Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

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Nội dung chi tiết: Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

A DissertationentitledEvaluation of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Grafting as a Tool for Improving Membrane PerformancebyTilak GulhnkalaSubmitted to the Grad

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance duate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree 111 EngineeringDr. Isabel Escobar. Committee ChauDi. Mari

a Coleman. Committee MemberDr. Dong-Sink Kim. Committee MemberDr. Sasidliar Varanasi. Committee MemberDi. Jared Andeison. Committee MemberDr. Patricia Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

Komumuecki. Dean College of Graduate StudiesThe University of Toledo May 2010An Abstract ofEvaluation of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Grafting as a Tool fo

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

r Improving Membrane PerformancebyTilak GullinkalaAs partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in EngineeringThe Uni

A DissertationentitledEvaluation of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Grafting as a Tool for Improving Membrane PerformancebyTilak GulhnkalaSubmitted to the Grad

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance pared to other membrane materials, they are more prone to microbial attack and organic fouling because of Their natural cellulose acetate backbone str

uctures. Fouling, or the accumulation of foreign substances on the membrane surface. OCCIUS mostly due to hydrophobic interactions between the membran Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

e and the foreign substances, especially natural organic matter (NOM). In oidei to reduce the hydrophobic interactions and thereby fouling due to NOM.

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

flexible hydrophilic polyethylene glycol) (PEG) monomer chains were grafted to the cellulose acetate membrane to increase its hydrophilicity. Two met

A DissertationentitledEvaluation of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Grafting as a Tool for Improving Membrane PerformancebyTilak GulhnkalaSubmitted to the Grad

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance al development, followed by monomer for polymerization, and a chain transfer agent (CTA) for termination of the polymerization. Two different teclimqu

es of introducing the chemicals to the membrane were investigated. These were a111bulk approach, where membranes were immersed in the chemical solutio Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

ns, and chop approach, where chemicals were added drop wise to the surface of the membrane to avoid polymerization within the pores. Both techniques l

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

ed to improv emails ill membrane performance. as observed by lower fouling, lower flux declines and lower rales of flux decline, when compared to unmo

A DissertationentitledEvaluation of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Grafting as a Tool for Improving Membrane PerformancebyTilak GulhnkalaSubmitted to the Grad

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance d replication. Method ĨĨ was characterized by a greener solvent-free enzymatic polycondensation to graft PEG to the membrane surface. NOM Iced solutio

ns were used to compare organic fouling between the modified and unmodified membranes. Modification led to higher fluxes, lower flux declines, and a m Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

ore reversible fouling layer easily removed by backwashing during operation. Method I and II led to 16 and 17% increase 111 the pine water flux of the

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

cellulose acetate membrane, respectively. Both the methods resulted in improved membrane fouling resistance when using NOM as the feed content.IVAckn

A DissertationentitledEvaluation of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Grafting as a Tool for Improving Membrane PerformancebyTilak GulhnkalaSubmitted to the Grad

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance of Toledo.I owe my deepest gratitude to my advisor. Prof Isabel c Escobar, for welcoming me into her research gloup and guiding me throughout my rese

arch and study at LT. Her enthusiasm in research and ceaseless liveliness has been a motivating factor my doctoral accomplishments. Further, she was a Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

lways accessible and inclined to support and help her students in their research. As a result, research life became smooth and rewarding for meIt was

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

a delight to interact with Prof. Maria Coleman by having her in my dissertation committee. I am grateful to other committee members Drs. Sasidhar Vara

A DissertationentitledEvaluation of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Grafting as a Tool for Improving Membrane PerformancebyTilak GulhnkalaSubmitted to the Grad

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance me this wonderfid opportunity to puisne doctorate degree in engineering I am gratefill to my friend, former colleague and lab-mate. Dr. Rama Chennams

etty. as he was the person who introduced me to the world of polymeric membranes and taught me various surface characterization techniques.I am indebt Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

ed to my parents. Sanjeeva Rao and Tulasi Devi, for their endless love and continued support throughout my life. I strongly believe that your deep pen

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

chant for education made me achieve this distinction 111 my life. Tills thesis would not be possible without you When I look back, you weie always the

A DissertationentitledEvaluation of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Grafting as a Tool for Improving Membrane PerformancebyTilak GulhnkalaSubmitted to the Grad

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance provided the best possible enviroiunent for me to gl ow up 111 spite of all the hardships. I never had to worry about anything other than my educatio

n tliroughout my schooling. I am indebted to you for the same.I would like to thank my friends and go-to couple Desi & Anu for being with me throughou Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

t the program. I always had great time in their presence. I also want to thank the team ACES. I learnt a new sport and made a few good friends after j

Evaluation of poly (ethylene glycol) grafting as a tool for improving membrane performance

oining the teamVTable of ContentsAbstract111AcknowledgementsVTable of Contentsvi

A DissertationentitledEvaluation of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Grafting as a Tool for Improving Membrane PerformancebyTilak GulhnkalaSubmitted to the Grad

A DissertationentitledEvaluation of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Grafting as a Tool for Improving Membrane PerformancebyTilak GulhnkalaSubmitted to the Grad

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