiwyn 2014The right of Ben Sehvyn to be i

The global development crisises referred to m tins book are collect and active at the time of gomg to press. However, tire publisher lias no responsibility for the websites and ca

n make no guarantee that a site will remain live or that tire content is or will remain appropriate.Every effort lias been made to trace all copyright The global development crisis

holders, bitt if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publisher will be pleased to include any necessary' credits in any subsequent reprint 01

The global development crisis

edition.For furtlier information on Polity, visit our website: www.poBtybodcs.comCONTENTSFigures and TablesAcknowledgements1The Global Development Cri

The Global Development CrisisBen Selwyniff f'rrioTHE GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT BENJAMIN SELWYNpolitycopvTigiiteBen Seiwyn 2014The right of Ben Sehvyn to be i

The global development crisissh of Marxism and Statist Political Economy5Creative Destruction and Global Inequality: From Marx to Schumpeter, and Back6Class Struggle or Embedded M

arkets? Marx. Polanyi and the Meanings and Possibilities of Socialism7Development Within or Against Capitalism? A Critique of Amartya Sen’s Developmen The global development crisis

t as Freedom8Towards a Labour-Centred DevelopmentReferences and Further ReadingIndexFIGURES AND TABLES Figures

The Global Development CrisisBen Selwyniff f'rrioTHE GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT BENJAMIN SELWYNpolitycopvTigiiteBen Seiwyn 2014The right of Ben Sehvyn to be i

The Global Development CrisisBen Selwyniff f'rrioTHE GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT BENJAMIN SELWYNpolitycopvTigiiteBen Seiwyn 2014The right of Ben Sehvyn to be i

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