275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013

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Nội dung chi tiết: 275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013

275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013

Academy Of FinanceGraduation ThesisDECLARATIONI hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and the result of my own research, and all the sources

275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013 have been quoted and and acknowledged by means of complete references.StudentTran Thu TrangCQ54/51.02 - Academy of FinanceStudent: Tran Thu Trang1Cla

ss: CQ54/51.02Graduation Thesis Academy Of FinanceABSTRACTThis thesis “Assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOI 275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013

NT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013” was carried out with a view to having an overview on the HR recruitment at Kinex company in 2013, examining the recruit of (

275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013

he company in (his respeci by using assessment tools for recruit efficiency and making some recommendations to improve it. The author used a wide rang

Academy Of FinanceGraduation ThesisDECLARATIONI hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and the result of my own research, and all the sources

275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013 of recruitment in human resources, and to help Human Resources Department of Kinex company have a closer look at these particular human markets (hen c

onduct appropriate strategies or solutions for improvement. Also, (his thesis provides a coherent theoretical framework of recruitment of human resour 275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013

ces and analyzed information for further studies in this respect.Student: Tran Thu Trang2Class: CQ54/5L02Academy Of FinanceGraduation ThesisACKNOWLEDG

275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013

EMENTFor (lie completion of this thesis, I have received great assistance and support from many people without whom the work could not have been fulfi

Academy Of FinanceGraduation ThesisDECLARATIONI hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and the result of my own research, and all the sources

275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013 Finance, for her valuable instruction, criticism, and her tireless help throughout the thesis preparation.My sincere thanks go to the staff of the Hu

man Resource Department at VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY for their useful materials, guidance and enthusiasm during my study at the 275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013

institution.Finally, I must admit I am indebted to my family and my friends for their help, consideration and encouragement.Student: Tran Thu Trang3Cl

275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013

ass : CQ54/51.02Academy Of FinanceGraduation ThesisTABLE OF CONTENTINTRODUCTION.............................................................1CHAPTER 1

Academy Of FinanceGraduation ThesisDECLARATIONI hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and the result of my own research, and all the sources

275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013 ition and the role of human resources......................... of human resources.................................... rol

e of human resources......................................5 275 assessment of recruitment of human resources in VIET NAM KINEX CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN 2013

Academy Of FinanceGraduation ThesisDECLARATIONI hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and the result of my own research, and all the sources

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