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Nội dung chi tiết: Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007


Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007nt individuals from the developing world took a forceful position. Bhagwati, the world's preeminent trade economist, and his co-signatories argued tha

t labor rights should not be linked to the WTO or to any other trade agreement. To these men and women, labor rights were non trade issues and should Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

not be allowed to “contaminate" trade rules.1 UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as well as trade officials from Thailand and the Philippines seconded th


is point of view.2The signatories were responding to longstanding efforts by policymakers, activists, and academics, mainly from the industrialized wo

Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007orestall any direct linkage of labor rights and trade in the WTO.1 See Jagdish Bhagwati et al. "Third World Intellectuals and NGOs Statement Against L

inkage" http://64.233.161 ■ 104.'search?q=cache:Mu7ru9z3-XU;'Tb38.'TWlN_S.AL.pdf-dũrd-WQrldTntdleưuals-and^GQs+SuiemgiM-A£ains rLiiĩkd Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

ge%E29tôO%9D&lll=eũ&gl=US&Cl-Clnk&Cd= 1. last searched 9/12/06. The letter was published in August 1999. The signatories claimed that they presented a


developing country point of view. They asserted that arguments for including labor standards in trade agreements are made by one of two groups: polit

Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007 are misguided because their actions may force poor workers out of their jobs without providing a viable alternative. The authors concluded that the e

nd result of trade-based labor standards, whether protectionist or morally motivated, is to protect developed country firms from developing country co Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

mpetition. Also see Jagdish Bhagwati “Trade Liberalization and ‘Fair Trade’ Demands: Addressing the Environmental and Labour Standards Issues," Ubr/d


Economy, Vol. 18 (745-759). Nov. 1995 and Jagdish Bhagwati. "After Seattle: Free Trade and the WTO." International Affairs. Vol. 77.1 (15-29). 2001.•

Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007iefing 11/1/ 1999, fns 1-3; at hupL'.'b'WW.ppiQnline.Qrg:'ppL0.t:fni?knlgArealD=LQ8&sub5eclD=128&t:QntentlD=649; also see CUTS International. “Campaig

n on Linkages." CUTS Panel Discussion: Labor Linkage from the Viewpoint of Trade Sanctions. 6X2Ơ'2OOO. www.ailS-lmematiQaal.Qrg'linkagtt-meeiill£-29.1 Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

imi. both last searched 8'30'2006.© Aaronson, not to be used or attributed without permission, saaronson2@verizon.net2Some 7 years on, however, many d


eveloping countries participate in trade agreements which include labor rights language -and increasingly labor rights conditions. They do so under tr

Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007cludes labor rights. The US has preferential agreements Willi some 140 developing countries with labor rights conditionality. Moreover, the EU has bil

ateral agreements with over 15 countries.3 The US has free trade agreements (FTAs) that include labor standards conditions with 4 countries; pending F Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

TAs with 12 more; and as of July 2006 is negotiating with 5 countries. All of these bilaterals have labor rights conditions.4 Between the United State


s and the EU, at least 150 countries participate in trade agreements with labor rights conditions.This article explores how the US and the EU have mad

Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007mple. I begin with an overview of efforts at the international level to link labor rights and trade. I keep this story brief, as many other scholars h

ave delineated this history. Next, I discuss what the EU and the US do topromote labor rights abroad. Both trade powerhouses use access to their huge Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

markets as an inducement to change labor rights practices at the firm and governmental level within their trade partners. I stress that despite their


shared objective, EU and US policymakers take very different approaches; these approaches are essentially “branded." On the other side of the equation

Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007a, Turkey, the Mediterranean Association Agreements (Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon, Palestinian Authority), Chile and Mexi

co,4The pending FTAs (DR-CAFTA, Bahrain, Oman. Peru Trade Promotion Agreement, and Colombia) have not been ratified by all patties to the agieements. Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

The U.S. Is currently negotiating with Panama, Korea. Thailand, Malaysia, and the L AE.© Aaronson, not to be used or attributed without permission, sa


aronson2@verizon.net3recipients of labor rights conditionality. But they have accepted such conditions in order to maintain good trade relations with

Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007accessions, trade policy reviews, and discussions of procurement policies.In this article, 1 define labor lights as the ability of individuals “to cla

im freely and on the basis ol equality of opportunity their fair share of the wealth which they have helped to generate." Governments are obligated to Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

ensure that individuals are not forced or compelled to work; children ate not made to work; individuals have freedom of association and the right to


collective bargaining; and are not discriminated against in employment and occupation?A Very Brief History of Trade and Labor linksAs long and men and

Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007from wheal to wine.6 But these traders often lived in fear; when they engaged in trade they risked being captured, sold as slaves or enslaved by pirat

es.In the centuries that followed, policymakers around the globe developed a wide range of approaches to govern the behavior of states and citizens at Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

die intersection of trade and labor rights. Often one slate would act anil challenge (or inspire) others to'All members of the 1LO whether or not the


y liave signed dll die conventions arc obligated to adhere to the Ito Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and Its Follow-Up, adop

Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007-12: March 2003,8, 14-16. This interesting study attempts to meld economics and archeology. Also see Clarence 11. Wagner Jr. “Commerce in the Bible, I

srael: Crossroads of the East," at www.hi idgesfoi-peace.comipuhlications dispatch eveiydaylife .-.lasT searched 8'25'2000.' Pilates wanted people mor Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

e than goods because they could sell poor people as slaves and rich people tor ransom.© Aaronson, no< to be used or attributed without permission, saa


ronson2@verizon.net4follow. For example, after England banned the slave trade in 1807, it signed treaties withPortugal, Denmark, and Sweden to supplem

Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007and Canada adopted similar bans. Ever so gradually, these national laws inspired international cooperation.3In the twentieth century, policymakers beg

an to recognize the need to root protection for human rights in international law. For example, the signatories of the Versailles Treaty tried to engi Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

neer a peace that would both stabilize Europe and protect various minority groups. They also pledged to “endeavor to secure and maintain fair and huma


ne conditions of all countries in which their commercial and industrial relations extend.” To meet that goal, they created an Internationa

Reality Bites The Myth of Labor Rights as a Non-trade Issue Susan Ariel AaronsonIntroduction:In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominen

Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007egime that would help improve labor standards. With the Atlantic Charter, the Allies pledged to establish a peace with the objective of securing impro

ved labor standards.6 * * * 10 But they were unable to gain approval of an international organization that could govern trade, investment, and employm Aaronson-Reality-Bites-Myth-of-Labor-Rights-Jan-2007

ent (the6 Susan Ariel Aaronson, Taking Tiade K> the Streets; The Lra HiM9iy of Global Efforts 19 ShapeGlobalization (Ann Arbor: Michigan, 2001), 36, 4


4.9Percy Bidwell, The Invisible Tariff: A Study of the Control of Imports into the United States. (New York:Council on Foreign Relations, 1939). 111-1

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