AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

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Nội dung chi tiết: AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

Journal of the American College of Cardiology© 2011 by the American College of Csidxilogy Foundation oxi the American I loot Anuúation, hie.

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoced by Ebcticr Inc.Vol. 57, No. XX, 2011 ISSN 0735 1097/134x00 dotW.W16/j.jauJMW.llXXl5PRACTICE GUIDELINES2011 ASA/ACCF/AHA/AANN/AANS/ACR/ASNR/CNS/SAIP

/SCAI/SIR/SNIS/SVM/SVS Guideline on theManagement of Patients With Extracranial Carotid and Vertebral Artery Disease: Executive SummaryA Report of the AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

American College of Cardiology Foundation/Amcrican Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines, and the American Stroke Association, American

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

Association of .Neuroscience Nurses, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, American College of Radiolog}', American Society of .Neuroradiolo

Journal of the American College of Cardiology© 2011 by the American College of Csidxilogy Foundation oxi the American I loot Anuúation, hie.

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hocciety of Interventional Radiology, Society of Neurol nterventional Surgery, Society for Vascular Medicine, and Society for Vascular SurgeryDeveloped i

n Collaboration With the American Academy of Neurology and Society of Cardiovascular Computed TomographyWriting Committee Members'lliomas G. Bron, Ml) AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

, Co-Chait* Jonathan L. I lalpcrin, Ml), Co-Chair ISuluiy Abbara, MDtJ. Michael Bacharach, MD§ Jolm D. Barr, MDRuth I.. Bush, Ml), MPII Christopher I

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

J. Cates, MD1 Mark A. Creager, Ml)# Susan B. bowler, Pill)** Gary Friday, MDt+ Vicki s. Hcrlzberg, PhDE. Brace Mdffj MDịịWesley s. Moore. MD Peter I).

Journal of the American College of Cardiology© 2011 by the American College of Csidxilogy Foundation oxi the American I loot Anuúation, hie.

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hocA Task Force on Performance Measuns Liaison; ịSCC 1 Representative; §SVM RrjviML-nlxlm; |ACR, ASNR, sod SNIS Rqmwix.ulov; 5SCA1 Representative: VACC17

AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines Liaison; “AANN Representative; II.AAN Representative; ịịSlR Riprosxitilm^ ỸSACEP Rr^wwsxitw.o- I |SVS Ri^vosailx AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

licc- 55AANS and CNS Representative; XfSAlP Representative. Authors with no xymlxd 1*1 their name wnv inrlmknl to J.noi.v adihlkmal nwilent expertise

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

apart from organizational representation.ibe writing committee gratefully acknowledges the memoty of Robert w. Hobson 11, MD, »fxi drc-il doting the r

Journal of the American College of Cardiology© 2011 by the American College of Csidxilogy Foundation oxi the American I loot Anuúation, hie.

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hocx approved Ivy the American Csdli^i- of Ganlk.higy Fotitubtion Board of Trustees in August 2010. the American Heart Association Science Advisory and C

oordinating Committee in August 2010, the Society foe Vascular Surgery in December 2010, and the American Associatkm of Nciinwcienec Nuno. in January AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

2011. AU other partner organizations approved the document in November 2010. The American Academy of Neurology affirms the value ’/ this guideline.The

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

American College of Cardiology Foundation requests that this document be cited as foiknetc Brott TG, I lalperin JI, Abhara s, Bac-haracb JM, Barr JI

Journal of the American College of Cardiology© 2011 by the American College of Csidxilogy Foundation oxi the American I loot Anuúation, hie.

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc.ACCF/AHA’ AANN/AANS/ACR/ASNR/CNSVSA1P/SCAVS1R/SNIS/SVM/SVS guideline on the management of patients with extracranial carotid and vertebral artery dis

ease; executive summary- a report of the .American College of Cardiology Foundation/ American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines, and AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

the .American Stroke Associatkm, American Association of Ncuroeeicnce Nunes, American .Aoo-ciation of Neurological Surgeons, .American College of Rad

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

iology, American Society of Nriirorulkdogy, Cvmjjrrx. ol Neurological Sotgeonr, Society of Atherosclerosis Imaging and Pretention, Society toe Cardiov

Journal of the American College of Cardiology© 2011 by the American College of Csidxilogy Foundation oxi the American I loot Anuúation, hie.

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hocne, and Society for Vascular Surgery. J Am CoD Cards;.] 201l;57ũVXX-XXX.This article is cojxihlished in ílrrMÍT/ron. GtfArSmMritw ,r«*7 (>in/mvn-in'ar

InttnxniiỉKi, the f'Mrnj! ifCttupiaeJ Tunegrtfiy. the Jmrnal ifNrtmỈKtmmtiHKil XttTỊ^ry, the Jwirxw/ y Feinafar SuTỊtry, Stmir, and Krsw.'ar 1UMŨŨM.C AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

npies: Th’* d’Kument is avrilable on the World Wi A- Web rites of the American Colltỵx of Cardiology (www.eardkwmirccx’tg) and the American I Icart Aw

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

odatfoo (my.americanhcartxirg). For copies of this document, please contact Elsevier Inc. Reprint [X-|xirtmmt. fix 2J2-63.3-382O, e-mail rvprintT^else

Journal of the American College of Cardiology© 2011 by the American College of Csidxilogy Foundation oxi the American I loot Anuúation, hie.

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hocs perminion of the American College of Cardiology Foundation. Please contact Elsevier’s permission department at bralthpcrmisrionsSAdscviercom.https:/

/khothuvien.cori!2 Brott ct al.ECVO Guideline: Exccutnc SummarylMXV0l.57.Nft ».2011McnUi 2011000-00ACC F/AHATask Force MembersAlice K. Jacobs, MD, FAC AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

C, FAHA, Chair 2009-2011Sidney c. Smith, Jr, Ml), FACC, FAHA, Immediate Past Ciair 2006 -2008***Jeffery L. Anderson, MD, FACC, FAHA, Chair-ElectCynthi

AHA ACC carotid artery disease summ 2011 khotailieu y hoc

a D. Adams, MSN. APRN-BC, FAHA—Nancy Albert, Pill), CCSN, CCRN Clirislopher E. Buller, MD, FACC** Mark A. Creager, MD, FACC, FAHA Steven M. Ettinger,

Journal of the American College of Cardiology© 2011 by the American College of Csidxilogy Foundation oxi the American I loot Anuúation, hie.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology© 2011 by the American College of Csidxilogy Foundation oxi the American I loot Anuúation, hie.

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