(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

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Nội dung chi tiết: (Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar er researchs.Ho Chi Minh City, 30.Apr. 2021 (Signature)DOAN DINH THIEN VUONGTHANK YOU LETTERAfter studying at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technolog

y and Education, with the guidance and support of Teachers, I have completed my graduation thesis. I would like to give my sincerely thanks to the Uni (Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

versity Board and P11D. Nguyen Thanh Hung for creating favorable conditions for me to improve both knowledges and lifestyle.I would like to express my

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

gratitude to the Dean and the Teachers of the Faculty of Civil Engineering for teaching and imparting valuable knowledges during the learning process

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar supporting to me; impart to me valuable experiences, knowledges as well as suggesting implementation dữections for me to be able to complete the gradu

ation topic well.Although, this thesis has done with my great efforts, but there were also many things needed to improve in the research process. I lo (Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

ok forward to receiving lots of attention, suggestions and advice from all of you so that the thesis will be more belter. Best regards!Ho Chi Minh Cit

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

y, 30.Apr.2021DOAN DINH THIEN VUONGTÓM TẲTSau vài năm sừ (lụng, các kết cấu BTCT nhìn chung đà xuống cấp do nhiều nguyên nhân. Một trong những nguyên

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar nh cốt thép lãm giâm ứng suất liên kết giừa các thanh thép và xung quanh bè tông, khi đó làm giám khả nãng chịu lực cùa kết cấu bê tông. Vì vậy, mục t

iêu của luận án là kháo sát ứng suất liên kết giừa thanh thép và bê tông dưới các yếu tố như đường kính thanh thép, cường độ nén và mức độ ăn mòn.Tron (Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

g nghiên cứu này. thử nghiệm kéo ra được thực hiện đế khảo sát ứng suất liên kết và bê tông với ánh hường cúa các đường kính, cường độ nén và mức độ ă

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

n mòn khác nhau. Cường độ nén bê tông là 25MPa, 35MPa và 45MPa. Các thanh thép có đường kinh 12mm, 16mm và 20mm đà được kiểm tra. Một đoạn thanh thép

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar à 25%. Kết qua cho thấy cường độ nén càng cao thì mức độ ăn mòn càng nhô trong củng điều kiện gia tốc. Mức độ ăn môn được phân loại thành mức độ thấp,

trung bình và nghiêm trọng. Cường độ liên kết giừa thanh thép và bê tỏng tăng khi cường độ nén tăng. Độ bền liên kết này lớn hơn so với dự đoán cùa C (Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

EB-FIB. Kết quà cùng cho thấy lốc độ giâm cường độ liên kết là tuyến tính khi mức độ ăn mòn tâng lên ờ mỗi cường độ nén cúa bê tông. Tốc độ giâm cường

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

độ liên kết xày ra nhanh hơn với sự gia tăng cúa mức độ ăn mòn khi cường độ nén bê tỏng được tăng lên. Tất cả các mầu thử có đường kinh 12mm và 16mm

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar ác thư nghiệm kéo ra. tất ca các thanh thép được thư lại về độ cảng. Kết quà cho thấy mức độ ăn mòn càng cao thì độ bền của mầu càng nhó.Phương pháp p

hàn tích phần tứ hừu hạn (FEM) cũng được áp dụng để nghiên cứu cơ chế hư hông của mầu vật. Các mầu vật được lập mó hình bắng phần mềm ANSYS. Một dầm b (Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

ê tông được mô hình hóa bảng cách sư dụng phần tư SOLID65 với kích thước mat lưới khoảng 50mm. Các giá trị ứng suẩt-biến dạng đơn trục nén được đưa ii

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

vào đè xác định linh phi luyến cua vật liệu bê lông. Thanh ihép được mò hình hóa boi phẩn tử LINK 180 với luật chống dàn hồi-dẻo. Mô hình vùng kết dín

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar p lốt với kết quà thí nghiệm. Các mô hình cấu thảnh cúa vật liệu có thê dược áp dụng cho nghiên cũu tham sổ trong công việc irong lương lai.Trong diều

kiện này, ảnh hường của dường kính, cường dộ nén vã múc dộ ãn mòn don ứng suất lien kết giũa thanh thép vã bô tông dà dược tiến hãnh. Dộ bồn liên kết (Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

giam khi cường độ nén bê lỏng giam và mức độ ăn mòn lãng lên. Kel qua thí nghiệm vã phương pháp FEM có thê giúp hiểu rò hơn về hoạt dộng cúa thanh th

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

ép bị ãn môn khi làm việc chung với bê tông.iiiABSTRACTAfter several years of service, RC structures are generally degraded by many reasons. One of th

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar e corrosion of steel bars. Corrosion of the steel reinforcement bars reduces bond stress between the steel bars and around concrete that was then redu

ces the capacity of concrete structures. Therefore, objective of this thesis was investigate bond stress between steel bar and concrete under factors (Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

such as diameter of steel bar, compressive strength and conorion level.In this study, the pull-out test was conducted to investigate the bond stress a

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

nd concrete with effect of different diameters, compressive strengths and corrosion levels. The concrete compressive strength was 25MPa, 35MPa and 45M

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar ated corrosion into the corrosion environment jVứC/3.5% soluble with different level of 0%, 5%, 15% and 25%. The results showed that the higher compre

ssive strength was, the smaller corrosion level was in the same condition of acceleration. Corrosion level was classified into low, moderate and sever (Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

e. Bond strength between steel bar and concrete increased when compressive strength increased. This bond strength was larger than that predicted by CE

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

B-FIB. The results also showed that reduction rate of bond strength was linear when corrosion level increased in each compressive strength of concrete

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar All specimens with a diameter of 12mm and 16mm without corrosion were found to fail in pull-out failure mode. Meanwhile, all specimens with a diameter

of 20mm and 16mm with corrosion were found to fail in spliting failure mode. After pull-out tests, all steel bars were tested in tension again. The r (Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

esults showed that the higher corrosion level was, the smaller yeild strength of specimen was.ivFinite element analysis (FEM) method was also applied

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

to investigate the failure mechanism of specimens. The specimens were modeled by software ANSYS. A concrete beam was modeled using a SOLID65 element w

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar ar was modeled by LINK 180 element with elasto-plastic consititutive law. The Cohesive Zone Model (CZM) is used to model the interfaced bond between r

ebar with or without corrosion and concrete. Results showed that FEM results had a good agreement with experiment results. The constitutive models of (Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

materials could be applied for parametric study in the future work.In this sudy, the effects of diameter, compressive strength and corrosion level on

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) Study on the effects of bonded stress between concrete and corroded rebar

bond stress between steel bar and concrete were conducted. Bond strenght was reduced when concrete compressive strength reduced and corrosion level in

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

COMMITMENTI commit this thesis is my own study.The data amd results stated in the thesis are true and done by myself. Never been published in any othe

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