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Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray ay, June 2. 2017, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Room: 4042391Chair: Vienna E Bruni. Unrvorsity ot Colorado-Bouldm, Boulder, co.

»1June2 9:30AM-11:30AMImpact Of Progressive, Chronic Dehydration On Cardiovascular Responses To Exercise In A Heated EnvironmentKate s. Early'. Bailey acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

Tbeall-. Nathan Lemotnế. Brian HamelF. Conrad p. Earnest. FACSM4. Neil NL Jobannsetr. -Columbus State University, Columbus. GA. ‘Louisiana State Univ


ersity. Baron Ruoge. LA. ‘Baton Rouge General. Baton Ruoge. LA. ‘Texas AdiM. College Station. TX (Sponsor Conrad Earnest, FACSM) Email- early_katcgcol

Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray tn a heated envưcnment. 2) determine if restmg cv health influences CVresponses during exeruse METHODS Participants (n=18, 21=ly; ineamSD) followed 3

days of self-determineddehydration (DEH) or hydration (HYD) m a counterbalanced. cross-over design Exercise trials included -0-mtn of cycle etpometry acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

in a heated ecvưoement (30 2=0 8'C. 26.5=74%RH) Heart tale (HR; and Hood pressure (BP) were taken every 10-tnm Weighted Am temperanxe


er arm. thigh. les) and Am blood Sow (SkBF) were collected ccntmuously duuạ exercise. followed by calculations of total body (Tp temperature from Ta &

Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray sediued dilation (FMD). pulse wave velocity

031) were deficient between DEH and HYD gee-exercise HR was greater m DEH vs HYD at 10,20 and 30-min (P=O.C0). Body temperature responses (0=12) afte acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

r 30-min of exercise were act different between HYD and DEM (T|t p=o 47. T, P=0.72). SkBF tended to be greater m the HYD VI DEH (SkBF slope HYD vs DEH


. 3.5±26 V.. 2.4s! 1. P=0.05; ASkBF HYDvs DEH. 370.0=156.0*0 vs. 169 0=1304*0. p-3 05) Thwgh no association was found with pwv and Tu (P-0.80) and T,

Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray oss all trull (n=24) CONCLUSIONS Progressive, chronic dehydration alter, cv and SkBF response during exercise Restuig cv proftie was related to increa

sed rare of HS and greater change in T,, suggesting cv health play-5 a role tn the mechanism of heal dissipation. especally when hypohydrated.2393Boar acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

d 92June 2 9:30 AM -11:30 AMThe Independent Effect of Heart Rate on Stroke Volume When Skin Temperature is Hot and Cool During ExerciseTing-Heng Cbou.


John D. .Akim, Charles K. Crawford, Jakob R. Alien. Edward F. Coyle. FACSM. The university of Texas at ztiurin Austin. TXEmail, tingheogehou'dgmail.c

Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray at an increase in cutaneous blood flow (CBF) 15 thought to lead to a decline m $v An altercate hypothesis IS that a decline in SV IS due to an increas

e in heart rMe (HR). However. these twv hypotheses have not been tested under the sane thermal stress PURPOSE 1) To determine the independent effort o acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

f HR on SV by using low dose 8 .-blockade (BB) when skin temperature (TA) rt high (>3**C) during exercise 2) To see how the rapid lowering of TA rever


ses the changes m cardiovascular variables METHODS Tsk was nunipclated by wearing a water perfused suit that covered the whole body, except held, hand

Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray ccdmcns MFC water with placebo (30-PL), 5CrC water withPL(50-PLx and 50-BB.Tsk was rapidly cooled ar 20 mm of exercise m all trials by perfusing COM w

irer duough the suit (O’C) plus fans Subjects cccxmued to cycle for inccbei 20 turn with cool Tsk Esophageal temperature (Tes). Tst VO., cardiac outpu acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

t (CO). HR mean arterial pressure (MAP), cutaneous Wood flow (CBF), and fcceirm venous volume (FW) were measured during exercise RESULTS Mean TA durin


g the first 20 mm of exercise were 33 4 s 0.2. 38.1 = 0 2. and 38 2 s 0.2 £C. for 30-PL. iO-PL. lúi 50-BB, respectively Mein TA duringthe last 20 mui

Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray 47.9 2 3.8 bpm) by BB in 50-BB (151.7 ± 4 0 bpm). SV was also restored to die same level as 3O-PLU32 0= 7.3 ml)m 50-BB (135 6= 7.5 ml) SV was restored

even with a significantly higher CBF (77.1 = 3.4% vs 55 9 = 3 6' I for 50-BB v» 30-PL. p-Xl.OS) and loner MAP (98.5 = 2 6 mmHg V, 105 4 2 3 3 mmHg fe acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

e 50-BB vs 30-PL; p<0.05). When TA was rapidly cooled HR and CBF were significantly decreased while SV was uuuvcauxd in :O.PL. There was no apparent e


ffect of TA on FW responses CONCLUSION The increase ui HR was responsible for die decrease m SV when Tsk was above 38'C Rapidly coolmg TA while Tes re

Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray nceyuval lieled. FACSNL Heller Institute of Medical Resaerch Ramm Gan Israel Email yuval beled@ibsba it CXo twtimow'npr rcỹợ.^icài■Yuval He

led. ‘Yoram Epsteuc - ‘Ran Yanovich. • ‘stay Ketko Amu Druyan •Heller Institute of Medical Research. Shebs Medical Center. Tel Hashomer. Israel ‘The I acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

DF Institute of Military PhysiologyBACKGROUND: Heat intolerance is a phenomenon associated with relative inability co properly uuuicam body temperatur


e Aaw exposure to heat streis. Since normal thermoregulatory ftincticn IS uiduenced by mechanisms mediated by die autonomic nervous system (ANS) (e g

Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray tool for evaluating candidate mechanisms of beat intolerance PURPOSE: To determine whether oce-lmear HRV measures during heat tolerance test (HTTj ma

y be used as an tndi:ar>on to the mechanism of beat intolerance METHODS HTTs from the IDF institute of Military Physiology database performed between acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

tie years 2012-2015 were analyzed. Analyzes of the non-linear HRV mdsces D2. SD! SD2 and ApEn have been made for the foil HTTs (120 minutes) by a rese


archer blinded to the HIT results and to the patients' clinical records HRV radices were then compared between Eeat intolerant (HI) and beat tolerant

Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray H1 - 0.035õn0.0261. HT - 0 (

07. p-0.721) We found a weA ccerelioon between the HRV radices and the initial and final core temperatures and heart rates CONCLUSIONS We found that H acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

T and HI indr-uWs differ m some non-linear HRV measures during an HTT Although the differ axes are statistically significant the values ov erlap betwe


en HT and HI individuals, thus HRV duiing an HTT (lasing the ucn-Unear methods exammed m this study) does not seem to be valuable tool for teal intole

Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray associated with HI phenomenon.Bus work was suppected by a grant from tie Israeli MOD2395Board «4June 2 9:30 AM -11:30 AMWhole-body Heat Stress Sensit

izes pl-adrenergic Receptor Mediated Cardiac Systolic Function Gilbert Moralez'. Ken Kouda-, Michinari Hieda'. Satyam Sanna'. Steven A. Romerov MarJie acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

w N. Cramer1. Amy N. Adams-, Manall F. Jaffery'. Craig G. Crandall. FACSM'. ■Institute for Exerelie and Environmental Medicine. Preibytetian Hospital


and UT Southwestern Medical Center. Dallas TX Wakayama Medical University. Wakayama. Japan (Spoowr Craig G. Crandall. FACSM) Email GilbertoMoralezgtex

Vol. 4. . __rr........Official Journal of the American College of Sports MedicineE-10 Thematic Poster - Cardiovascular Responses to Heat ExposureFrida

acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray ume despite reductions in central blood volume and cardiac filling pressure However, the mechanisms by which carduc systolic function is enhanced dunn

g hem stress are unclear PURPOSE: To test the hypothesis that whole-body passive hear stress seiuitizes p -adienergic receptor mediated increases in c acsm17_abstracts_e_vfin-web-gray

ardia: systolic ftasetson METHODS: la tea healthy participants (five female-, age 23 = 2 and five males age 26 = 3). echocardiographic indices of card


iac systolic functtcti (average peak systolic tissue velocity at the septa] and literal mural sites -S', j) were obtained prior to and during intraven

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