The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

TOURO COLLEGEJACOB D. FUCHSBERG LAW CENTERWhere Knowledge dnơ vetoes MeerVolume 33Number 1 Symposium: Louis D. Brandeis ■ An Interdisciplinary Retrosp

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis pectiveTouro Law ReviewArticle 42017The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis and the Nature of American ConstitutionalismEdward A. Purcell Jr.Follow this

and additional works at: https 7/ Part of the Judges Commons, and the Supreme Court of the United States Common The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

sRecommended CitationPurcell. Edward A. Jr. (2017) 'The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis and the Nature of AmericanConstitutionalism," Touro Law Revi

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

ew. Vol. 33 : No. 1 . Article 4.Available at: https://digitalcommons.tourolaw edu/lawreview/vol33/iss1/4This Article IS brought to you for free and op

TOURO COLLEGEJACOB D. FUCHSBERG LAW CENTERWhere Knowledge dnơ vetoes MeerVolume 33Number 1 Symposium: Louis D. Brandeis ■ An Interdisciplinary Retrosp

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis uro Law Center. For more information, please contact lross©tourolaw edu.Purcell: The Judicial Legacy of Louis BrandeisThe Judicial Legacy of Lons Bran

deis and the Nature of American ConstitutionalismEdward A. Purcell, Jr.'I. IntroductionFamous as a lawyer, political activist, democratic theorist, ad The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

visor to presidents, and Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Louis Dembitz Brandeis is unquestionably a major figure in American history.1 The

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

greatest part of his fame, of course, arises from his service on the Supreme Court and the reputation that he earned there as one of the Court's trul

TOURO COLLEGEJACOB D. FUCHSBERG LAW CENTERWhere Knowledge dnơ vetoes MeerVolume 33Number 1 Symposium: Louis D. Brandeis ■ An Interdisciplinary Retrosp

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis . New York Law School. The author wishes to thank Jethro K. Lieberman and colleagues at the New York Law School faculty colloquium for their helpful c

omments, arid New York Law School students Dana Cimera arid Jordan Moss for their assistance in preparing this essay1 For a sampling of the many books The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

on Biandeis tliat aie not otherwise cited below, see generally Gerald BERK. Louis D Brandeis and the Making of Regulated Competition. 1900-1932 (2009

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

); Robert a. Burt. Two Jewish Justices: Outcasts in the Promised Land 11988): SUZANNE Freedman. Louis Brandeis: The People’s Justice (1996): ALLON Gal

TOURO COLLEGEJACOB D. FUCHSBERG LAW CENTERWhere Knowledge dnơ vetoes MeerVolume 33Number 1 Symposium: Louis D. Brandeis ■ An Interdisciplinary Retrosp

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis (1946).- Louis L. Jaffe. H’m Brandeis an Activist? The Search for Intermediate Premises. 80 Harv. L. Rev. 986. 987 (1967)("[B]y common consent Brande

is is among the greatest of Supreme Court judges.*’); Clyde spillenger. Reading she Judicial Canon: Alexander Bickel and the Book of Brandels. 79 J. A The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

M. Htsr. 125. 125 (1992) (“No one holds a more secure place in this judicial pantheon than Louis D. Brandeis"). Brandcis has commonly been ranked as a

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

great justice. See. eg. William G. Ross, rhe Ratings Game: Factors Thai Influence Judicial Reputation 79M.ARQ. L. REV 401.403.445-49(1996); Bernard S

TOURO COLLEGEJACOB D. FUCHSBERG LAW CENTERWhere Knowledge dnơ vetoes MeerVolume 33Number 1 Symposium: Louis D. Brandeis ■ An Interdisciplinary Retrosp

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis rles Francis Adams. Louis D. Brandeis. James M. Landis. Alfred E. Kahn 135 (19841 (criticizing Braudels’ flawed contributions to regulatory theory and

practice but conceding his greatness as a judge). For a qualification of McCraw’s critique, see Nelson L. Dawson. Brandeis and the .Veu Deal, tn BraN The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

