Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001

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Nội dung chi tiết: Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001

Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001

https://khothu vien .comSolid Support Oligoiaceharide Synthesis anil Combinatorial Carbohydrate Libraries.Edited by Peter II. Secbcrgcr Copyright © 20

Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001 001 John Wiley i Sons. Inc. ISBNs: 0 471.37828 3 (Hardback); 0 471-22044 2 (Electronic)SOLID SUPPORT OLIGOSACCHARIDE SYNTHESIS AND COMBINATORIAL CARBO

HYDRATE LIBRARIESSOLID SUPPORT OLIGOSACCHARIDE SYNTHESIS AND COMBINATORIAL CARBOHYDRATE LIBRARIESEdited byPeter IL Seeberger’Yn INTERSCIENCEA JOHN WIL Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001

EY & SONS. INC. PUBLICATIONNew York • Chichester • Weinheim • Brisbane • Singapore • TorontoDesignations Used by companies to distinguish their produc

Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001

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https://khothu vien .comSolid Support Oligoiaceharide Synthesis anil Combinatorial Carbohydrate Libraries.Edited by Peter II. Secbcrgcr Copyright © 20

Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001 .Copyright© 2UƯ1 by John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All rights resaved.No pin of this publication may he reproduced. stored in a mtneval system or transmitted

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Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001

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https://khothu vien .comSolid Support Oligoiaceharide Synthesis anil Combinatorial Carbohydrate Libraries.Edited by Peter II. Secbcrgcr Copyright © 20

Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001 gard to the subject nutter covered II is sold with the nnderst.inding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If profess

ional advice or ether expert assistance is required, the services of a competent prolosiumd person sixiuld be sought.ISBN 0 171-22011-2.This title is Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001

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Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001

torsxi1Solid-Phase Carbohydrate Synthesis:The Early WorkIWilm-Christian Haase and Peter //. Seebergcr1.1Introduction 11.2Solid-Phase Strategies 21.3Ol

https://khothu vien .comSolid Support Oligoiaceharide Synthesis anil Combinatorial Carbohydrate Libraries.Edited by Peter II. Secbcrgcr Copyright © 20

Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001 accharides and Glycoconjugatcs15Pier /•’. Cirillo and Samuel J. Danishefsky2.1Introduction 152.2Why Glycal Assembly? Strategic Considerations 162.3Lin

ker Design 182.4Solid Support Glycal Assembly via 1,2-Anhydrosugar Donors 202.5Solid Phase Synthesis of the Blood Group H Determinant 232.6Solid Suppo Peter h seeberger solid support oligosaccharide synthesis and combinatorial carbohydrate libraries wiley 2001

rt Glycal Assembly via ThiocthyI Glycosyl Donors 242.7Solid Support Assembly via Ibiocthyl 2-Amidoglycosyl Donors 27

https://khothu vien .comSolid Support Oligoiaceharide Synthesis anil Combinatorial Carbohydrate Libraries.Edited by Peter II. Secbcrgcr Copyright © 20

https://khothu vien .comSolid Support Oligoiaceharide Synthesis anil Combinatorial Carbohydrate Libraries.Edited by Peter II. Secbcrgcr Copyright © 20

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