(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

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Nội dung chi tiết: (Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004) 1 Congress Cataloging-in-Piiblicatioii DataHandbook of functional dairy products / edited by Colette Shorn and John O'Brienp. cm. — (Functional foods

and nutraceuticals seiies ; 6.0) Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 1 58716 077 3 (alk. paper)1. Daily products in human nutrition. 2. (Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

Functional íòcxls. 1. Title: Functional daily products. 11. Shortt, Colette, 111. O'Brien, John. 1960 May 26-IV. Functional kxxls and nutraceuticals

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

series.QP144.M54II36 2003641.3’7 dc222003058466Illis Ixxik contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted materia

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004) data and information. but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of thei

r use.Neither this book nor any part may l>e reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, (Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage or rcưicval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.All rights reser

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

ved. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use. or the personal or internal use of specific clients, may lie granted by CRC Press

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004) e for users of the Transactional Reporting Service is ISBN 1 58716 077 3 04 SO.OOl $1.50. The fee is subject to change without notice. For organizatio

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Io copying for general distribution, for promotion, for creating new works, or for resale, specific permission must be obtained in writing from CRC P

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

ress LLC for such copying.Dncct all inquưics to CRC Press LLC. 2000 N.w. Corporate Blvd.. Boca Raton. Florida 33431.Trademark Notice: Product or corpo

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004) Press Web site al© 2004 by CRC Press LLCNo claim to original U.S. Government works International Standard Book Number 1-58716-077-3 L

ibrary of Congress Card Number 2003058466Printed in the United States of America 12 3 4567890 Printed on acid-free paperSeries Editor's PrefaceThe Fun (Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

ctional Foods and Nutraceuticals Series, launched in 1998. was developed to provide a timely and comprehensive treatment of the emerging science and t

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

echnology of functional foods and nutraceuticals which are shown to play a role in preventing or delaying the onset of diseases, especially chronic di

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004) k of Fermented Functional Foods', and Methods of Analysis for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals have received broad acceptance by food, nutrition an

d health professionals.Functional Foods: Biochemical and Processing Aspects, Volume 1. the hist volume of the series, is a bestseller, and is devoted (Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

to functional food products from oats, wheal, rice, flaxseed, mustard, fruits, vegetables, fish and dairy products. In Volume 2, the focus is on the l

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

atest developments in the chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, epidemiology and engineering of tocopherols and tocotricnols from oil and cereal grai

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004) rosemary and sage, organosulfur constitutes from garlic, phylochemicals from lichinacea, pectin from fruit, and omega-3 fatty acids and docosahexaeno

ic acid from flaxseed and fish products. Volume 2 also covers solid-liquid extraction technologies for manufacturing nutraceuticals and dietary supple (Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

ments. The volume Herbs, Botanical* and leas provides the latest scientific and technical information on the chemical, pharmacological, epidemiologica

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

l and clinical aspects of garlic, ginseng, lichinacea, ginger, fenugreek. St. John's wort, Ginkgo biloba, kava kava, goldenseal, saw palmetto, valeria

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004) quality assurance and control for the herbal and lea industry, rhe volume Methods of Analysis for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals presents advanc

ed methods of analysis for carotenoids, phytoeslrogens, chlorophy lls, anthocyanins. amino acids, fatty acids, flavonoids, water soluble vitamins and (Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

carbohydrates. The fifth volume of the series. Handbook of Fermented Functional Foods, provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art treatment of the sci

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

entific and technological information on the production of fermented foods, the microorganisms involved, the changes in composition that occur during

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004) iry Products, edited by leading food scientists Drs. Colette Shortt and John O'Brien, addresses the most recent developments in functional daily ingre

dients and products, with a clear focus on the effect of these foods and their active ingredients on human health. This book contains 14 outstanding c (Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

hapters dealing with probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, lactose hydrolyzed products, trans-galactooligosaccharides as prebiotics, conjugated l

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

inoleicacid and its antiatherogenic potential and inhibitory effects on chemically induced tumors, immuno-enhancing properties of milk components and

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004) ological opportunities, safety assurance of functional dairy products, developing a dossier to support a functional food, impact of biotechnology for

the nutritional enhancement of daily foods, and communication of the benefits of functional daily products are addressed.The book also provides an int (Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

eresting overview of the market dynamics and the drivers behind the development of functional dairy products. It is noted that there is an opportunity

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

to develop and market dairy products, especially probiotics, that target selected age groups and people in specific disease stales and those who have

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004) come more real as our understanding of the role that intestinal bacteria play in human health improves, and as new strains of microorganisms with char

acteristics that make them more effective ingredients in food products are identified and fully characterized.l)rs. Shortt and O'Brien have assembled (Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

a group of outstanding international contributors in the forefront of functional dairy products, food science and technology. It is hoped that the eff

(Functional foods and nutraceuticals series) colette shortt, john obrien handbook of functional dairy products CRC press (2004)

ort will be beneficial to food, nutrition and health practitioners, and student researchers and entrepreneurs in industry, government and university l

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

Handbook ofFunctionalDairy ProductsEDITED BYColette Shortt, Ph.D.John O’Brien, Ph.D.CRC PRESSRnra Rarnti ĩ nndnn NIrnv Ynrk Wachinornn í) (Library (>1

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