Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

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Nội dung chi tiết: Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

Recruiting Immigrant Workersii THE NETHERLANDS®»OECDWWW, e book3000. comRecruiting Immigrant Workers:The Netherlands2016OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016R LIVESWWW .ebook3000.comThis work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments em

ployed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD member countries.This document and any map included herein are without prejudice t Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

o the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, cit

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

y or area.Please cite this publication as:OECD (2016), Recruiting Immigrant Workers: The Netherlands 2016, OECD Publishing.

Recruiting Immigrant Workersii THE NETHERLANDS®»OECDWWW, e book3000. comRecruiting Immigrant Workers:The Netherlands2016OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016 (online)The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the

OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of internationa Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

l law.Photo credits: Cover © Jonathan Evans/Immagjne ltd.Corrigenda to OECD publications may be found on line at: WWW

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

enda.htm.© OECD 2016You can copy, download or print OECD content for your own use. and you can include excerpts from OECD publications, databases and

Recruiting Immigrant Workersii THE NETHERLANDS®»OECDWWW, e book3000. comRecruiting Immigrant Workers:The Netherlands2016OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016urce and copyright owner is given. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to nghtsồoccd org. Requests fo

r permission to photocopy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) a Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

t or the Centre fran^ais d'exploitation du droit de copie (CFC) at contoct®cjccpjes.ccm.FOREWORD - 3ForewordThis review of the Neth

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

erlands’ labour migration policy is the seventh of a series conducted by the OECD Secretarial as a follow-up to the 2009 High Level Policy l orum on I

Recruiting Immigrant Workersii THE NETHERLANDS®»OECDWWW, e book3000. comRecruiting Immigrant Workers:The Netherlands2016OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016 recourse to labour migration would increase in the context of demographic ageing. Prior to the 2008-09 economic crisis, many countries had made subst

antial changes to labour migration policies with a view to facilitating recruitment from abroad. With the introduction of these changes, more prominen Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

ce was accorded to the question of their effectiveness and more broadly, to the objectives of labour migration policy in general. Although the economi

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

c crisis put a damper on labour migration movements, it did not stop them cntữcly, and interest in labour migration policy is unlikely to diminish in

Recruiting Immigrant Workersii THE NETHERLANDS®»OECDWWW, e book3000. comRecruiting Immigrant Workers:The Netherlands2016OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016omestic labour supply in a reasonable lime frame, without adversely affecting the domestic labour market and without hindering development prospects i

n vulnerable origin countries. Although the objective itself can be easily stated, specifying the criteria for assessing the success of policy in achi Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

eving it is a complex matter. It involves evaluating how well labour market needs have been identified and whether migration has had an impact on the

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

labour market, both of which are analytically difficult.This series of reviews addresses the question of whether labour migration policy is effective

Recruiting Immigrant Workersii THE NETHERLANDS®»OECDWWW, e book3000. comRecruiting Immigrant Workers:The Netherlands2016OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016wo key areas: i) the labour migration system and its characteristics, in terms of both policies in place and the labour migrants who arrive; and ii) t

he extent to which it is responding to the cunent and forecast needs of the domestic labour market, as well as any impact on the latter.RECRUITING IMM Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

IGRANT WORKERS: THE NETHERLANDS c OECD 2016WWWrnni4 - FOREWORDThe focus is specifically on labour migration from outside the European Union because th

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

ose labour migration movements are discretionary, that is, immediately subject to migration policy. Other categories of migration family, for example

Recruiting Immigrant Workersii THE NETHERLANDS®»OECDWWW, e book3000. comRecruiting Immigrant Workers:The Netherlands2016OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER

Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016ontext of fiec-eirculation agreements, which are important in many European countries and especially in the Netherlands, are also covered in their rel

ation to discretionary labour migration. Recruiting immigrant workers the netherlands 2016 edition 2016

Recruiting Immigrant Workersii THE NETHERLANDS®»OECDWWW, e book3000. comRecruiting Immigrant Workers:The Netherlands2016OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER

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