Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

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Nội dung chi tiết: Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

1PART A: INTRODUCTION1RationaleIn (he globalization age today, English assumes as a more and more important part as a means of international communica

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school ation than ever. Therefore, in some recent years, the focus of teaching has been promoting oral skills in order to respond to the students’ needs for

effective communication.However, due to some objective and subjective reasons, teaching and learning English in general and teaching and learning spea Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

king in particular does not come up to the study aims. Despite teachers’ efforts to provide students with opportunities to develop (heir communicative

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

skills, how to teach and learn speaking effectively is still a challenging question to both teachers and students at many high schools in Vietnam.At

1PART A: INTRODUCTION1RationaleIn (he globalization age today, English assumes as a more and more important part as a means of international communica

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school Physics, Chemistry, and Biology... or social subjects such as: Literature, History' and Geography. For most students, they find speaking especially im

portant yet most challenging one. It has been proved that some students got into a habit of leaning ’mute English” which is obviously harmful to a lan Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

guage learner. It also seems to the writer that (he techniques exploited during a speaking activity such as: role plays, simulations,

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

e not really effective. Therefore, it is a necessity to find a supplementary technique used in teaching speaking.In language teaching, language games

1PART A: INTRODUCTION1RationaleIn (he globalization age today, English assumes as a more and more important part as a means of international communica

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school ts to speak. Nevertheless, language games have not successfully applied to speaking classes at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school.AU the above-men

tioned reasons and factors have inspired the writer to conduct a research titled “Using language games to motivate the 10ư form non- English majors in Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school”2Aims of the studyThe study is aimed at:• Investigating the situation of teaching and lear

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

ning speaking to the 10th form nonEnglish majors at Phan Boi Chau high school2•Investigating the effectiveness of using games in leaching speaking to

1PART A: INTRODUCTION1RationaleIn (he globalization age today, English assumes as a more and more important part as a means of international communica

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school t Phan Boi Chau specializing high school by using language games in addition to other techniques3Scope of the study:The study focuses specifically on

using language games in teaching speaking to the 10th form non- English majors at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school. So the study limits itself t Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

o the teaching and learning speaking only, and the subjects of the study are 70 nonEnglish majors from two classes studying new “Tieng Anh 10" textboo

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

k at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school.4Significance of the study•Theoretical significance of the study: The study supplies the English language

1PART A: INTRODUCTION1RationaleIn (he globalization age today, English assumes as a more and more important part as a means of international communica

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school e ways to exploit language games successfully during all stages in teaching speaking.•Practical significance of the study: The research provides the l

anguage teachers and learners a variety of language games used in all stages in speaking classes based on new “Tieng Anh’’ 10 textbook.5Methods of the Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

studyIn the process of carrying out this study, the survey questionnaire is used to collect data for the study. The survey questionnaire including pr

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

e-task survey questionnaire and post task survey questionnaire is for 70 tenth form non- English majors from two classes of Phan Boi Chau specializing

1PART A: INTRODUCTION1RationaleIn (he globalization age today, English assumes as a more and more important part as a means of international communica

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school rt A is the INTRODUCTION. In this part, the rational, the aims, research questions, the scope of the study, methods of the study and also its design a

re presented.Part B is the DEVELOPMENT which includes 4 chapters. Chapter I deals with some theoretical background that is relevant to the purpose of Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

the study: speaking skill and3language games. Chapter II can be seen as case study in real situation. It investigates the situation of teaching and le

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

arning speaking and the feasibility of using language games in teaching speaking to the 10* form non- English majors at Pham Boi Chau specializing hig

1PART A: INTRODUCTION1RationaleIn (he globalization age today, English assumes as a more and more important part as a means of international communica

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school t one in which some suggestions on using language games are made and some sample language games exploited during all stages of the lessons are provide

d.Part c is the CONCLUSION which includes the summary of the study, limitations of the study and suggestions for further study.REFERENCES and APPENDIC Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

ES are presented in the last pages of the study.4PART B: DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW1.1.Overview of speaking activities1.1.1.What is meant

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school

by speaking skill?Speaking is crucially important for the whole learning process. “Speaking makes you a more fluent language user, speaking is a chan

1PART A: INTRODUCTION1RationaleIn (he globalization age today, English assumes as a more and more important part as a means of international communica

Using language games to motivate the 10th form non English majors in speaking lessons at Phan Boi Chau specializing high school es much attention of linguistics. Therefore, many definitions have been offered to this term so far.

1PART A: INTRODUCTION1RationaleIn (he globalization age today, English assumes as a more and more important part as a means of international communica

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