Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch
➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch
Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch
ĐẠI HỌC QUÓC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUÁN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANHNGUYỀN THỊ HƯƠNGEXPAND CAPITAL MOBILIZATION ACTIVITIES AT VIET NAM JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK FOR Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF HAI BA TRI NG BRANCH.MÒ RỘNG HOẠT ĐỌNG HUY DỌNG VÓN TẠI NGÂN HÀNG THƯƠNG .MẠI CỎ PHẤN ĐẢU Tư VÀ PHÁT TRIÉN VIỆT NAM - CHI NHÁNH HAI BÀ TRƯNGLUẬN VÃN THẠC sỉ QUẤN TRỊ KINH DOANHHÀ NỘI-2021ĐẠI HỌC QUÓC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẤN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANHNGUYÊN THỊ HƯƠNGEXPAND CAPITAL Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch MOBILIZATION ACTIVITIES AT MET NAM JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK FOR INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF ILU BA TRUNG BR.VNCILMỚ RỌNG HOẠT ĐỌNG IIUY ĐỌNG VỎNExpand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch
TẠI NGÂN HÀNG THƯƠNG MẠI CỎ PHẢN DÀU TU'VẢ PHÁ I TRIỂN VIỆ T NAM - CHI NHÁNH HAI BÀ TRƯNGChuyên ngành: Quán trị kinh doanh Mà số: 8340101.01LUẬN VĂN TĐẠI HỌC QUÓC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUÁN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANHNGUYỀN THỊ HƯƠNGEXPAND CAPITAL MOBILIZATION ACTIVITIES AT VIET NAM JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK FOR Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch the thesis is the result of author's independent work during study and research period and it is not yet published in other's research and article.The other's research result and documentation (extraction, table, figure, formula, and other document) used in the thesis arc cited properly and the per Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch mission (if requữed) is given.The author is responsible in front of the Thesis Assessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business, and the laws for above-Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch
mentioned declaration.Date.....................1ACKNOWLEDGEMENTTo complete this dissertation, besides the efforts of myself, there is the enthusiasticĐẠI HỌC QUÓC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUÁN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANHNGUYỀN THỊ HƯƠNGEXPAND CAPITAL MOBILIZATION ACTIVITIES AT VIET NAM JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK FOR Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch ould like to express deep thanks to Associate Professor Associate Professor Dr. Hoang Dinh Phi for helping the author during the course of study, orientation and writing, rhe author would like to thank the working unit - BIDV Hai Ba Trung branch for creating the best conditions for the author to hav Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch e the opportunity to work and learn from practical experience. Finally, the author would like to thank family, friends., colleagues for theữ support aExpand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch
nd encouragement throughout the learning and research process to implement the project in a complete way.Sincerely thank!Ha Noi, May 2020NGUYỀN I HỊ HĐẠI HỌC QUÓC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUÁN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANHNGUYỀN THỊ HƯƠNGEXPAND CAPITAL MOBILIZATION ACTIVITIES AT VIET NAM JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK FOR Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch ..............1CHARTER 1 RATIONALE FOR EXPANDING CAPITAL MOBILIZAION ACTIVITIES AT COMMERCIAL BANKS...........................................41.1Capital mobilization activities al commercial banks.................41.1.1Activities of commercial banks.......................................41.1.2. Cap Expand capital mobilization activities at viet nam joint stock commercial bank for investment and development of hai ba trung branch ital sources of commercial banks...............................51.1.3Concept of capital mobilization activities and forms of capital mobilization atĐẠI HỌC QUÓC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUÁN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANHNGUYỀN THỊ HƯƠNGEXPAND CAPITAL MOBILIZATION ACTIVITIES AT VIET NAM JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK FOR ĐẠI HỌC QUÓC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUÁN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANHNGUYỀN THỊ HƯƠNGEXPAND CAPITAL MOBILIZATION ACTIVITIES AT VIET NAM JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK FORGọi ngay
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