NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

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Nội dung chi tiết: NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

Exploring Emotional Intelligence: A study of Vietnamese hotel workersQuynh NguyenA thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Bourn

NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019 nemouth University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy43617BOURNEMOUTH UNIVERSITYCOPYRIGHT STATEMENTThis copy of the thesis has been supplied OU co

ndition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with its author and due acknowledgement must always be made of NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

the use of any material contained in, or derived from, this thesis.iiAbstractRecent research recognises the importance of Emotional Intelligence (El)

NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

in the hospitality industry. Hospitality employees are required to regulate their emotions effectively during face-to-face interactions with customer

Exploring Emotional Intelligence: A study of Vietnamese hotel workersQuynh NguyenA thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Bourn

NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019 d work-related factors: education and training, leadership or management, and culture. Furthermore. El research is heavily Western centric because of

the selection of sample and place of the research.This study explores Vietnamese hotel workers’ practice of El in interactions with customers and coll NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

eagues in the workplace in Vietnam. The study adopted a qualitative approach using three methods; focus groups with 20 hotel employees, the Critical I

NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

ncident Technique (CIT) to record favourable and unfavourable incidents (114 incidents in total), and semi-structured interviews with 34 hotel employe

Exploring Emotional Intelligence: A study of Vietnamese hotel workersQuynh NguyenA thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Bourn

NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019 aried depending on the context and with whom they interacted, which highlights the advantage of employing the qualitative approach. Vietnamese hotel w

orkers employed different strategies to recognise and regulate their own emotions and the emotions of customers and colleagues. These were obtained th NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

rough higher education, hotel training programmes, their experiences and those of colleagues and managers. In addition. Vietnamese culture was found t

NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

o influence their emotions and how they managed them and others' emotions. Also, a significant source of knowledge of emotional management derived fro

Exploring Emotional Intelligence: A study of Vietnamese hotel workersQuynh NguyenA thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Bourn

NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019 s in the sector.iiiTable of ContentsABSTRACT............................................................niTABLE OE COM EMS............................

........................IVLIST or TABLES.......................................................XLIS I OF FIGI RES..................................... NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

..............XILIST OF APPEND ICES................................................XIILISI OF ABBREVIATIONS...........................................

NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

..XIIIACKNOWLEDGMENTS....................................................XIVCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...............................................1LI.I

Exploring Emotional Intelligence: A study of Vietnamese hotel workersQuynh NguyenA thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Bourn

NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019 OF THE STUDY....................................51.4.RESEARCH AIM AND OBJECTIVES....................................71.5.THE STRUCTURE OF THE THESIS..

..................................81.6.SUMMARY.......................................................10CHAPTER 2 - LITERATURE REVIEW: RESEARC H ON El NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

AND ITS STATE IN THE HOSPITALITY SECTOR..................................................112.1.INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTERS.............

NGUYEN, Quynh_Ph.D._2019

........112.2.INT RODUCTION TO CHAPTER 2 - RESEARCH ON El AND ITS STATE IN I HEHOSPITALITY SECTOR...................................................11

Exploring Emotional Intelligence: A study of Vietnamese hotel workersQuynh NguyenA thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Bourn

Exploring Emotional Intelligence: A study of Vietnamese hotel workersQuynh NguyenA thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Bourn

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