The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

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Nội dung chi tiết: The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications 08NOTICE this is the author V version ofa work that was accepted for publication hl Southern Economic Journal. Changes resulting from the publishing p

rocess, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be refected in this document.Ch The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

anges may hos e been made to this work since it H W submitted for publication A definitive version Is forthcoming in the Southern Economic Journal.Abs

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

tractEmpirical studies have produced mixed results on the relationship between a school’s sports success and the quantity and quality of students that

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications ion I schools. Key findings include: (i) football and basketball success significantly increase the quantity of applications to a school, with estimat

es ranging from 2-8% for the top 20 football schools and the top 16 basketball schools each year, (ii) private schools see increases in application ra The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

tes after sports success that are 2-4 times higher than public schools, (iii) the extra applications received are composed of both low and high SAT sc

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

oring students thus providing potential for schools to improve their admission outcomes, and (iv) schools appear to exploit these increases in applica

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications J240We thank Jared Carbone. David Card. Charles Clotfelter. Stefano DellaVigna. Nick Kuminoff. Alden Pope. Matthew Rabin. John Siegfried. V. Kerry Sm

ith. Wally Thurman, and Sarah Turner, as well as participants of the NBER’s Higher Education Working Group and seminar participants and colleagues at The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

Ư. C. Berkeley and N.c. State Universities. The standard disclaimer appliesAssistant Professor. Department of Operations and Information Management. T

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

he Wharton School. Philadelphia. PA 19104. Email: dpopeỊi wlianon upenn edu; Phone: (215) 573-8742.: Assistant Professor. Department of Agricultural a

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications thor.iEleclonic copy avBilfibte at: i‘ tp-Z/ssm com/abst'act^ 127585311. IntroductionSince the beginning of intercollegiate sports, the role of athlet

ics within higher education has been the topic of heated debate.1 Whether to invest funds into building a new football stadium or to improve a school’ The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

s library can cause major disagreements. Lately the debate has become especially contentious as a result of widely publicized scandals involving stude

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

nt athletes and coaches and because of the increasing amount of resources schools must invest to remain competitive in today's intercollegiate athleti

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications ir tax exempt status. Representative Bill Thomas asked the president of the NCAA. Dr. Myles Brand, in 2006: "How does ploying major college football o

r men’s basketball in a highly commercialized, profit-seeking, entertainment environment further the educational purpose of your member institutions'! The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

"2Some analysts would answer Representative Bill Thomas's question by suggesting that sports does not further the academic objectives of higher educat

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

ion. They would argue that intercollegiate athletics is akin to an "arms race" because of the rank* dependent nature of sports and that the money spen

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications more as a complement than a substitute to a school’s academic mission because of a variety of indirect benefits generated by athletic programs such a

s student body unity, increased student body diversity, increased alumni donations and increased applications.Electronic copy available et: h'.tp;/. s The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

sm .com/abst-acte-12758332Until recently, evidence for the indirect benefits of the exposure provided by successful athletic programs was based more O

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

U anecdote than empirical research. ' Early work by Coughlin and Erekson (1984) looked at athletics and contributions, but also raised interesting que

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications ccess may receive more applications, thereby allowing the schools to be more selective in the quality’ of students they admit. They used data on avera

ge SAT scores and in-confcrcncc football winning percentages for 44 schools in "major” athletic conferences for the years 1981-1984. and found some ev The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

idence that football success can increase average incoming student quality. ■ Subsequent research has further tested the increased applications (quant

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

ity effect) and increased selectivity (quality effect) hypotheses of McCormick and Tinsley, but has produced mixed results.5 Tire inconsistent results

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications ss schools which has typically necessitated a cross-sectional analysis, and (iii) different econometric specifications.This study extends the literatu

re on the indirect benefits of sports success by addressing some of the data limitations and methodological difficulties of previous work. To do this The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

we constructed a comprehensive dataset of school applications. SAI scores, control variables, and athletic success indicators. Our dataset is a panel

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

of all (approximately 330) NCAA Division 1 schools from 1983-2002. Our analysis uses plausible indicators for both football and basketball success whi

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications d quality of incoming students. Using this data andElectronic copy available at. https7/ strategy', we find evi

dence that both football and basketball success can have sizeable impacts on the number of applications received by a school (in the range of 2-15% de The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

pending on the sport, level of success and type of school), and modest impacts on average student quality as measured by Sat scores.Due to concerns wi

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

th the reliability of the self-reported SAT scores in our primary dataset, we also acquired a unique administrative dataset that reports the SAT score

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications dual-level data is aggregated to the school level and allows US to analyze the impact of sports success on the number of SAT-takers (by SAT score) who

sent their SAT scores to Division I schools. Again the panel nature of the data allows US to estimate a fixed effects model to control for unobserved The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

school-level variables. The results of this analysis show that sports success has an impact on where students send their SAT scores. This analysis co

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

nfinns and expands die results from the application dataset. Furthermore, this data makes it clear that both low and high SAT scoring students are inf

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications s due to sports success: through increased enrollments or increased tuition. In fact, some schools that offer automatic admission to students who reac

h certain quality thresholds may be forced to enroll more students when the demand for education at their school goes up. Using the same athletic succ The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

ess indicators and fixed-effects framework, we find that schools with basketball success tend to exploit an increase in applications by being more sel

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

ective in the students they enroll. Schools with football success on the other hand, tend to increase enrollments.Electronic copy available at. https:

The Impact of C ollege Sports Success on the Quantity andQuality of Student ApplicationsDevin G. Pope: and Jaren c. Pope*This version: January 30. 200

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications nd that this differentiation is often of significance. Specifically, we show that private schools see increases in application rates after sports succ

esses that are 2-4 times higher than public schools. Furthermore, we show that the increases in enrollment that take place after football success are The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

mainly driven by public schools. We also find some evidence that private schools exploit an increase in applications due to basketball success by incr

The impacts of college sports sucess on quantity and quality of students applications

easing tuition rates.We think that our results significantly extend the existing literature and provide important insights about the impact of sports

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