Graphene Oxyde

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Nội dung chi tiết: Graphene Oxyde

Graphene Oxyde

Edited byAyrat M. Dimiev Siegfried EiglerGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsWileyGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsEdited byAYRAT M.

Graphene Oxyde DIMIEV laboratory oj Advanced Carbon Nanostructures, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian FederationSIEGFRIED EIGLERDepartment of Chemistry and C

hemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, SwedenWileyThis edition first published 2017© 2017 John Wiley & Sons, ndRegistered OfficeJohn Graphene Oxyde

Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The Atrium. Southern Gale, Chichester, West Sussex. PO19 8SỌ, United KingdomIxx details of our global editorial offices, for custom

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er services and f

Edited byAyrat M. Dimiev Siegfried EiglerGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsWileyGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsEdited byAYRAT M.

Graphene Oxyde 8.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, elect

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Edited byAyrat M. Dimiev Siegfried EiglerGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsWileyGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsEdited byAYRAT M.

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Edited byAyrat M. Dimiev Siegfried EiglerGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsWileyGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsEdited byAYRAT M.

Graphene Oxyde may not be suitable for every situation. In view of ongoing research, equipment modifications, changes in governmental regulations, and the constant f

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Edited byAyrat M. Dimiev Siegfried EiglerGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsWileyGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsEdited byAYRAT M.

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Graphene Oxyde

mes.: Dimiev. M-. 1965 I liigler. Siegfried, 1978Title: Graphene oxide : fundamentals and applications / Ayrat M. Dimicv. Siegfried Eiglcr.Desc

Edited byAyrat M. Dimiev Siegfried EiglerGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsWileyGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsEdited byAYRAT M.

Graphene Oxyde 81119069109 (cloth11 ISBN 9781119069130 (epub)Subjects: I.CSII: Grapliene. I Graphene Oxidation. I Graphene Industrial applications.Classification: LC

C TA I55.G65 D56 20I7I DDC 662/.9-dc23 LC record available at catalogue record for this book is available from the Bri Graphene Oxyde

tish Library.Set in 10/12pl limes by -SPi Globed. Pondicherry, India10 98765432 IContents

Edited byAyrat M. Dimiev Siegfried EiglerGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsWileyGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsEdited byAYRAT M.

Edited byAyrat M. Dimiev Siegfried EiglerGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsWileyGraphene OxideFundamentals and ApplicationsEdited byAYRAT M.

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