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Nội dung chi tiết: 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083


Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083 S.Y. O'Reilly. W.L. Griffin. Xiaolei Wang. Tao SunS0024-4937( 17)30264-5doi:I0.1016 j.lithos.2017.07 017PII:DOI:Reference:LITHOS 4377To appear in:LỈTH

OSReceived date:452812016Accepted date:42943Please cite this article as: Zhou. Xueyao. Yu. -lin-llai. O'Reilly, S.Y.. Griffin. W.L.; Wang, Xiaolei, Su 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083

n. Tao. Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significance. LITHOS (2017), doi: 10.HH0/j.lithos.


2til7.07.017This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this e

Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083 final form. Please note that during the production process errors may l>e discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that ap

ply to the journal pertain.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (S\v China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou3. Jin- 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083

Hai Yuo b, S.Y. O'Reilly1. WL. Griffin1’, Xiaolei Wang3. Tao Suna’ State Key Laboratory' for Mineral Deposits Research. Schoo! of Earth Sciences and E


ngineering. Nanjing University, Nanjing 2Ì 0046. Chinab ARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems, and GEMOC, Department of Earth and P

Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083 tThe Nanwenhe - Song Chay complex (NSCC) is a large early Paleozoic pluton straddling the border between sw China and NE Vietnam. It is located at the

tectonic junction of the Yangtze, Cathaysia and Indochina blocks so that the source of the complex is still enigmatic. The rocks from the complex are 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083

high-K calc-alkaline and peraluminous S-type granite. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of zircons from twelve granitic samples in the complex gives crystallizat


ion ages in the range of 436-423 Ma. Zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes and geochemical data show that the Nanwenhe granites in the northern part of the NSCC pro

Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083 anites in the southern part of the NSCC were probably derived from Neoproterozoic metamorphic psammites analogous to those in the Fanjingshan and Siba

o groups in the southwestern Yangtze Block. The granites from the complex contain abundant inherited zircons with a main peak at 836-808 Ma and subord 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083

inate peaks at -'734 Ma and 528-665 Ma. The inherited zircons have age distribution patterns and Hf-isotopic compositions similar to those for the det


rital zircons from Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the southwestern part of the Yangtze Block, but different from those of the

Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083 most tip of the early Paleozoic orogenic belt in the SCB. We thus assume that the boundaries between theYangtze Block and the Cathaysia Block and betw

een the SCB and ICB should belocated to the southeast and southwest of the Nanwenhe - Song Chay area, respectively.Keywords: Early Paleozoic granites; 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083

Zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes; Nanwenhe Song Cha)- complex; Southwest China Block: northeastern Vietnam; boundary between the Cathaysia and Yangtze1. Intro


ductionThe South China Block (SCR) was formed by the amalgamation of the Yangtze Block and the Cathaysia Block in the early Neoproterozoic (1000-820Ma

Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083 rian basement in these two blocks is different (Xu et al.. 2007; Yu Ct al., 2010; Zhang and Zheng. 2007; Zhao and Cawood. 2012; Zheng and Zhang. 2007)

. The eastern boundary between the Yangtze Block and Calhaysia Block is generally considered to be the Jiangshan-Shaoxing fault, along which ophiolite 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083

s and blueschists have been identified (Gao et al., 2009; Li et al., 1994; Shu Ct al.. 1994; Shu. 2012). However, the western boundary has always been


controversial. Many faults have been proposed as the western extension of the boundary, c.g. the Shizong-Milc fault (Dong cl al.. 2002; Guo cl al.. 2

Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083 ault (Wang et al., 2003; Zhang and Wang. 2007) (Fig. I).The Song Chay Massif is located in northeastern Vietnam, near the southwestern margin of the S

outh China (Fig. 1). It is commonly considered as a part of the SCB (Chen et al., 2014: Lin et al., 2011: Roger et al., 2000). The Indochina Block (IC 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083

B) separated from Gondwana and amalgamated with the SCB and other continental blocks (e.g. Sibumasu Block) to form the Southeast Asian continent in th


e late Paleozoic to the early Mesozoic (Fame et al.. 2014: Lan et al.. 2003: Matcalfe. 1996, 2002: Usuki et al., 2013). However, the boundary between

Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083 alfe. 2002, 2013; Tran and Khuc, 2011), the Song Hong fault (Findlay and Trinh. 1997; Leloup et al.. 1995). the Song Chay fault (Chen et al., 2013, 20

14). and the Dian-Qiong (or Babu) suture (Cai and Zhang, 2009: Wu et al.. 1999; Zhong et al.. 1998) (Fig. 1).The Precambrian basement rocks in norther 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083

n Vietnam are mainly distributed in the area between the Song Chay and Song Ma faults (Fig. 1). Some scholars have considered that the Precambrian bas


ement rocks are parts of the SCB (Fan et al.. 2010; Hieu et al., 2009; Lan et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2016a), but others have ascribed them to the ICB

Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083 f the Precambrian basement under this area is important as a constraint on the tectonic affiliation of the Song Chay massif and definition of both the

southwestern boundary between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks and the boundary between the SCB andICB.The Song Chay granitic pluton, an important ro 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083

ck unit in northeastern Vietnam, constitutes a large granite dome together with the Nanwenhe gneissic granite in the southeastern Yunnan Province, Sou


thwest China d ig. 2). Some researchers have described it as a metamorphic core complex or metamorphic dome (T.iu et al., 2003; Roger Ct al., 2000; Ya

Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083 Blocks d ig. 1). Its composition and inherited zircons within it may provide information about components of the deep basement. On the other hand, ma

ny Sn-W polymetallic ore fields, such as the Dulong. the Xinzhai and the Nanwenhe deposits in SE Yunnan, are distributed along the northern part of th 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083

e NSCC. Previous research has focused on these Sn-W deposits and the related late Mesozoic Laojunshan and Nanwenhe granites (Fig. 2; Feng et al., 2013


; Liu et al., 2007; Peng et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2015a. 2015b). Little attention has been paid to the Song Chay granite, for few Sn-W deposits have b

Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083 rent basement components beneath SF. Yunnan and XF Vietnam therefore is an important issue. Illis study presents a dataset of new zircon U-Pb ages, ll

f-isolopc analyses and bulk geochemical data on the NSCC in order to provide constraints on these issues.2. Geological background and sample features 92d4fc41-e3fc-420c-8375-1272c1f34083

Accepted Manuscript.Sources of the Nanwenhe-Song Chay granitic complex (SW China - NE Vietnam) and its tectonic significanceXueyao Zhou. Jin-Hai Yu. S

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