DEIS and America 38.38-64 (Nelson L Dawson ed.. 1989). For criticisms of Brandeis as a lawyer, see. e.g.. Clyde spillenger. Elusive Advocate. Reconsid

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

ering Brandeis as People's Lawyer, 105 Yale L.J. 1445 (1996). and as a judge, see. e g.. G. Edward White. The5Published by Digital Commons & Touro Law

TOURO COLLEGEJACOB D. FUCHSBERG LAW CENTERWhere Knowledge dnơ vetoes MeerVolume 33Number 1 Symposium: Louis D. Brandeis ■ An Interdisciplinary Retrosp

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis nued long after his death lo invoke his name, a kind of recognition that he shares with only a handfill of the Court's hundred-plus Justices who have

passed from the scene.* 1 * * 4 Perhaps even more impressive, is the fact that it is his individual opinions—concurrences and dissents, not majority o The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

pinions that judges and scholars most commonly cite.5 * * * 9 Brandeis' "judicial mind.*’ Alexander Bickel concluded, was "one. surely, of the half-do

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

zen most influential ones in our history . . hl this symposium, however. 1 attempt neither tin evaluation of Brandcis' achievements nor an assessment

TOURO COLLEGEJACOB D. FUCHSBERG LAW CENTERWhere Knowledge dnơ vetoes MeerVolume 33Number 1 Symposium: Louis D. Brandeis ■ An Interdisciplinary Retrosp

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis White, The American Jvvioal TkADirioxJ.1 See. e.g.. Bond V. United States. 134 s. Ct. 2077,2087 (2014) (citing Braudels' concurrence in Ashwandcr V.

Tenn. Valley Au th.. 297 U.S. 288. 347 (1936)): Hodgson V. Minneso-ta, 497 U.S. 417, 446 (1990) (citing Brandei.C dissent in Gilbert V. Minnesota, 254 The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

U.S. 325,335-36 (1920)1. Bowen V. Michigan Acad, of Family Physicians. 476 U.S. 667. 681 n.12 (19S6) (citing Brandeis' concurrence in St Joseph Stock

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

Yards Co. V. United States, 29S U.S. 38. 84 (19361): Fullilove V. Klutznick. 448 U.S. 448. 491 (1980) (citing Btandeis’ dissent in New State Ice Co.

TOURO COLLEGEJACOB D. FUCHSBERG LAW CENTERWhere Knowledge dnơ vetoes MeerVolume 33Number 1 Symposium: Louis D. Brandeis ■ An Interdisciplinary Retrosp

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis 375 (1927)); Flast V. Cohen, 392 U.S. 83,97 (1968) (citing Brandeis' concurrence in Ashwander. 297 U.S. at 345-48): Miranda V. Arizona. 384 U.S. 436.4

79-80 (1966) (citing Brandeis' dissent in Olmstead V. United States. 277 U.S. 438. 485 (1928)). New York Times V. Sullivan. 376 U.S 254. 270 (1964) (c The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

iting Brendcis' concurrence tn Whitney. 274 U.S. at 375-76). Individual Justices also frequently cite Braudels by name in their separate opinions, see

The Judicial Legacy of Louis Brandeis

. e.g.. Herring V. United States. 555 U.S. 135. 152 (2009) (Ginsburg. J., dissenting) (citing Brenders' dissent in Olmstead. 277 U.S. at 477-79. 483-8

TOURO COLLEGEJACOB D. FUCHSBERG LAW CENTERWhere Knowledge dnơ vetoes MeerVolume 33Number 1 Symposium: Louis D. Brandeis ■ An Interdisciplinary Retrosp

TOURO COLLEGEJACOB D. FUCHSBERG LAW CENTERWhere Knowledge dnơ vetoes MeerVolume 33Number 1 Symposium: Louis D. Brandeis ■ An Interdisciplinary Retrosp

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