Human resource management 14e dessler 1

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Nội dung chi tiết: Human resource management 14e dessler 1

Human resource management 14e dessler 1

Human ResourceManagementz/?ũ page uiỉeìilioìialỉy left blankHuman ResourceManagementFourteenth EditionGARY DESSLERHonda International UniversityPEARSO

Human resource management 14e dessler 1 ONBoston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle RiverAmsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto De

lhi Mexico City San Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei TokyoEditor in Chief: Stephanie Wall Senn* Acquisitions Editor. Kh» Ellis-Levy Progr Human resource management 14e dessler 1

am Managet Team Lead Ashley Samora Program Manager: Sarah Holte Editorial Assistant: Bernard OfliluDirector of Marketing: Maggie Moy Ian Senior Market

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ing Manager: Erin Gardner Marketing Assistant: Gianna Sandri Project Manager Team lead: Judy I .calc Project Manager: Kelly Warsak Operations Speciali

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Human resource management 14e dessler 1 Assessment:Paul GentileDigital Editor Brian SurcltcDigital Development Manager Robin LazrusDigital Project Manager: AlaiM ColesDigital Production Proj

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