Excel data analysis

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Nội dung chi tiết: Excel data analysis

Excel data analysis

Hector GuerreroExcel Data Analysis Modeling and SimulationSecond EditionHector GuerreroExcel Data AnalysisModeling and SimulationSecond Edition0 Sprin

Excel data analysis ngerHector GuerreroCollege of William & Mary Mason Sch(X)l of Business Williamsburg. VA, USAISBN 978-3-030-01278-6ISBN 978-3-030-01279-3 (eBook)https:

// of Congress Control Number 2018958317& Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019This work is subject to copyright Excel data analysis

. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting

Excel data analysis

, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or inlbnnalion Storage a

Hector GuerreroExcel Data Analysis Modeling and SimulationSecond EditionHector GuerreroExcel Data AnalysisModeling and SimulationSecond Edition0 Sprin

Excel data analysis criptive names, registered names, trademarks, sen ice marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, tha

t such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations anti therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the edito Excel data analysis

rs arc safe to assume that the advice and information in this book arc believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publis

Excel data analysis

her nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions t

Hector GuerreroExcel Data Analysis Modeling and SimulationSecond EditionHector GuerreroExcel Data AnalysisModeling and SimulationSecond Edition0 Sprin

Excel data analysis ger imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG'ITiC registered company address is: Gcwcrbcstfassc 11.6330 Cham. Swi

tzerlandTo my parents .. ..Paco and IrenePrefaceWhy Does the World Need—Excel Data Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation!When spreadsheets first became w Excel data analysis

idely available in the early 1980s, it spawned a revolution in teaching. What previously could only be done with arcane software and large-scale compu

Excel data analysis

ting was now available to the common man, on a desktop. Also, before spreadsheets, most substantial analytical work was done outside the classroom whe

Hector GuerreroExcel Data Analysis Modeling and SimulationSecond EditionHector GuerreroExcel Data AnalysisModeling and SimulationSecond Edition0 Sprin

Excel data analysis taught, but it also empowered students to venture out on their own to explore new ways to use the tools. I can't tell you how many phone calls, office

visits, and/or emails 1 have received in my teaching career from ecstatic students crowing about what they have just done with a spreadsheet model.I Excel data analysis

have been teaching courses related to business and data analytics and modeling for over 40 years, and I have watched and participated in the spreadshe

Excel data analysis

et revolution. During that time. I have been a witness to the following important observations:•Each successive year has led to more and more demand f

Hector GuerreroExcel Data Analysis Modeling and SimulationSecond EditionHector GuerreroExcel Data AnalysisModeling and SimulationSecond Edition0 Sprin

Excel data analysis ols, functions, and capabilities, including the recent iteration and basis for this book Excel 2013.•The ingenuity of Excel users to create applicatio

ns and tools to deal with complex problems continues to amaze me.•Those students who preceded the spreadsheet revolution often find themselves at a lo Excel data analysis

ss as to where to go for an introduction to what is commonly taught to most undergraduates in business and sciences.Each one of these observations has

Excel data analysis

motivated me to write this book. The first suggests that there is no foreseeable end to the demand for the skills that Excel enables; in fact, the ne

Hector GuerreroExcel Data Analysis Modeling and SimulationSecond EditionHector GuerreroExcel Data AnalysisModeling and SimulationSecond Edition0 Sprin

Hector GuerreroExcel Data Analysis Modeling and SimulationSecond EditionHector GuerreroExcel Data AnalysisModeling and SimulationSecond Edition0 Sprin

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