➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: appendices
This CD contains the following appendices.LIST OF APPENDICESAPPENDIX 1:ETHICS APPROVAL....................................................2APPENDIX 2: appendices :ETHICS FOR PHASE 1.................................................3Appendix 2.1: Information sheets and consent forms for the school participant.3Appendix 2.2: Information sheets and consent forms for teacher participants..11Appendix 2.3: Information sheets and consent forms for student participan appendices ts..19APPENDIX 3: THE TEXTBOOK UNITS UNDER OBSERVATION (PHASE1)......................27APPENDIX 4: A SAMPLE OF TEACHER INTERVIEWS (PHASE1) (Teacher 11appendices
0A).............57APPENDIX 5: A SAMPLE OF STUDENT INTERVIEWS (PHASE1) (CLASS 12G)................58APPENDIX 6: ETHICS FOR PHASE 2.....................This CD contains the following appendices.LIST OF APPENDICESAPPENDIX 1:ETHICS APPROVAL....................................................2APPENDIX 2: appendices sent forms for teacher participants..67Appendix 6.3: Information sheets and consent forms for student participants...75APPENDIX 7:THE TEXTBOOK UNITS THAT PROVIDE CONTEXTS FORPHASE 2..........83APPENDIX 8:THE TASKS FOR THE MAIN DATA COLLECTION (PHASE2)..............113APPENDIX 9:A SAMPLE OF STUDENT I appendices NTERVIEWS (PHASE 2).........................1141APPENDIX 1: ETHICS APPROVALIf WHARF WANANCA o TI OPOKO o II IKA A MAUIVICTORIALXJ university or WELLINappendices
GTONPhone 0-4-463 5676Fax 0-4-463 5209Email Thi Bao TrangCOPY TOJonathan NewtonFROMDr Allison Kirkman, ConThis CD contains the following appendices.LIST OF APPENDICESAPPENDIX 1:ETHICS APPROVAL....................................................2APPENDIX 2: appendices for your applications for ethical approval, which have now been considered by the standing Committee of the Human Ethics Committee.Your applications have been approved from the above date and this approval continues until 30 June 2013. If your data collection is not completed by this date you shoul appendices d apply to the Human Ethics Committee for an extension to this approval.Best wishes with the research.Allison KirkmanConvenerThis CD contains the following appendices.LIST OF APPENDICESAPPENDIX 1:ETHICS APPROVAL....................................................2APPENDIX 2:This CD contains the following appendices.LIST OF APPENDICESAPPENDIX 1:ETHICS APPROVAL....................................................2APPENDIX 2:Gọi ngay
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