Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

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Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2 apters 16 and 17 demonstrated the scheduling of human resources, the same methods can be used for project materials. Most project management computer

packages can carry out this function, provided that the materials requirements for any network task can be specified in amounts defined by simple unit Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

s of quantity (for example, tonnes 01 sand). Project management packages can also be used to schedule the overall loading of manufacturing facilities.

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

But there arc at least two aspects 01 project materials scheduling that need their own specialized procedures. 'I hese, which are outlined in this ch

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2 projects such as mining, civil engineering,J»etr

COMPARED WITH GENERAL PROJECT RESOURCESCHEDULINGManufactured and purchased parts for manufacturing projects attract different scheduling problems fro Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

m those associated with the purchase of bulk materials. A great deal more detail Is required in manufacturing schedules than can easily or feasibly be

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

included on the main project schedule. Solving the problems of parts scheduling falls more properly within the ambit of operations management than pr

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2 g requires close analysis of drawings, meticulous attention to detail, and specialized techniques. At one time rhe only practicable approach depended

on manual methods, often using elaborate compilations of index cards, rhe amount of work required could be prodigious, especially when attempting to i Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

dentify and coordinate the usage of parts common to more than one part of the project or, worse still, common also to other projects and routine manuf

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

acturing. The methods were cumbersome, prone to error, and could not easily cope with changes. Those methods can be consigned to history and earlier e

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2 g demands the assembly of data structured on bills of materials or parts lists, since these documents are products of design engineering, it follows t

hat project parts scheduling cannot take place until design is substantially complete, considerably later in the projectPROJECT MANAGEMENTlife cycle t Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

han when the main project schedules are made. The methods described here assume that the project manager already has the main project plans and schedu

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

les, and knows when each significant assembly or subassembly will be required for the project. That information must lx* derived from the overall proj

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2 bly (at departmental or group levels), production managers are given a time framework into which the manufacture and procurement of parts and smaller

subassemblies can lx* fitted.Activities in overall project schedules cannot usually be chosen to show a depth of detail much smaller than main assembl Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

ies, or at least fairly large subassemblies. Factory schedules will even have to include all the separate manufacturing operations needed to make each

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

part. Scheduling at the much greater level of detail needed lor individual parts must be carried out by the manufacturing organization using their ow

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2 n factory and other parts which are usually held in store as general stock.IDENTIFYING AND QUANTIFYING COMMON PARTS FOR MANUFACTURING PROJECTSThe part

s scheduling task is usually complicated because some of the parts lor one assembly arc also used on other assemblies or even other projects, so that Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

provisioning must take all these different uses into account. Suppose that a project needs 100 cam-operated electrical switching subassemblies, all Sl

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

ightly different in design but each containing a particular type ol microswitch in varying quantities. Thus there might be 100 sets 01 detail and asse

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2 are needed in total for the project, make sure that the requirements are collated, and that 100 separate purchase orders lor microswilchcs arc not pl

aced. The same switching subassemblies might easily have other components that must be investigated to discover their total requirements as common ite Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

ms (cams and servo motors, for example).Batch differencesAnother complication arises if a project has to result in more than one similar output batch,

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

produced at different times. Consider, for instance, a defence contractor who is working to produce a state-of-the-art weapons guidance system. The i

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2 version (Mark 2) could be under development before all the prototypes have been delivered, so that Mark 1 and Mark 2 systems are both in different st

ages of production in the factory at the same time, with some parts common to both batches. While all this is going on, engineering changes can of cou Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

rse be expected to affect one or both batches, or even individual units within a batch.When parts scheduling becomes particularly complex, the project

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

planner or project support office can provide help to the materials manager and production managers by collating all the known parts requirements, li

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2 ation can provide the input to a manufacturing requirements package (MRP 11).260SCHEDULING MATERIALSCASE EXAMPLE: A FILING CABINET PROJECTSome aspects

of parts scheduling for a manufacturing project can be demonstrated using a simple example. For clarity in these pages this study will not Im? taken Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

down to the level of individual manufacturing operations and excludes finishing processes such as plating and painting.A company has designed a steel

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

two-drawer filing cabinet, an expkxled view of which is shown in Figure 18.1. In the first instance, only one cabinet is to be made.Simple parts list

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2 parts list or bill of materials. This might lx* compiled using a computer-aided design (CAD) system, or manually on a form such as that shown in Figur

e 18.2. The item numbers on this parts list correspond with those in the circles on the exploded view. It shows total quantities without regard for br Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

eakdown into production subassemblies.Figure 18.1 Filing cabinet project: exploded view of the product26 ÌPROJECT MANAGEMENTItem No.Our part numberDes

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

criptionQuantityRemarksUnitNo01 Ú2 OS 04 ué 0 7 '?:• 1 ;• 11 12 1 3 14 1 !; 1 r. 17FC1001 FC1002L FC1002R FC1003 FC1005 FC1006 A502-A ASŨ2-B A503-A A5

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2 eft Runner, outer, right Runner, inner, right Title card holder Handle screw Washer , sila kc:pr ciol Screw, soli Lapping washer,shakeproofEach Each E

ach Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each -: ;1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 12 12MF Panel shop MF Panel shop MF Panel shop MF Pane Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

l shop MF Panel shop MF Panel shop SP Smiths pic SP Smiths pic SP Smiths pic SP Smiths pic cs Carter cs Epsom and Salt. cs Acme Screws cs Acme: Screws

Ebook Project management (Ninth edition): Part 2

cs Acme Screws cs Acme Screws MF = Make SP = Special purchase cs = Common stockIssMod NoDateIssMod NoDateIssMod NoDateIssMod NoDateAI’rot4JunlO-40393

18 Scheduling MaterialsMaterials and parts are just as much part of the resources for projects as money and labour. Although the examples given in Cha

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