High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

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High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry ty of Oxford Oxford, United KingdomELSEVIERAMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON • NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS SAN (XEGO • SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE

• SYDNEY • TOKYOvAvw.pdfgrip.comElsevierRadarwcg 29. PO Box 211. 1000 AE Amsterdam. NetherlandsThe Boulevard. Langford Lane. Kidlington. Oxford OX5 1G High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

B. UK50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor. Cambridge. MA 02139. USACopyright & 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.First edition 1999Reprinted 2004. 2005

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

. 2006Second edition 2009No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

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High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

y changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding. changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may be

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

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High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein.British Library Catalogiiing-in-Publica

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry this book is available from the Library of CongressISBN: 978-0-08-099986-9For information on all Elsevier publications visit our website at https://w KBook Aid InterruDcea]Working together to grow libraries in developing • www.bookaid.orgTypeset by Thoms High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

on Digitalwww.pdfgrlp.comPrefaceThere can he no doubt that nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is now a very well developed analytical tool

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

and one that continues to expand in its capabilities and application. This is manifest in the fact that many NMR sub disciplines have now established

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry mon, loosely defined fields might include ‘small’ molecules, bio macromolecules and mctaholomics, aside from solid state NMR, which itself nowadays la

rgely partitions to materials sc ience and biomolecules. Likewise. NMR texts lend to focus on one of these disciplines as it becomes increasingly diff High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

icult to do adequate justice to more than one in a single book. In keeping with the previous two editions, this text continues its focus on solution s

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

tate NMR techniques for the study of small molecules. In addition, this third edition extends to me dicinal chemistry related applications, reflecting

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry . A second new chapter. presenting a model case study, illustrates how the most common NMR methods may be combined in the structure elucidation of a s

ingle compound. The earlier introductory material in the book has also been expanded, notably with regard to dynamic NMR effects, and all chapters hav High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

e been updated to reflect modern instillment developments, current methodology and new experimental techniques, as outlined subsequently.The Chapter I

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

ntroducing High-Resolution NMR develops the basic concepts and principles of NMR. including pulse excitation and spin relaxation This chapter has been

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry concepts of NMR timescales and defines fast and slow exchange processes. It also describes the use of lineshape analysis and magnetisation transfer e

xperiments for the measurement of equilibrium exchange rates. The chapter describing Practical Aspects of High-Resolution NMR focuses on the practical High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

ities of executing NMR experiments and has been updated to include recent technological developments, including nitrogcn-coolcd cryogenic probcheads.

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

The chapter on One-Dimensional Techniques introduces the primary ID NMR techniques and for this edition discussions on quantitative NMR (qNMR) have be

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry l and Pulsed Field Gradient NMR has been revised slightly from that of previous editions and now focuses solely on introducing the principles and prac

ticalities of 2D NMR and of pulsed field gradients (I’FGs). The chapter also includes non-uniform sampling for more rapid data collection and conclude High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

s by introducing the concept of single-scan NMR. the ultimate in fast data acquisition. The chapter Correlations Through the Chemical Bondi: Homonucle

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

ar Shift Correlation then focuses on techniques for establishing correlations between homonuclcar spins. The theme of through bond correlations contin

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry tuts been restructured in Illis edition to emphasise the favoured use of heleronuclear single-quantum correlation (IISQC) over heleronuclear multiple

-quantum correlation (IIMQC) nowadays, with the later retained partly as a lead into to the very important and closely related hctcronuclcar multiple High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

bond corrcla tion (HMBC) technique. The sections covering H.MKC have also heen extended to consider new variants, including those suitable for measuri

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

ng long-range, proton-carbon coupling constants and for the investigation of proton-sparse molecules. The chapter concludes with an introduction to th

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry ant for future developments leading to more efficient data acquisition. The chapter Separating Shifts and Couplings: J-Resolved and Pure Shift Spectro

scopy introduces classical J-resolved spectroscopy and also contains a substantial new section describing pure shift broadband decoupled proton NMR. T High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

he chapter describing Correlations Through Space: The Nuclear (herhauser Effect provides an introduction to the basic principles of the NOE. Following

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

this, the practical section has been significantly restructured to emphasise the dominance of the transient NOE (most often measured by NOESY) over t

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry lude methods for WF 1H NOEs, included to match the growing interest in fluorine chemistry. The section on 2D exchange spectroscopy (EXSY) has also bee

n revised to integrate with the new dynamics section found in the chapter Introducingixwww.pdwcomX Preface High resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry

High-Resolution NIMR Techniques in Organic ChemistryThird EditionTimothy D.w. Claridge Chemistry Research Laboratory Department of Chemistry Universit

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