Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

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Nội dung chi tiết: Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

Vitomir SunjicVesna Petrovic PerokovicOrganic Chemistry from Retrosynthesis to Asymmetric SynthesisSpringerwww.pdfgrip.comOrganic Chemistry from Retro

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis osynthesis to Asymmetric Synthesiswww.pdfgrip.comVitomir Sunjic • Vesna Petrovic PerokovicOrganic Chemistry from Retrosynthesis to Asymmetric Synthesi

s4^ Springerwww.pdfgrip.comVilomir SunjicCroatian Academy of Sciences and ArtsZagrebCroatiaVcsna Petrovió PerokovicFaculty of Science University of Za Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

greb ZagrebCroatiaISBN 978-3-319-29924-2 ISBN 978-3-319-29926-6 (eBook)DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29926-6Library of Congress Control Number: 2016935567Tran

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

slation from the Croatian language edition: Organska kemija od relrosinieze do asimciricine sinieze by Vitomir Sunjic and Vcsna Pctrovic Pcrokovic. ©

Vitomir SunjicVesna Petrovic PerokovicOrganic Chemistry from Retrosynthesis to Asymmetric SynthesisSpringerwww.pdfgrip.comOrganic Chemistry from Retro

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis l rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re

use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmission or information storage and r Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

etrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The use of general descri

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

ptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that s

Vitomir SunjicVesna Petrovic PerokovicOrganic Chemistry from Retrosynthesis to Asymmetric SynthesisSpringerwww.pdfgrip.comOrganic Chemistry from Retro

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis rc safe to assume that the advice and information in this b

nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

may have been made.Printed on acid-frcc paperIllis Springer imprint is published by Springer NatureThe registered company is springer International P

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

ublishing AG Switzerlandwww.pdfgrip.comPrefaceThere is a substantial didactic difference between relrosynlhelic analysis and asymmetric synthesis. Thi

Vitomir SunjicVesna Petrovic PerokovicOrganic Chemistry from Retrosynthesis to Asymmetric SynthesisSpringerwww.pdfgrip.comOrganic Chemistry from Retro

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis in asymmetric synthesis. Rctrosynthcsis without considering the absolute configuration anticipates the synthesis of racemic target molecules, while a

symmetric synthesis leads to the preferred enantiomers. Concerning the conceptual and practical difference between retrosynthesis without consideratio Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

n of the stereochemistry and asymmetric synthesis of optically pure target molecules, we underline considering asymmetric synthesis as a “departure to

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

the third dimension.”This book is an attempt to bridge these two aspects of teaching and practicing synthetic organic chemistry. Rctrosynthetic analy

Vitomir SunjicVesna Petrovic PerokovicOrganic Chemistry from Retrosynthesis to Asymmetric SynthesisSpringerwww.pdfgrip.comOrganic Chemistry from Retro

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis ltistep syntheses. The attractiveness and pragmatic value of Warren's approach rest in the adoption of the basic-principles of rctrosynthetic analysis

through application to the problems of the increasing complexity, attaching “computer-like” properties to the brain of synthetic chemists, in particu Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

lar the capacity to see the target structures in a new, creative way.The selected examples of asymmetric syntheses in this book are not regularly rela

Organic chemistry from retrosynthesis to asymmetric synthesis

ted to the target molecule of retrosynthetic analysis. Chiral target molecules are selected either to demonstrate the practicability of certain asymme

Vitomir SunjicVesna Petrovic PerokovicOrganic Chemistry from Retrosynthesis to Asymmetric SynthesisSpringerwww.pdfgrip.comOrganic Chemistry from Retro

Vitomir SunjicVesna Petrovic PerokovicOrganic Chemistry from Retrosynthesis to Asymmetric SynthesisSpringerwww.pdfgrip.comOrganic Chemistry from Retro

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