Linear models in statistics

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Linear models in statistics

4 WILEYLinear Models in StatisticsSecond EditionALVIN c. RENCHER • G. BRUCE SCHAALJE1807 ỉ©WILEY;20 0 7;The Wiley Bicentennial-Knowledge for Generatio

Linear models in statistics ons^Qach generation has its unique needs and aspirations. When Charles Wiley first opened his small printing shop in lower Manhattan in 1807, it was a

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the critical scientific, technical, and engineering knowledge that helped frame the world. Throughout the 20th Century, and into the new millennium, n

4 WILEYLinear Models in StatisticsSecond EditionALVIN c. RENCHER • G. BRUCE SCHAALJE1807 ỉ©WILEY;20 0 7;The Wiley Bicentennial-Knowledge for Generatio

Linear models in statistics rld to enable a global exchange of ideas, opinions, and know-how.For 200 years, Wiley has been an integral part of each generation s journey, enabling

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4 WILEYLinear Models in StatisticsSecond EditionALVIN c. RENCHER • G. BRUCE SCHAALJE1807 ỉ©WILEY;20 0 7;The Wiley Bicentennial-Knowledge for Generatio

Linear models in statistics Department of Statistics, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utahĩ 1 8 0 7 2i ©WILEY;ụ 2 0 0 7 ;WILEY-INTERSCIENCEA JOHN WILEY & SONS. INC., PUBLICATION

Copyright c 2(X)8 by John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All rights reservedPublished by John Wiley & Sons. hie.. Hoboken. New JerseyPublished simultaneously in C Linear models in statistics

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4 WILEYLinear Models in StatisticsSecond EditionALVIN c. RENCHER • G. BRUCE SCHAALJE1807 ỉ©WILEY;20 0 7;The Wiley Bicentennial-Knowledge for Generatio

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4 WILEYLinear Models in StatisticsSecond EditionALVIN c. RENCHER • G. BRUCE SCHAALJE1807 ỉ©WILEY;20 0 7;The Wiley Bicentennial-Knowledge for Generatio

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4 WILEYLinear Models in StatisticsSecond EditionALVIN c. RENCHER • G. BRUCE SCHAALJE1807 ỉ©WILEY;20 0 7;The Wiley Bicentennial-Knowledge for Generatio

Linear models in statistics c formats. Tor more information about Wiley pnxlucls, visit our web site al Bicentennial Logo: Richard J. PacificoLibrary of Congr

ess Cataloging-in-Publication Data:Rencher, Alvin c., 1934-I.incar HKxlcls in slat i sties/A Ivin c. Rencher, G. Bruce Schaalje. - 2nd cd. Linear models in statistics

4 WILEYLinear Models in StatisticsSecond EditionALVIN c. RENCHER • G. BRUCE SCHAALJE1807 ỉ©WILEY;20 0 7;The Wiley Bicentennial-Knowledge for Generatio

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