The right and labor in america politics, ideology, and imagination
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The right and labor in america politics, ideology, and imagination
Politics, Ideology, and ImaginationEdited byNelson Lichtenstein andElizabeth Tandy ShermerPOLITICS AND CULTURE IN MODERN AMERICASeries Editors: Margot The right and labor in america politics, ideology, and imaginationt Canaday. Glenda Gilmore, Mchael Kazin. and Thomas J. SugrueVolumes in the series narrate and analyze political and social change in the broadest dimensions from 1865 to the present, including ideas about the ways people have sought and wielded power in the public sphere and the language and instit The right and labor in america politics, ideology, and imaginationutions of politics at all levels—local, national, and transnational. The series is motivated by a desire to reverse the fragmentation of modern U.S. hThe right and labor in america politics, ideology, and imagination
istory and to encourage synthetic perspectives on social movements and the state, on gender, race, and labor, and on intellectual history and popular Politics, Ideology, and ImaginationEdited byNelson Lichtenstein andElizabeth Tandy ShermerPOLITICS AND CULTURE IN MODERN AMERICASeries Editors: Margot The right and labor in america politics, ideology, and imaginationSYLVANIA PRESSPHILADELPHIACopyright © 2012 University of Pennsylvania PressAll nghts reserved. Except for brief quotations used for purposes of review or scholarly citation, none of this book may be reproduced in any form by any means without written permission from the publisher.Published byUnivers The right and labor in america politics, ideology, and imaginationity of Pennsylvania PressPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-4112www.upenn edu/pennpressPrinted in the United States of America on acid-free paper10 9876The right and labor in america politics, ideology, and imagination
54321Library of Congress Cataloging-m-Publication DataThe right and labor in America : politics, ideology, and imagination / edited by Nelson LichtensPolitics, Ideology, and ImaginationEdited byNelson Lichtenstein andElizabeth Tandy ShermerPOLITICS AND CULTURE IN MODERN AMERICASeries Editors: Margot The right and labor in america politics, ideology, and imagination-4414-4 (hardcover: alk. paper)1. Labor unions—United States—History—20th century. 2. Labor unions—United States—History—21st century. 3. Labor disputes—United States—History—20th century. 4. Labor disputes—United States—History—21st century. 5. Labor policy —United States—History—20th century. 6. L The right and labor in america politics, ideology, and imaginationabor policy—United States—History—21st century. 7. Conservatism—United States—History—20th century. 8. Conservatism—United States—History—21st centuryThe right and labor in america politics, ideology, and imagination
. I. Lichtenstein. Nelson. II. Shermer, Elizabeth Tandy. III. Series: Politics and culture in modern America.HD6508.R5252012331.880973—dc232011049649CPolitics, Ideology, and ImaginationEdited byNelson Lichtenstein andElizabeth Tandy ShermerPOLITICS AND CULTURE IN MODERN AMERICASeries Editors: MargotPolitics, Ideology, and ImaginationEdited byNelson Lichtenstein andElizabeth Tandy ShermerPOLITICS AND CULTURE IN MODERN AMERICASeries Editors: MargotGọi ngay
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