New departures in marxian theory
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New departures in marxian theory
new departures in Marxian TheoryEdited by Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. WolffNew Departures in Marxian TheoryMajor changes have shaken Marxism ov New departures in marxian theoryver recent decades. This collection of essays, by two American authors of international repute, documents what has become the most original formulation of Marxist theory today. Resnick and Wolff’s work is shaping Marxism’s new directions and new departures as it repositions itself for the twenty fir New departures in marxian theoryst century. Their new non-determinist and class-focused Marxist theory is both responsive to and critical of the other movements transforming modern sNew departures in marxian theory
ocial thought from postmodernism to feminism to radical democracy and the “new social movements.”New Departures in Marxian Theory confronts the need f new departures in Marxian TheoryEdited by Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. WolffNew Departures in Marxian TheoryMajor changes have shaken Marxism ov New departures in marxian theoryystematic alternative, “overdetermination,” that is developed far beyond the fragmentary gestures of Lukács. Gramsci, and Althusser. Successive essays begin by returning to Marx's original definition of class in terms of the surplus (rather than in terms of property ownership and power). Resnick and New departures in marxian theory Wolff develop and apply this class analysis to produce new understandings of modern capitalism’s contradictions (with special emphasis on the US), coNew departures in marxian theory
mmunism, households, gender differences, income distribution, markets, and monopoly. Further chapters specify how this “overdeterminist class theory” new departures in Marxian TheoryEdited by Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. WolffNew Departures in Marxian TheoryMajor changes have shaken Marxism ov New departures in marxian theoryacademics across many disciplines) to understand and make use of a major new paradigm in Marxist thinking. Il showcases the exciting analytical breakthroughs now punctuating a Marxism in transition. Resnick and Wolff do not shy away from exploring the global, political, and activist implications of New departures in marxian theorythis new direction in Marxism.Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff are Professors of Economics at the University of Massachusetts. Amherst, USA.EcoNew departures in marxian theory
nomics as Social Theory Series edited by Tony Lawson University of CambridgeSocial Theory is experiencing something of a revival within economics. C r new departures in Marxian TheoryEdited by Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. WolffNew Departures in Marxian TheoryMajor changes have shaken Marxism ov New departures in marxian theorycan legitimately be endorsed for the scientific study of social objects, are re-emerging. Economists are again addressing such issues as the relationship between agency and structure, between economy and the rest of society, and between the enquirer and the object of enquiry. There is a renewed inte New departures in marxian theoryrest in elaborating basic categories such as causation, competition, culture, discrimination, evolution, money, need, order, organization, power probaNew departures in marxian theory
bility, process, rationality, technology, time, truth, uncertainty, value etc.The objective for this series is to facilitate this revival further. In new departures in Marxian TheoryEdited by Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. WolffNew Departures in Marxian TheoryMajor changes have shaken Marxism ov New departures in marxian theorying.” Economics as Social Theory thus reclaims the “Theory” label, offering a platform for alternative rigorous, but broader and more critical conceptions of theorizing.Other titles in this series include:Economics and Language Edited by Willie HendersonRationality, Institutions and Economic Methodo New departures in marxian theorylogy Edited by Us kali Maki. Bo Gustafsson, and Christian KnudsenNew Directions in Economic MethodologyEdited by Roger BackhouseWho Pays for the Kids?New departures in marxian theory
Nancy FolbreRules and Choice inEconomicsViktor VanbergBeyond Rhetoric and Realism in EconomicsThomas A. Boylan andPaschal E () GormanFeminism, Objecti new departures in Marxian TheoryEdited by Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. WolffNew Departures in Marxian TheoryMajor changes have shaken Marxism ov New departures in marxian theorynCritical Realism in Economics new departures in Marxian TheoryEdited by Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. WolffNew Departures in Marxian TheoryMajor changes have shaken Marxism ovGọi ngay
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