The entrepreneurial facets as precursor
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The entrepreneurial facets as precursor
rhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor g*This research, aims to develop a conceptual framework to assess the entrepreneurial properties of the Vietnamese reform, known as Doi Moi, even before the kickoff of Doi Moi policy itself. The authors argue that unlike many-other scholars' assertion, economic crisis and harsh realities were neithe The entrepreneurial facets as precursor r necessary nor sufficient conditions for the reform to take place, but the entrepreneurial elements and undertaking were, at least for the case of ViThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
etnam's reform. Entrepreneurial process, on the one hand, sought structural changes and kicked off innovation, and on the other hand, its induced outcrhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor ould take into account the entrepreneurial factors of the economy and predict the emergence of new entrepreneurial facets in the next phase of economic development.IntroductionThis paper examines the facets of entrepreneurial process in the sociocultural and economic context of Vietnam before the ki The entrepreneurial facets as precursor ckoff of an extensive renovation of Vietnam’s economy— usually referred to as Doi Moi—in 1986. In this analysis, we focus on several important aspectsThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
of the process that leads to the Slatting point of the full-blown version of Doi Moi that have been obscured due to the bias of the research communitrhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor the analysis would like to stitch together pieces of understandings from (1) socioeconomic problems of Vietnam before 1986; (2) views and arguments from international and national scholars on the issues; (3) theoretical and practical understandings on entrepreneurial process with an emphasis on Viet The entrepreneurial facets as precursor nam's situation; and (4) Post-Doi Moi economic realities that could help reinforce our argument on the role of entrepreneurship in Vietnam’s economicThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
transition, not just for the past 25 years of reform in Vietnam, but also the renewal of such process in the near future, or as some pul it. Doi Moi Irhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor s: Ul.B CPI45/01 21 F I) Roosevelt. Brussels B-1050. E-mail: Member. National Economics University (NEU). NEU Campus. Giai Phong Rond. Hanoi. Vietnam. E-mail: dhvp.economics’ Program Manager. Solvay-NEU Masters' in Management Collaborative Program. NEU Campus. Ha The entrepreneurial facets as precursor noi.Vietnam. E-mail: daniel.vanlKNitte0gmail.com4 Co-Founder. Managing Partner. Dan Houtte. Vuong & Partners Ltd. DHVp (Economic Research and BusinessThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
/ Finance Consulting Firm) and The Vietnamese Initiative for Foods and Agricultural Policy (VIFAP). 49 Nguyen Hong Street. Hanoi. Vietnam, and is the rhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor nsformation in the minds of people who made the history happen had really taken place at some point of history by itself. Our hypothesis is that although the contemporaneous economic reform of Vietnam was formally dated in the 6“ Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in December 1986. the outco The entrepreneurial facets as precursor me of that hallmark sociopolitical event Itself was an achievement of a long-standing theoretical and also ideological struggle between economic thougThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
hts existing inside the elite circle. This struggle was partially solved in this congress due to the economic realities of the economy, while the econrhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor Problems Before 19X6The reform process itself could be divided into three substantive periods: (I) realizing the economic problems with the soviet-styled centrally planned model. 1976-79; (2) initial experiments of reality-based economic policy adjustment, with some institutional rigidity being rela The entrepreneurial facets as precursor xed. 1980-86; (3) the institutionalizing of an extensive economic renovation package nationwide. Doi Moi. 1987 to dale. The main features of these staThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
ges have been documented in many scholarly works by economic historians such as Vu (1994) or Dang (2005a). We now take a brief look at them.Before Doirhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor scribed below.All major economic activities were predetermined in plans set out by the State. These could only take place in line with a system of production plans, financing plans, price plans and goods distribution plans. Plans were supposed to be prepared and coordinated in a ‘socialist scientifi The entrepreneurial facets as precursor c' manner; thus absolute conformity to state's predefined plans was a standard, and not a matter of discussion or debate. Fulfilling plans ordered byThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
the state was not only a major economic target for enterprises and cooperatives, but also a political mandate the bosses of these economic entities wirhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor ises and collectivized economic entities, such as agricultural, credit and small-scale manufacturing cooperatives. In this scheme and view, largcr-scalc private enterprises were not welcomed, and should be Transformed* into an integral part of the collective or stale-owned sectors.The market mechani The entrepreneurial facets as precursor sm did exist but its operation was limited to a fairly minor and uninvested economic sector of small-scale private enterprises and households. The secThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
tor at most consisted of small operations in agricultural production, handicraft and basic consumer goods manufacturing and retail business. The staterhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor ials for large-scale manufacturing activities, machinery maintenance, fuels, construction materials, and spare parts, without which private manufacturers were unable to plan longer-term business operations.The Enưcprcncunal Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 19867Foreign trade a The entrepreneurial facets as precursor nd foreign economic cooperations were solely determined and monopolized by state-owned enterprises, in many cases under austerity of the state. InternThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
ational economic relationships were a monopolistic function assumed by the state.Financial subsidies, in various forms such as ’soft’ loans,1 low costrhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor conomic enterprises owned by the state.Foreign aids also started to decline in the last two years of the 1970s: this trend adversely affected the slate's budget. Budget deficits, economic inefficiency and the hardship that Vietnamese people faced in this period all together unveiled serious economic The entrepreneurial facets as precursor problems that the modus operand! of a centrally planned model intrinsically contained. The situation demanded immediate solutions to (1) get the natiThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
onal economy out of the state of stagnation: and (2) prepare the foundations for modernizing the economy toward the aim of industrialization and improrhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor ed. By 1980—the final year of this Five-Year Plan—food production reached only less than 70% of the set target, while other major industrial output also failed to attain the medium-term goals, namely, coal 52%. power 72%. textile 39% and paper 37%.The big gap between ambitious targets set by the sla The entrepreneurial facets as precursor te in the 4" National Congress of the Communist Parly and the poor performance implies that the five-year targets had been over-optimistic and so ambiThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
tious. The economy had not been sufficiently prepared in terms of both economic conditions and managerial capabilities to deliver the expected outcomerhe Entrepreneurial Facets as Precursor to Vietnam’s Economic Renovation in 1986Vuong Quan Hoang', Dam Van Nhue!, Daniel van Houtte' and Tran Tri Dung The entrepreneurial facets as precursor mmand economy model was unable to eliminate weaknesses of an undeveloped Slate of the Vietnamese economy, which had been seriously damaged during almost 30 years of warfares. In fact, the poor performance over this five-year plan suggested fundamental problems with medium-range economic plans, namel The entrepreneurial facets as precursor y, motivation of the workers, failure of the rigid price and subsidy system, and production plans from the central to the local levels, and inefficienThe entrepreneurial facets as precursor
cy of the economic principles adopted by the centrally planned mode of management at national level.These serious problems drew urgent attentions of tGọi ngay
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