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https://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence handbookISBN 978 92 4 151554 2© World Health Organization 2019Some rights reserved. I his work is available under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial ShareAlike 3.0 IGO licence (CC BY NC SA 3.0 IGO: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by nc sa/3.0/igo).Under the terms of this licence, yo UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence u may copy, redistribute and adapt the work for non commercial purposes, provided the work is appropriately cited, as indicated below. In any use of tUNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence
his work, there should be no suggestion that WHO endorses any specific organization, products or services. I he use of the WHO logo is not permitted. https://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence , you should add the following disclaimer along with the suggested citation: 'This translation was not created by the World I lealth Organization (Wl IO). Wl IO is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this translation. The original rnglish edition shall be the binding and authentic edition UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence *.'Any mediation relating to disputes arising under the licence shall be conducted in accordance with the mediation rules of the World Intellectual PrUNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence
operty Organization.Suggested citation. School-based violence prevention: a practical handbook. Geneva: World I Icalth Organization, 2019? I icence: chttps://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence HO publications, see http://apps.who.int/bookorders. To submit requests for commercial use and queries on rights and licensing, see http://www.who.int/about/licensing.Third-party materials. If you wish to reuse material from this work that is attributed to a third party, such as tables, figures or i UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence mages, it is your responsibility to determine whether permission is needed for that reuse and to obtain permission from the copyright holder. The riskUNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence
of claims resulting from infringement of any third-party-owned component in the work rests solely with the user.General disclaimers. The designationshttps://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of ce UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence rtain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by WHO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not menUNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence
tioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters.All reasonable precautions have https://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence y kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall WHO be liable for damages arising from its use.Printed in SwitzerlandDesign by Inis Communication - www.iniscommunication.comPrefaceEach year up to 1 billion UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence children experience some form of physical, sexual or psychological violence or neglect. Being a victim of violence in childhood has lifelong impactsUNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence
on education, health, and well-being. Exposure to violence can lead to educational underachievement due to cognitive, emotional, and social problems. https://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence so more likely to endure a range of illnesses later in life. These include depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and HIV.Given this reality, preventing violence against children is squarely on the international development agenda. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 5.1 calls fo UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence r the elimination of all forms of violence against girls, and SDG target 16.2 calls for ending all forms of violence against children. Access to educaUNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence
tion is equally prominent within the SDGs, with SDG target 4.a to build and upgrade education facilities that provide safe, non-violent learning envirhttps://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence dentified as one important setting for conducting violence prevention efforts. Therefore, in early 2019, with support from several of its affiliated organizations, the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children launched the "Safe to Learn" initiative focused specifically on ending violence UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence against children in schools. The activities promoted as part of this initiative complement current work countries arc doing to implement the evidence-UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence
based technical package INSPIRE: seven strategies iorending violence against children. Enhancing access to education and providing life skills traininhttps://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence against violence. In addition, it is in these settings that opportunities arise to shape attitudes and norms about the acceptability of violence, alcohol and drug use, the carrying of weapons onto school grounds and other risks. In turn, preventing violence in the broader society can directly benefi UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence t the core aim of schools to educate children, foster high-quality lifelong learning, and empower leaners to be responsible global citizens.This new rUNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence
esource: School-based violence prevention: a practical handbook, is about schools, education and violence prevention. It provides guidance for school https://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence schools provide with children, parents and other community members. If implemented, the handbook will contribute much to helping achieve the SDGs and other global health and development goals.Reflecting the importance of school-based violence prevention, this handbook was produced by WHO, in collabo UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence ration with UNESCO and UNICEF. We invite you to join US in acting to increase the number and effectiveness of school-based violence prevention activitUNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence
ies to ensure the safety, well-being and happiness of children and their parents and caregivers everywhere.Etienne KrugDirector, Department for Managehttps://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence rk Bellis from the WHO Collaborating Centre on Investment for Health and Well-being at Public Health Wales and Bcrit Kicsclbach from the World Health Organization. Substantial contributions were made by Christophe Cornu, Jenelle Babb and Joanna Herat (UNESCO), Stephen Blight, Songha Chae, Masue Suzu UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence ki, Rocio Aznar Daban, Anna Azaryeva Valente, Clarice da Silva e Paula, and Theresa Kilbane (UNICEF), Alexander Butchart, Stephanie Burrows (WHO) andUNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence
Khadijah Fancy.The document was edited by Ruth Morton (Plain English Campaign) and proof-read by Amanda Gcrmanio (WHO). Claire Schcurcr (WHO) providedhttps://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence ujata Bordoloi, Soraya Lester, Jenny Parkes, Angela Nakafeero and Sarah Lindstrom Johnson.The conceptual foundations for this document wore outlined in a December 2015 expert consultation on school-based violence prevention. Consultation participants included: Sujata Bordoloi, Patrick Burton, Karen UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence Devries, Michael Dunne, Manuel Eisner, Khadija Fancy, Erika Fraser, Joanna Herat, Bcrit Kicsclbach, Theresa Kilbanc Ha Lc Hai, Soraya Lester, ErsiliaUNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence
Mensini, Dipak Naker, Jenny Parkes, Francisco Quesney, Christina Salmivalli, Catherine Ward and Sara Wood.The Know violence in Childhood Initiative, ihttps://khotliuvien.comSCHOOL-BASED VIOLENCE PREVENTIONA practical handbookWorld Health if OrganizationSchool-based violence prevention: a practical h UNICEF-WHO-UNESCO-handbook-school-based-violence earch work of Know Violence.iiGọi ngay
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