Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

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Nội dung chi tiết: Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

Essential reading for ail people—not just women—who want full lives at work and at home. and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the po

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your careerower to make that happen "— BRIGID SCHULTE. New York Times bestselling author of OverwhelmedWORKPAUSETHRIVEHow to Pause for Parenthood Without Killing

Your CareerLISEN STROMBERGPraise for Work PAUSE Thrh “Ask yourself two questions: Do you want women to make as much impact as they can on society? De Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

you want men to fully engage as fathers? If your answer is yes to either or both questions, then read this book. And buy a copy for your daughters an

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

d your sons.”—Guy Kawasaki, chief evangelist of Canva and former chief evangelist of Apple“Lisen Stromberg takes the prevailing cultural narrative tha

Essential reading for ail people—not just women—who want full lives at work and at home. and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the po

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career turns it soundly on its head. With illuminating original survey data, the compelling stories of hundreds of women, and research-backed practical advi

ce, ffbrA' PAUSE Thrive is essential reading for all people, not just women, who want hill lives at work and at home, and for the policymakers and bus Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

iness leaders who have the power to make that happen. Stromberg makes a powerhil ease for why we all stand to benefit as a result.”—Biigid Schulte, aw

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

ard-winning journalist, New York Times bestselling author of Overwhelmed: Work, Love & Play When No One Has the Time, and director of The Better Life

Essential reading for ail people—not just women—who want full lives at work and at home. and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the po

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your careerundreds of working parents who, despite a cultural bias to overwork, insisted on having great family lives as well as great careers. Take heart, somew

here in these pages is a brave example that will work for YOU—as well as a call to arms to change employment policies that will strengthen the America Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

n economy by helping all kinds of American families.”—Lisa Stone, start-up advisor and cofounder of BlogHer“For millions of women looking to pause the

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

ir careers without sacrificing long-term professional success. Work PAUSE Thrive is essential. Combining a powerfill personal story, new research, and

Essential reading for ail people—not just women—who want full lives at work and at home. and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the po

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your careerday's fathers are and must be a critical part ot the solution as we all work together to build work-life sưuctures that allow a level playing field.”—

Josh Levs, author of All In: How Our Work-First Culture Fails Dads, Families, and Businesses—And How We Can Fix It Together“ Work PAUSE Thrive is a la Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

ndmark. It's the must-read manual for working women who don't want to look back with regret on either career or family choices. Beyond the passionate

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

rallying cry to blow up the male, ‘straight up the ladder' career model in favor of a better journey featuring guilt-free pauses. Work PAUSE Thrive of

Essential reading for ail people—not just women—who want full lives at work and at home. and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the po

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your careere working world, this is the book I'm putting on my daughter’s shelf—and wish I’d had myself. Stromberg reaches 0U1 generously and thoughtfully to emp

ower every woman torn by seemingly impossible choices, and in turn, challenges the newly enlightened reader to pay it forward. Count me in.”—Nancy Von Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

k, cofounder of Swin Can’t Do Both (And Other Noise"Work PAUSE Thrive represents! It details how inflexible workplace structures, public policy failu

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

res, and cultural stigmas against parents in the workplace hold women AND men back iron-living lives of authenticity and meaning. This is a must read!

Essential reading for ail people—not just women—who want full lives at work and at home. and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the po

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your careers and adventure, but how? In Work PAUSE Thrive. author Liscn Stromberg shows how trailblazing women have crafted a big life on their terms and how you

can too.”—Ann Shokct, author of The Big Life and former editor-ill-cilief of Seventeen“Our lives are not straight lines, so not surprisingly neither Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

arc our careers. Yet when they inevitably take an unexpected turn we worry that we have fallen off the career track. Lisen Sưombcrg, in Work PAUSE Thr

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

ive, is here to tell you that there is no ‘track.' there is just the path you and your family create for your own fulfilling lives.”—Lisa Heffernan, A

Essential reading for ail people—not just women—who want full lives at work and at home. and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the po

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your careere for Parenthood Without Killing Your Career doesn't just offer tactical solutions for integrating kids with careers, it also is a call to action so i

ndividual companies and our country as a whole will finally focus on providing meaningfill solutions for all parents.”—Joan Blades, cofounder of MovcO Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career“Former advertising exec and veteran journalist risen Stromberg oilers slats, anecdotes, and advice in her deep analysis on how

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

to navigate the career journey that includes a ‘pause.’ Learn from her wise and thoughtfill approach to managing the nontraditional career path.”—Car

Essential reading for ail people—not just women—who want full lives at work and at home. and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the po

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your careerher or stay on track in a career. Work PAUSE Thrive delivers a fresh alternative that millennial women (and men) are craving in their quest to thrive

as parents with careers; for many women, the zig-zagging career path is the perfect fit! This is a must-read for women in every profession, for the pa Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

rtners and mentors who care about them, and for any leader serious about talent management!”—w. Brad Johnson, PhD and David Smith, PhD, authors of Ath

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

ena Rising: How and Why Men Should Mentor Women“A refreshing new take on the work-life conversation! Work PAUSE model of career success and maps inno

Essential reading for ail people—not just women—who want full lives at work and at home. and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the po

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career of Kids, Career the Conflict of Modern Motherhood and coauthor ofGeek Girl Rising: Inside the Sisterhood Shaking Up Tech“Lisen Stromberg isn't just a

n author—she’s a whistleblower. The alarm she's sounding is music to my ears: that the obstacle course of working motherhood is doable. With stats and Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

stories. Stromberg reveals an alternate path for working parents ... all while urging society to step up to better meet the needs of American familie

Work pause thrive how to pause for parenthood without killing your career

s.”—Kilt Gordon, CEO and founder of The 3% MovementWORK

Essential reading for ail people—not just women—who want full lives at work and at home. and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the po

Essential reading for ail people—not just women—who want full lives at work and at home. and for the policymakers and business leaders who have the po

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