Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2 t. Why? Project managers arc most likely attempting to apply a classic planning process when they need an agile one. This chapter examines some of the

key characteristics of planning required in an agile environment and how to recognize them, reduce the pain, and enhance the value of planning.Today’ Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

s projects are urgent, exciting, and critical to business success—and they provoke different spoken and unspoken feelings about planning: “We need to

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

move fast out of the gate or we’ll risk losing out to the competition,” or “Spending up-front time planning will slow us down. 1 already know what to

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2 tivity. “We need a plan that will guide US to our destination. In fact, a good plan is almost indispensable,” or “I wouldn’t agree to even start work

on a project without a plan.” These reflect some of the supportive feelings about planning.Planning for Agility99that business and projects have chang Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

ed. Nowadays there's incredible urgency to move fast. There is also project uncertainty, which makes us nervous about solidifying requirements or comm

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

itting to a schedule. Our common sense tells us that we obviously need a plan, but our experience tells US that there is not enough value added for th

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2 anning conjures up images of large meetings, work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, resource loading, all sorts of swags, and long-range commitments

. This may be a slight exaggeration, and I don't want to belittle this type of planning because it is highly effective for managing projects in which Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

the basic steps are well known. Installing and validating a new piece of production test equipment is a good example. We know how to manage this proce

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

ss, but since this is a new piece of equipment, it will be slightly different from the last installation project. In this classic environment, there i

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2 ng to create something totally new and nothing similar has been done before? Does the classic planning process still make sense? Probably not. We shou

ldn’t be spending a lot of Lip-front effort planning six or more months out when a discovery or decision made in the next three weeks could change eve Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

rything. This is an important point, but often it's hard to recognize, especially when the level of uncertainty is not clear.Agile StrategyOnly extend

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

your detailed planning into the foreseeable future, to the next milestone or decision point, but not much further. Extended plans are risky and can f

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2 level of project uncertainty should be discussed and agreed to early in the planning process by all key players. By making this effort upfront, the p

roject manager is helping to set the tone regarding the planning methodology for the remainder of the project—specifically, how frequently or infreque Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

ntly planning activities will take place. Essentially, the team should be expected to have detailed plans, but only up to the point where the project

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

direction is still clearly visible. Once we reach the point where project uncertainty starts to blur the course, we will limit planning to high-level

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2 ting, which will ideally be at the final product level but may have to be at the subassembly level, and each of these pathways have specific and uniqu

e details that need to be planned out. rhe decision on which path to take depends on the delivery of a series of other components by outside suppliers Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

who are running into difficulties and can’t currently commit to a delivery date, ('lassie PM methods would teach LIS that we should have a detailed t

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

ask list for completion of the circuit boards, as well as for each contingent pathway (final or subassembly-level testing). In the agile case, we also

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2 product or subassembly testing at this time, not the detailed task planning. In this way, the team will not get frustrated trying to create details a

round something that is too far out in the future, while the project manager will still be getting solid plans for the near term. Once the uncertainty Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

around the outside supplier clears, the team would know which path to take and create the necessary detailed plans.Agile StrategySet the tone for the

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

project planning process by facilitating a team discussion on the level of technical and business uncertainty associatedPlanning for Agility101(i.e.,

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2 ivities).This does not mean that we can ditch the planning effort for projects that involve uncertainty, only that we have to plan for agility in diff

erent ways. Let's look at a few dimensions of the planning process and how they differ in classic and agile environments.Activities Versus Achievement Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

sClassical planning is based on activities. Once the key activities are identified, then resources are assigned, effort and duration are estimated, an

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

d a sequence is created, rhe problem with this approach for an agile project is that it is based on the team's ability to accurately identify all of t

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2 these projects often start out their planning effort with a template from the previous project. For projects on the technology development end of the

spectrum, it's quite a different story.Agile StrategyWhen planning an agile project, ask team members to identify the achievements or milestones requ Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

ired to complete the project, rather than the detailed tasks.Projects that operate on the edge of new technology tend to take a zigzag course toward t

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

heir destination (see Figure 7-1). The technical leaders know the general direction they must go and the sequence of milestones that must be achieved.

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2 ts that operate on the edge of technology tend to rake a zigzag course toward their objectives.volvcd. A more practical approach is to construct your

timeline based on achievements, since those are the things that the technical team will be focused on (see Figure 7-2). This is a subtle but critical Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

difference between planning using agile methods versus classical methods.rhe upside of activity-based planning is that you are able to mechanically ca

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

pture, fairly accurately, both the sequence and duration dimensions of your timeline. While achievement-based planning only captures the sequence dime

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2 ble pathways leading to each achievement, there is no mechanical method to construct a good bottom-up time estimate. This leaves US with the top-down

method for estimating duration, which works rather well for an experienced team. I've found that technical people, while often resistant to formal pro Ebook Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of changing project requirements - Part 2

ject management, are actually ver}’ good at estimating durations ofProject timelines are based on:AchievementsActivitiesPlanning for Agility103

PLANNING FOR AGILITYPlanning is usually one of the most painful, undervalued, and even vilified project management activities in the agile environment

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