Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar
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Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIVIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITYNAW KHI KHI' SANAWARENESS AND WILLINGNESS ON RENEWABLE ENERGY UTILIZATION TOWARD SUSTAINABLE Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar E DEVELOPMENT AMONG POST-SECONDARY STUDENTSFROM MYINT-MO EDUCATION FOUNDATION (MEF), MYANMARMASTER’S THESIShttps://khothu vien .comVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIVIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITYNAW KHU KHI’ SANNAWARENESS AND WILLINGNESS ON RENEWABLE ENERGY UTILIZATIONTOWARD SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AMONG Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar POST-SECONDARY STUDENTS FROM MYINT-MO EDUCATION FOUNDATION (MEF), MYANMARMAJOR: CLIMATE C HANGE AND DEVELOPMENT CODE: 8900201.02QTDRESEARCH SUPERVISORAwareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar
: Prof. SAKAMOTO MEGUMIHanoi, 2021ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirst and above all. I would like to thank the Almighty GOD for letting me through all the difficultVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIVIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITYNAW KHI KHI' SANAWARENESS AND WILLINGNESS ON RENEWABLE ENERGY UTILIZATION TOWARD SUSTAINABLE Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar to my Scholarship Organization. Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF-VJU) for enabling opportunity to study for a two-year master program specializes in Master of Climate change and development (MCCD).I would like to thank to my Vietnam Japan University, VJU especially to Master of Climate change and Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar development (MCCD) program and all members of VJU for allowing me to study for my master’s degree and for all the supporting.I would like to expressAwareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar
my greatest gratitude to my supervisor. Prof. Dr. Megumi Sakamoto for accepting me to be my supervisor and for his valuable contributions and instructVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIVIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITYNAW KHI KHI' SANAWARENESS AND WILLINGNESS ON RENEWABLE ENERGY UTILIZATION TOWARD SUSTAINABLE Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar o help me and always encourage me to try hard on my study. Without his details guidance and support, this thesis would not have accomplished. I can't say thank you enough for his extremely patience encouragement, wise advice, consistent support and guidance especially during the seemingly challengin Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar g times.I would like thank to Prof. Dr. Myint Thida for supporting and giving motivation during academic periods and always giving advice for studyingAwareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar
even in busy time. Moreover. I would like to thank to all of the teachers and students from Myint-Mo Education Foundation (MEF) for providing all theVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIVIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITYNAW KHI KHI' SANAWARENESS AND WILLINGNESS ON RENEWABLE ENERGY UTILIZATION TOWARD SUSTAINABLE Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar ual support in all aspects of my whole life. Finally. I would like to thank all of my MCCD friends who are always helping each other throughout academic years. All in all, I am really thankful to all the people who had been supported me during my whole academic years.1 ABLE OE CONTENTSLIST OF TABLES Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar .............................................................iLIST OF FIGURES...........................................................iiLIST OF ABBRAwareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar
EVIATIONS....................................................iiiCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................11.1.The neVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIVIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITYNAW KHI KHI' SANAWARENESS AND WILLINGNESS ON RENEWABLE ENERGY UTILIZATION TOWARD SUSTAINABLE Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar questions..............................................31.3.Research hypotheses.................................................41.4.Objects and scope...................................................51.4.1.Research objects................................................51.4.2.Scope............... Awareness and willingness on renewable energy utilization toward sustainable development among post secondary students from myint mo education foundation (mef), myanmar ............................................5VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIVIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITYNAW KHI KHI' SANAWARENESS AND WILLINGNESS ON RENEWABLE ENERGY UTILIZATION TOWARD SUSTAINABLEVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIVIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITYNAW KHI KHI' SANAWARENESS AND WILLINGNESS ON RENEWABLE ENERGY UTILIZATION TOWARD SUSTAINABLEGọi ngay
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