Two centuries of parasitic economics

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Nội dung chi tiết: Two centuries of parasitic economics

Two centuries of parasitic economics

“...flows like si Ik...audacious...deserves wide readership...’* —Kirkus Reviews (July 2016)“...tour de force...invaluable...wealth of insight...” —Po

Two centuries of parasitic economicsortland Book Review (August 2016)TWO CENTURIES OFPARASITICECONOMICSThe Struggle for Economic and PoliticalDemocracy on the Eve of the FinancialCollaps

e of the WestBASIL AL-NAKEEBBook Reviewers “A debut book delivers an appraisal of what ails Western economies... Al-Nakeeb, an independent scholar wit Two centuries of parasitic economics

h graduate economics training and a four-decade career in financial markets, surveys classical. Marxist. Keynesian, and neoclassical economics. He con

Two centuries of parasitic economics

cludes that only genuine after World War II. have shown any effectiveness in quelling cyclical financial crises wrought by extremes o

“...flows like si Ik...audacious...deserves wide readership...’* —Kirkus Reviews (July 2016)“...tour de force...invaluable...wealth of insight...” —Po

Two centuries of parasitic economicst, typically driven by plutocratic greed for wealth gathering, causes a democratic deficit, inferior public choice, immoral policies, economic ineffic

iency, and negative externalities, culminating in macroeconomic tailure.” In other words, a greedy few use wealth to grab political power, rig the sys Two centuries of parasitic economics

tem and enslave the debt-ridden many, à la the 2008 subprime meltdown...The author dismembers with a deceptively light touch... His prose is crystal c

Two centuries of parasitic economics

lear and flows like silk. He displays command of the subject and provides rational evidence for his sweeping conclusions...he accomplishes his goal to

“...flows like si Ik...audacious...deserves wide readership...’* —Kirkus Reviews (July 2016)“...tour de force...invaluable...wealth of insight...” —Po

Two centuries of parasitic economicsrn banks will fail to avoid another crisis look prescient following the Brexit vote.An audacious and caustic financial work that deserves wide readers

hip and close academic scruti ny.”—Kirk US Reviews“At the heart of Al-Nakeeb’s tour de force is the... irreconcilable democracy and...“parasitic capit Two centuries of parasitic economics

alism.”...the inherently flawed classical economic models...still exhorted by “notable” economists as if gospel...his “Unified Theory of Macroeconomic

Two centuries of parasitic economics

Failure,” consists of identifying those “negative externalities” where the social costs far exceed the private cost, as causing economic

“...flows like si Ik...audacious...deserves wide readership...’* —Kirkus Reviews (July 2016)“...tour de force...invaluable...wealth of insight...” —Po

Two centuries of parasitic economicsocracy and what he characterizes as immorality in public policy....Al-Nakeeb’s own scholarly and professional background clearly inform the detailed t

reatment he gives to the discussion of the negative externalities...providing a variety of economic solutions, including equity financing models to re Two centuries of parasitic economics

place debt, excise taxes on interest and splitting personal taxation (one on earned income and one on personal capital). He also advocates a redistrib

Two centuries of parasitic economics

utive tax on extreme wealth....He acknowledges the need for “students of political science” to “shed more light on the role ol plutocratic motives in

“...flows like si Ik...audacious...deserves wide readership...’* —Kirkus Reviews (July 2016)“...tour de force...invaluable...wealth of insight...” —Po

Two centuries of parasitic economics and wealth, making avarice and “political motivation” two sides of the same coin... the concentration of media into a few large corporations keeps th

e citizenry properly un(miss-informed...Concentrations of wealth allow the powerful interests to engineer elections...the 1980s...“counter-revolution. Two centuries of parasitic economics

”... Al-Nakeeb notes that Western governments find themselves today waiting passively for the next economic crisis to hit, calling the “Great Recessio

Two centuries of parasitic economics

n of 2008” “an alarm bell.” He believes that while the next crisis carries the potential for greater hardship should tlie plutocracy persist in their

“...flows like si Ik...audacious...deserves wide readership...’* —Kirkus Reviews (July 2016)“...tour de force...invaluable...wealth of insight...” —Po

Two centuries of parasitic economicsin the but in the ease with which it is provided - easily consumable by tho finance or political theory.”—Portland Book ReviewTwo Centuries of Parasi

tic EconomicsBasil Al-NakeebCopyright © 2016 Basil Al-NakeebAll rights reserved.First published in the United StatesDistributed by SmashwordsThis eboo Two centuries of parasitic economics

k is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook wit

Two centuries of parasitic economics

h another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was

“...flows like si Ik...audacious...deserves wide readership...’* —Kirkus Reviews (July 2016)“...tour de force...invaluable...wealth of insight...” —Po

Two centuries of parasitic economics author.Library of Congress Control Number: 2016901840Cover Design Acknowledgement: Kristin T.Ebook formatting by www.ebooklaunch.comAc kn 0 w ledgmen

tsI am gratefill to Roderick Grosvenor, my school principal, for letting me attend economics classes as a listener at an early age.I am also indebted Two centuries of parasitic economics

to the late Nobel Laureate and father of econometrics. Professor Laurence Kline, for inviting me to attend the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton S

Two centuries of parasitic economics

chool as a visiting scholar, and to Valian Zanoyan. then managing director of Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates. Furthermore, I am obliged to

“...flows like si Ik...audacious...deserves wide readership...’* —Kirkus Reviews (July 2016)“...tour de force...invaluable...wealth of insight...” —Po

Two centuries of parasitic economicsincisive economic views and invaluable discussions over the years.To Dr. Abid Al-Aziz Al-Wettary, former deputy director of the Organization of Arab P

etroleum Exporting Counứies (OAPEC), I would like to extend my gratitude for inviting me to publish my first article in the OAPEC Journal.I’m thankfol Two centuries of parasitic economics

to Professor Imad Moosa, professor of finance, RMIT. Melbourne. Australia, for his excellent technical contributions and opinions when we worked toge

Two centuries of parasitic economics

ther and subsequently. I appreciate Dr. Usama AlJamali’s penetrating economic interpretations. Dr. Hamid Majid's priceless comments, and Hamad Al Bena

“...flows like si Ik...audacious...deserves wide readership...’* —Kirkus Reviews (July 2016)“...tour de force...invaluable...wealth of insight...” —Po

Two centuries of parasitic economicsencouragement, and to Jacqueline Ramey, Aileen Cho. Nanette Day. and Linda Kleinschmidt for their tireless editing. I am delighted by and appreciative

of William’s line editing and most valuable comments.I’m indebted to my wife, Iman, for her encouragement, to my daughter, Serna, for her invaluable Two centuries of parasitic economics

corrections, and to my son. Talib. for his understanding and patience.And most of all. I’m indebted to my parents, who made sacrifices for my educatio

Two centuries of parasitic economics

n and helped me in innumerable other ways. To all of you. I offer my enduring gratitude.

“...flows like si Ik...audacious...deserves wide readership...’* —Kirkus Reviews (July 2016)“...tour de force...invaluable...wealth of insight...” —Po

“...flows like si Ik...audacious...deserves wide readership...’* —Kirkus Reviews (July 2016)“...tour de force...invaluable...wealth of insight...” —Po

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