The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

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Nội dung chi tiết: The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

THE WITNESSAS OBJECTVideo Testimony in Memorial MuseumsSTEFFI DE JONGThe Witness as ObjectMuseums uncl CollectionsEditorsMary Bouquet. University Coll

The witness as object video testimony in memorial museumslege Utrecht, andHoward Morphy, The Australian National University, CanberraAs houses of memory and sources of information about the world, museums fu

nction as a dynamic interface between past, present and future. Museum collections are increasingly being recognized as material archives of human cre The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

ativity and as invaluable resources for interdisciplinary research. Museums provide powerful forums for the expression of ideas and are central to the

The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

production of public culture: they may inspire the imagination, generate heated emotions and express conflicting values in their material form and hi

THE WITNESSAS OBJECTVideo Testimony in Memorial MuseumsSTEFFI DE JONGThe Witness as ObjectMuseums uncl CollectionsEditorsMary Bouquet. University Coll

The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums which we view and inhabit that world. It offers essential reading for those involved in all aspects of the museum sphere: curators, researchers, coll

ectors, students and the visiting public.Volume I. The Future of Indigenous Museinns: Perspectives from rhe Southwest Pacific. Edited by Nick StanleyV The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

olume 2. The Long Way Home: The Meaning and Values of Repatriation. Edited by Paul Turnbull and Michael PickeringVolume 3. The Lives of Chinese Object

The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

s: Buddhism, Imperialism and Display. Louise TythacottVolume 4. Colonial Collecting and Display: Encounters with Material Culture front the Andaman an

THE WITNESSAS OBJECTVideo Testimony in Memorial MuseumsSTEFFI DE JONGThe Witness as ObjectMuseums uncl CollectionsEditorsMary Bouquet. University Coll

The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums. Exhibiting Europe in Museums: Transnational Networks, Collections, Narratives and Representations. Wolfram Kaiser, Stefan Krankenhagen and Kerstin P

oehlsVolume 7. The Enemy on Display: The Second World War in Eastern European Museums. Zuzanna Bogumil, Joanna Wawrzyniak, Tim Buchen, Christian Ganze The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

r and Maria SeninaVolume 8. Museum Websites and Social Media: Issues of Participation, Sustainability, Trust and Diversity. Ana Luisa Sanchez LawsVolu

The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

me 9. Visitors to the House of Memory: Identity and Political Education at the Jewish Museum Berlin. Victoria Bishop-KendziaVolume io. The Witness as

THE WITNESSAS OBJECTVideo Testimony in Memorial MuseumsSTEFFI DE JONGThe Witness as ObjectMuseums uncl CollectionsEditorsMary Bouquet. University Coll

The witness as object video testimony in memorial museumsFORD wwtv.bprgh.ihnbook5.comFirst published in 2018 by Berghahn Books© 2018 Steffi de JongAll rights reserved. Except for the qu

otation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and review, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission

The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

of rhe publisher.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataNames: Jong, Steffi de, 1984- author.Title: Hie witness as object: video testimoni

THE WITNESSAS OBJECTVideo Testimony in Memorial MuseumsSTEFFI DE JONGThe Witness as ObjectMuseums uncl CollectionsEditorsMary Bouquet. University Coll

The witness as object video testimony in memorial museumsographical references and index.Identifiers: LCCN 2017050579 I ISBN 9781785336430 (hardback : alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Video tapes in historiograph

y. I Oral history. I Historical museums-Exliibitions. I Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)—Personal narratives. I Collective memory. I Holocaust. Jewish (1 The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

939-1945)--Historiography. I Holocaust survivors-Interviews-Historiography.Classification: ICC 1)16.18 J66 2018 I DDC 940.53/18075-dc23I.C record avai

The witness as object video testimony in memorial museums

lable ar

THE WITNESSAS OBJECTVideo Testimony in Memorial MuseumsSTEFFI DE JONGThe Witness as ObjectMuseums uncl CollectionsEditorsMary Bouquet. University Coll

THE WITNESSAS OBJECTVideo Testimony in Memorial MuseumsSTEFFI DE JONGThe Witness as ObjectMuseums uncl CollectionsEditorsMary Bouquet. University Coll

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