Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1

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Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1

EMC?where information livesInformationStorage andManagementStoring, Managing, and Protecting Digital InformationEMC Education ServicesInformation stor

Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1 rageIIstoring, Managing, and Protecting Digital InformationEdited by G. SomasundaramAlok ShrivastavaEMC Education ServicesWILEYWiley Publishing, Inc.I

nformation Storage and ManagementPublished byWiley Publishing, Inc 1047$ Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.comCopyright © 2009 by Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1

EMC CorporationPublished by Wiley Publishing, Inc, Indianapolis, IndianaPublished simultaneously in CanadaISBN: 978-0-470-29421-5Manufactured in the U

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EMC?where information livesInformationStorage andManagementStoring, Managing, and Protecting Digital InformationEMC Education ServicesInformation stor

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EMC?where information livesInformationStorage andManagementStoring, Managing, and Protecting Digital InformationEMC Education ServicesInformation stor

Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1 s are the property of their respective owners. Wiley Publishing. Inc. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book.Wiley also p

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Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1 ccel, Invista, ISIS, Max Retriever, Navisphere, NetWorker, nLayers, OpenScale, PixTools, Powerlink, PowerPath, Rainfinity, RepliStor, ResourcePak, Ret

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EMC?where information livesInformationStorage andManagementStoring, Managing, and Protecting Digital InformationEMC Education ServicesInformation stor

Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1 ect Matrix, EDM, E-Lab, eInput, Enginuity, FarPoint, FirstPass, Fortress, Global File Virtualization, Graphic Visualization, Infini-Flex, InfoMover, i

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Point, UltraScale, Viewlets, Virtual Provisioning, and VisualSRM are trademarks of EMC Corporation. All other trademarks used herein are the property

EMC?where information livesInformationStorage andManagementStoring, Managing, and Protecting Digital InformationEMC Education ServicesInformation stor

Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1 s a graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai, India, and has over 22 years of experience in the IT industry, the last 10 with EMC Co

rporation. Currently he is director, EMC Global Services, leading worldwide industry readiness initiatives. Somu is the architect of EMC's open storag Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1

e curriculum, aimed at addressing the storage knowledge "gap" that exists in the IT industry. Under his leadership and direction, industryreadiness in

Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1

itiatives, such as the EMC Learning Partner and Academic Alliance programs, continue to experience significant growth and educate thousands of student

EMC?where information livesInformationStorage andManagementStoring, Managing, and Protecting Digital InformationEMC Education ServicesInformation stor

Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1 tifying and partnering with global IT education providers, and setting the overall direction for EMC's industry readiness initiatives. Prior to his cu

rrent role, Somu held various managerial and leadership roles with EMC as well as other leading IT vendors.Alok Shrivastava is senior director, EMC Gl Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1

obal Services and has focused on education since 2003. Alok is the architect of several of EMC's successful education initiatives including the indust

Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1

ry leading EMC Proven Professional program, industry readiness programs such as EMC's Academic Alliance, and most recently this unique and valuable bo

EMC?where information livesInformationStorage andManagementStoring, Managing, and Protecting Digital InformationEMC Education ServicesInformation stor

Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1 lass technical education for EMC's employees, partners, customers, and other industry professionals. Prior to his success in education, Alok built and

led a highly successful team of EMC presales engineers in Asia-Pacific and Japan. Earlier in his career, Alok was a systems manager, storage manager, Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1

and a backup/restore/disaster recovery consultant working with some of the world's largest data centers and IT installations. He holds dual Masters d

Ebook Information storage and management: Storing, managing, and protecting digital information - Part 1

egrees from the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai, India, and the University' of Sagar in India. Alok has worked in information storage technol

EMC?where information livesInformationStorage andManagementStoring, Managing, and Protecting Digital InformationEMC Education ServicesInformation stor

EMC?where information livesInformationStorage andManagementStoring, Managing, and Protecting Digital InformationEMC Education ServicesInformation stor

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