Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

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Nội dung chi tiết: Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory ghamton, New York 13902-60001IntroductionMany books have now been published about the work of the Bletchley Park codebreakers during World War II. Out

standing among these are Alan Turing: The Enigma, by Andrew Hodges [Ho], a sensitive and enormously informative biography of a genius who made a uniqu Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

e contribution to winning the war while he was simultaneously inventing the computer; and Codebreakers, edited by F. H. Hinsley and Alan Slripp [Hill]

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

, a series of articles providing detailed information on the methods employed by the codebreakers of Bletchley Park. Particularly to be commended amon

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory st on Naval Enigma and then on the even more sophisticated Geheimschreiber code (which we called Fish!), describes the machines employed by the German

s and the machines we developed to help to read messages encrypted by these machines. It is a great advantage, of course, for those able, like Jack Go Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

od, to provide precise descriptions of these machines and of our methods, that much of the necessary information has now. at long last, been declassif

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

ied.With so many good sources of information available, it would be pointless to write yet another technical article. On the other hand, there has not

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory Of course, I will only speak for myself. I, too, like Jack Good, worked first on Naval Enigma {in 1942) and then on Fish until the end of the Europea

n War (May, 1945); but I had a period, at the end of 1942 and early in 1943, when I was withdrawn from the Enigma team and joined the research group a Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

ctually trying to understand the modus operand! of the Geheim Schreiber machine. 1 then was attached to the Test.ery, but liaised with the Newmanry. T

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

he Testery people largely used hand methods, that is, they did not themselves use the Colossus machine; but, of course, they routinely used the output

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory to Michael Ryan, editor of Global Intelligence Monthly, for permission to reproduce this article.2Peter HiltonEven though this reminiscence is very i

nformal and personal, it is relevant to point out that the teams to which I belonged wen? working on the highest grade Germany military and diplomatic Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

ciphers. I do not believe that those working on lower grade (e.g., field) ciphers felt much of the excitement we felt ; and I am sure that those who

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

only came into the picture once the messages had been deciphered had an entirely different experience from our own.What then are my most vivid recolle

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory Il [Ilin]) that in October, 1941, four top Bletchley Park cryptanalysts, including Alan Turing, wrote a letter to Churchill arguing that it was essen

tial to give the highest priority to the recruitment of codebreakers and the provision of necessary equipment. Churchill might have reacted like a bur Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

eaucrat and said that the letter should have been properly routed through the corridors of Whitehall but he didn’t. He saw the good sense of what was

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

proposed and its urgency; and he minuted his chief of staff “Action this day”. Thus it came about though I did not know this at t he time that an inte

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory the dictates of security required that the candidates should not be told the nature of the work they would ge doing it was my distinct impression tha

t the members of the interviewing board did not know this themselves.)Now the British educational system, at the time, being based on the principle of Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

premature specialization, virtually guaranteed that there would be no such person, except by chance. 1My tutor recommended me to attend the interview

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

although I was not a mathematician — merely an undergraduate student of mathematics — and my knowledge of German was rudimentary, since I had merely

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory he Foreign Office. However, the condition was imposed that I must start in January, 1942. This was a blow as my age group (I was born in 1923) was not

due to be drafted till August, 1912. But my experience of training for the Royal Artillery as a student at Oxford — all university students hail to u Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

ndergo military training — had convinced me that, if 1 was conscripted into the Royal Artillery, 1 would1 There were, of course, many outstanding math

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

ematicians among the Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria, but they Could not be trusted as enemy aliens!' It could not be doubted that German was

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory not take me long to detide that, whatever the secret work I was to undertake at Bletchley Park, it was certain to be far more interesting than being

an artilleryman, and, much as I regretted losing two terms at Oxford, the sacrifice was surely worthwhile. How right I was!So it came about that, on 1 Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

2 January 1942, 1 presented myself at the gates of Bletchley Park and was escorted to Hut 8. 1 met many people that day, but I didn’t find out the nat

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

ure of the work. For one person I met none other than Alan lining himself — asked me if I played chess and added, when I replied affirmatively, that h

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory ke to think that the cordial relationship I enjoyed with Alan Turing for the remainder of his tragically short life (he committed suicide in 1954, jus

t short of his -I2"'t birthday) owed much to the fortunate circumstances of our first meeting. On my second day I discovered that I was to be involved Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

in the decoding of Naval Enigma, especially of the highly secret Offizier messages, and I got my first instructions in the subtle methods developed b

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

y the Hut 8 team of cryptanalysts to achieve an amazingly high success rate and a remarkable speed of decryption. A uniquely exciting period of my lif

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory — they were intelligent, quick, inventive, immensely hard-working and always encouraging each other. Almost all resumed or went on to academic jobs a

fter the war, though some chose different careers. 3It is really invidious to pick out any for special praise or mention; yet I feed I should if only Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

to point to the wide variety of attributes they displayed, either in common or individually, in addition to their mathematical Hair. I will, rather ar

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

bitrarily, confine myself to seven names, which, to avoid gross favoritism, I will refer to in alphabetical order. Of course, it is understood that th

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory ’D. Alexander, to give him full panoply of initials) was the British chess champion. He was a most colorful person, with an attractive personality and

striking intelligence. He and Shaun Wylie taught me much of what I learned about Naval Enigma and the decoding problem in my early days in Hut 8 — he Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

was at that time in charge of our Section. What struck me about him then, in addition to the qualities I have mentioned,3One. Roy Jenkins, now Lord J

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

enkins of Hillhead, was Home Secretary in a Labour Government and is now Chancellor of Oxford University. Another, Peter Benen-son, founded Amnesty In

Reminiscences and Reflections of aCodebreakerPeter Hilton*Distinguished Professor of Mathematics EmeritusDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSUNY, Bing

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory o come to recognize as the distinguishing mark of greatness in my colleagues. Unfortunately, I saw very little of Hugh after leaving Hut 8..lack Good

(now I. .1. Good, Distinguished Professor of Statistics Emeritus at Virginia Polytechnic Institute) was the nearest any of US came to being an applied Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

mathematician I will revert to this point later. He was, in fact, a probability, but he was — and is — a polymath. Both in Hut 8 and in the Newmanry

Coding theory and cryptography; from enigma and geheimschreiber to quantum theory

he was enormously effective and productive, both of decrypts and ideas. He is possessed of a prodigious ami totally accurate memory which makes him, t

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