The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

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Nội dung chi tiết: The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

THE PRIVATIZATION OF ISRAELThe Withdrawal of StateResponsibilityEDITED BYAmir Paz-Fuchs, Ronen Mandelkern,Itzhak GalnoorAmir Paz-Fuchs • Ronen Mandelk

The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibilitykern Itzhak Galnoor EditorsThe Privatization of IsraelThe Withdrawal of State ResponsibilitypalgravemacmillanEditorsAmir Paz-FuchsSussex Law SchoolUni

versity of SussexBrighton, UKRonen MandclkcrnSchool of Political Science, Government and International Aflairslei Aviv UniversityTel Aviv Yalb, Israel The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

Itzhak GalnoorThe Van Leer Jerusalem Institute Jerusalem, IsraelISBN 978-1 -137-60156-8 ISBN 978-1 -137-58261 -4 (eBook) https://doi.Org/l 0.1057/978-

The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

1 -137-58261 -4Library of Congress Control Number: 2018934676© The F.ditor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018This work is subject to copyright.

THE PRIVATIZATION OF ISRAELThe Withdrawal of StateResponsibilityEDITED BYAmir Paz-Fuchs, Ronen Mandelkern,Itzhak GalnoorAmir Paz-Fuchs • Ronen Mandelk

The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibilityranslation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or

information storage and retrieval, clccưonic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, ơadcmarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a sp

The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

ecific statement, that such names arc exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore lice for general use. rhe publisher, the

THE PRIVATIZATION OF ISRAELThe Withdrawal of StateResponsibilityEDITED BYAmir Paz-Fuchs, Ronen Mandelkern,Itzhak GalnoorAmir Paz-Fuchs • Ronen Mandelk

The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibilityn. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any

errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published mapsand institutional aff The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

iliations.Cover credit : Tjasa Krivec/Pcter Lme/Alamy Stock PhotoPrinted on acid-free paperThis Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by the registe

The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

red company Nature America, Inc. part of Springer NatureThe registered company address is: 1 New York Plaza, New York, NY 10004, U.S.A.PrefaceIs there

THE PRIVATIZATION OF ISRAELThe Withdrawal of StateResponsibilityEDITED BYAmir Paz-Fuchs, Ronen Mandelkern,Itzhak GalnoorAmir Paz-Fuchs • Ronen Mandelk

The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibilitypose we can construe several examples such as jeweler}; assuming that even rhe materials used arc nor subject to some regulation. ĨS there a completel

y public good in the sense that it is entirely in the hands of a public authority? In tills case, we may refer to the traditional roles of public bure The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

aucracies that were engaged in technical services such as land regisnarion or water allocation; or in administrating justice, collecting taxes, superv

The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

ising weights and measures; and above all—managing war-related affairs. Yer even in performing such tasks, official authorities needed rhe involvement

THE PRIVATIZATION OF ISRAELThe Withdrawal of StateResponsibilityEDITED BYAmir Paz-Fuchs, Ronen Mandelkern,Itzhak GalnoorAmir Paz-Fuchs • Ronen Mandelk

The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibilityn Leer institute, we assumed that the definition of “state responsibility”, and the boundaries between the public and the private arc a matter of ideo

logy and social preferences, rather than a result of rigorous economic theory. Ten years later, we can say with a reasonable degree of confidence that The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

, first, the main fallacy regarding privatization in Israel (and perhaps elsewhere) has been the sweeping assumption that the economic market is alway

The privatization of israel the withdrawal of state responsibility

s superior to the state (more efficient, better in quality, less corrupt, etc.) in producing and delivering goods and services. Secondly, the assumpti

THE PRIVATIZATION OF ISRAELThe Withdrawal of StateResponsibilityEDITED BYAmir Paz-Fuchs, Ronen Mandelkern,Itzhak GalnoorAmir Paz-Fuchs • Ronen Mandelk

THE PRIVATIZATION OF ISRAELThe Withdrawal of StateResponsibilityEDITED BYAmir Paz-Fuchs, Ronen Mandelkern,Itzhak GalnoorAmir Paz-Fuchs • Ronen Mandelk

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