Week 1

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Nội dung chi tiết: Week 1

Week 1

1WEEK 1Period 1:GETTING STARTEDPeriod 1: Lesson 1I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!".II.Teaching a

Week 1 aids-Teacher’s aids: Sludentbook and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/ interactive whiteboard/ TV.-Students’ aids: Stude

ntbook, workbook.III.Languages focus-Vocabulary: hello, goodbyeIV.ProceduresSteps/ActivitiesOrganizationWarm-up * Sing and Dance. - Play “i-Leam Smart Week 1

Start" song (from YouTube) and make gestures following the lyrics, have Ss stand up and make the gestures.• Teacher-whole classNew lesson A.Listen an

Week 1

d point. Repeat. 1.Have students listen to each new word. 2.Have Ss listen to each new word and repeat all together and individually. Correct student’

1WEEK 1Period 1:GETTING STARTEDPeriod 1: Lesson 1I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!".II.Teaching a

Week 1 dio again and have Ss listen, repeat several times. 5.Change the order of the flashcards, point at them individually and have Ss say the words, correc

t pronunciation when needed. 6.Have Ss work in pairs, one points at the pic in the book and the other says the word. 7.TPR practice step 1: say the wo Week 1

rd and make the gesture/ sound all together according to the word. 8.TPR practice step 2: do the actions and Ss say the word accordingly. 9.TPR practi

Week 1

ce step 3: have Ss work in pairs, one would do the action, the other say the word. Play the game “Who is faster?”. -Divide the class into groups. -Arr

1WEEK 1Period 1:GETTING STARTEDPeriod 1: Lesson 1I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!".II.Teaching a

Week 1 isten and point.•Teacher-whole class/ individuals/ pairwork/ groupwork •Teacher-students in groups21.Pre-listening: Introduce the situation. 2.While-l

istening: -Play audio and have students look at the picture. -Demonstrate the activity by pointing at the words. -Play the audio again. Have Ss listen Week 1

and repeat. -Play audio again. Have Ss listen, repeat and point. 3.Post- listening: Point at each word and have Ss call it out “hello/ goodbye.” c. S

Week 1

ing. 1.Play audio and have students listen. 2.Play audio and have students turn to page 68. 3.Play audio and have Ss sing the song as a whole class. 4

1WEEK 1Period 1:GETTING STARTEDPeriod 1: Lesson 1I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!".II.Teaching a

Week 1 the name. 3.Repeat with other names. E.g. Teacher: "Bill"- Class: "Hello, Bill." *Role-play: 1.Divide the class into pairs. 2.Have pairs practice the

conversations and swap roles. 3.Have some pairs demonstrate the act in front of the class. E. Say. 1. Divide the class into groups of four. Have Ss t Week 1

ake turns saying “Hello!” and “goodbye!” to their friends. 3. Have some groups demonstrate the act in front of the class. *Activity: (optional) Say “H

Week 1

ello!/ Goodbye!” -3GETTING STARTEDPeriod 2: Lesson 2I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand basic classroom language.II

1WEEK 1Period 1:GETTING STARTEDPeriod 1: Lesson 1I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!".II.Teaching a

Week 1 ids: Studentbook, notebooks, workbook.III.Languages focus-Vocabulary: stand up, sit down, listenIV.ProceduresSteps/ActivitiesOrganizationWarm-up +, Op

tion 1: Sing. - Play audio Part c and have students sing the song.• Teacher-whole classNew lesson A- Listen and point. Repeat. 1.Have students listen Week 1

to each new word. 2.Have Ss listen to each new word and repeat all together and individually. Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary. 3.Arrange

Week 1

the flashcards on the board. Play audio and have students listen and point at the pictures in their books. 4.Play audio again and have Ss listen, repe

1WEEK 1Period 1:GETTING STARTEDPeriod 1: Lesson 1I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!".II.Teaching a

Week 1 e Ss work in pairs, one points at the pic in the book and the other says the word. 7.TPR practice step 1: say the word and make the gesture/ sound all

together according to the word. 8.TPR practice step 2: do the actions and Ss say the word accordingly. 9.TPR practice step 3: have Ss work in pairs, Week 1

one would do the action, the other say the word. * Activities: (optional) +, Option 1: Play the “GUESS” game. -Arrange the flashcards on the board. -W

Week 1

rite a number under each flashcard. -Have Ss look at the flashcards for the count of ten.•Teacher -whole class/ individuals/ pairwork/ groupwork •Teac

1WEEK 1Period 1:GETTING STARTEDPeriod 1: Lesson 1I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!".II.Teaching a

Week 1 the face down card. -Turn the card over after each guess. +, Option 2: Play the game “What is it?” -Hold up the flashcards, one at a time, partly hid

den by a sheet of paper. -Slowly reveal the flashcard. -Students try to guess what the flashcard is. B.Listen and point. 1.Pre- listening: Introduce t Week 1

he situation. 2.While- listening: -Play the CD and have students look at the picture. -Demonstrate the activity by pointing at the words. 3.While-list

Week 1

ening: Play the CD again. Have Ss listen and repeat. Post- listening: Point at each word and have students call it out “Stand up/ sit down/' listen.”

1WEEK 1Period 1:GETTING STARTEDPeriod 1: Lesson 1I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!".II.Teaching a

Week 1 . 4.Have some students sing in front of class. D.Say and do. *Practice (optional) 1.Show a flashcard to the class. 2.Have Ss practice the structure us

ing the new word. 3.Repeat with other flashcards. E.g. Teacher shows a flashcard "listen" Class: "Listen." *5- Arrange the flashcards on the board.Stu Week 1

dents in-Have 2 groups of Ss stand in front of the board. -Call out a word. -Ss from 2 groups slap the flashcard on the board. -The st who can slap th

Week 1

e flashcard first is the winner. Wrap-upgroups

1WEEK 1Period 1:GETTING STARTEDPeriod 1: Lesson 1I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!".II.Teaching a

1WEEK 1Period 1:GETTING STARTEDPeriod 1: Lesson 1I.Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!".II.Teaching a

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