Mass Spectrometry

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Mass Spectrometry

SpectrofnetryA Textbook, Third EditionJurgen H. GrossMass SpectrometryA TextbookThird Edition0 SpringerJurgen 11. GrossInstitute of Organic ChemistryH

Mass Spectrometry Heidelberg UniversityHeidelberg. GermanyISBN 978-3-319-54397-0 ISBN 978-3-319-54398-7 (eBook)DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-54398-7Library of Congress Control

Number: 2017943051Springer International Publishing AG 2004. 2011.2017this work is subject to copyright. All rights arc reserved by the Publisher, whe Mass Spectrometry

ther the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcast

Mass Spectrometry

ing, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer s

SpectrofnetryA Textbook, Third EditionJurgen H. GrossMass SpectrometryA TextbookThird Edition0 SpringerJurgen 11. GrossInstitute of Organic ChemistryH

Mass Spectrometry service marks, etc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names arc exempt from the relevant pro

tective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and info Mass Spectrometry

rmation in this book are believed Io lie true and accurate al the dale of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a war

Mass Spectrometry

ranty, express or implied, with respect In the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains

SpectrofnetryA Textbook, Third EditionJurgen H. GrossMass SpectrometryA TextbookThird Edition0 SpringerJurgen 11. GrossInstitute of Organic ChemistryH

Mass Spectrometry ished by Springer NatureThe registered company is springer International Publishing AGIbc registered company address is: Gcwcrbcstrassc 11. 6330 Cham.

SwitzerlandPrefaceWhen non-mass spcctromctrists arc talking about mass spectrometry, it rather often sounds as if they were telling a story out of Po Mass Spectrometry

e’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination. Indeed, mass spectrometry appears to be regarded as a mysterious method, just good enough to supply some molecul

Mass Spectrometry

ar weight information. Unfortunately, this rumor about the dark side of analytical methods may reach students way before their first contact with mass

SpectrofnetryA Textbook, Third EditionJurgen H. GrossMass SpectrometryA TextbookThird Edition0 SpringerJurgen 11. GrossInstitute of Organic ChemistryH

Mass Spectrometry very first gigantic machines of the early days. Of course, there were also those who enthusiastically started in the 1950s toward developing mass spec

trometry out of the domain of physics to become a new analytical tool for chemistry. Within the more than a hundred years since J. J. Thomson’s semina Mass Spectrometry

l work, there has been a lol that has happened and a lot now to be known and learned about mass spectrometry.How All This BeganBack in the late 1980s.

Mass Spectrometry

J. J. Veith's mass spectrometry laboratory at the Technical University of Darmstadt was bright and clean, had no noxious odors, and thus presented a

SpectrofnetryA Textbook, Third EditionJurgen H. GrossMass SpectrometryA TextbookThird Edition0 SpringerJurgen 11. GrossInstitute of Organic ChemistryH

Mass Spectrometry d -whoops - infected me with CMSD (chronic mass spectrometry disease). Staying with Veith's group slowly transformed me into a mass spectrometrist. In

spiring books such as Fundamental Aspects of Organic Mass Spectrometry or Metastable Ions, out of stock even in those days, did help me very much duri Mass Spectrometry

ng my metamorphosis. Having completed my doctoral thesis on fragmentation pathw ays of isolated immonium ions in the gas phase. I assumed my current p

Mass Spectrometry

osition. Since 1994.1 have been head of the mass spectrometry laboratory al the Chemistry Department of Heidelberg University where I teach introducto

SpectrofnetryA Textbook, Third EditionJurgen H. GrossMass SpectrometryA TextbookThird Edition0 SpringerJurgen 11. GrossInstitute of Organic ChemistryH

Mass Spectrometry , but the ideal textbook still seemed to be missing - at least in my opinion. Finally, 2 years of writing began.vviPrefaceA Third EditionNow, Mass Spe

ctrometry - A Textbook is here in its third edition. For me, the author, preparing the third edition meant an obligation to update and further improve Mass Spectrometry

the content of this book. The extent of overall coverage and global organization has not changed as much for this edition as in the transition from t

Mass Spectrometry

he first to the second edition - nonetheless, many new sections have been added to adequately present the recent innovations in this ever-developing f

SpectrofnetryA Textbook, Third EditionJurgen H. GrossMass SpectrometryA TextbookThird Edition0 SpringerJurgen 11. GrossInstitute of Organic ChemistryH

Mass Spectrometry ions, changes, and corrections.What's New?Since the second edition, new techniques have gained importance, and some instrumentation has received notab

le attention and attained considerable commercial success. To keep pace with recent developments. Chap. 4 now includes TOF instruments with folded fli Mass Spectrometry

ght paths, the dynamically harmonized FT-1CR cell, more on hybrid instruments, and ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry. The increasing relevan

Mass Spectrometry

ce of high-resolution and accurate mass measurements is even strongly reflected in Chap. 3. The five chapters dedicated to soft ionization methods (CI

SpectrofnetryA Textbook, Third EditionJurgen H. GrossMass SpectrometryA TextbookThird Edition0 SpringerJurgen 11. GrossInstitute of Organic ChemistryH

Mass Spectrometry ass spectrometry have been substantially updated and upgraded. There is also much more on chromatographic techniques (GC. LC) and their coupling to ma

ss spectrometry in Chap. 14.The way we arc using books and literature in general has dramatically changed during the last decade. Back in 2001, when I Mass Spectrometry

started preparing the first edition of this book, regular visits to the libraries of several institutions in the area were on my schedule to collect

Mass Spectrometry

some vast amount of literature. Today, almost all journal articles are electronically available within seconds, and even textbooks arc now being exten

SpectrofnetryA Textbook, Third EditionJurgen H. GrossMass SpectrometryA TextbookThird Edition0 SpringerJurgen 11. GrossInstitute of Organic ChemistryH

SpectrofnetryA Textbook, Third EditionJurgen H. GrossMass SpectrometryA TextbookThird Edition0 SpringerJurgen 11. GrossInstitute of Organic ChemistryH

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