An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

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Nội dung chi tiết: An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems’Mei (May) Deng® and Yu-Chi Ho’ABSTRACT - We introduce an ordinal optimization approach to

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problemso the study of optimal control law design. As illustration of the methodology, we find the optimal feedback control law for a simple LQG problem witho

ut the benefit of theory. For the famous unsolved Witsenhausen problem (1968). a solution that is 50% better than the Witsenbausen solution is found.K An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

EYWORDS: Artificial Intelligence. Optimal Control. Optimization. Search Methods. Stochastic Systems. Simulation1.IntroductionOrdinal Optimization (OO)

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

is a method of speeding up the process of stochastic optimization via parametric simulation (Deng-Ho-Hu. 1992; Ho. 1994; Ho-Larson. 1995; Ho-Deng. 19

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems’Mei (May) Deng® and Yu-Chi Ho’ABSTRACT - We introduce an ordinal optimization approach to

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problemss is intuitively reasonable. To determine whether A is greater or less than B is a simpler task than to determine the value of A-B in stochastic situa

tions. Recent results actually quantified this advantage (Dai. 1997; Lau-Ho. 1997; Xie. 1997). (ii) SOFTENING THE GOAL OF OPTIMIZATION ALSO MAKES THE An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

PROBLEM EASIER Instead of asking the "best for sure" we settle for the "good enough with high probability". For example, consider a search on design s

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

pace 0. We can define the "good enough" subset. Gp0. as the top-l% of the design space based on system performances, and the "selected" subset, spo. a

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems’Mei (May) Deng® and Yu-Chi Ho’ABSTRACT - We introduce an ordinal optimization approach to

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problemswing the search from 0 to s we are not "throwing out the baby with the bath water". This again has been quantitatively reported in (Deng. 1995. Lau-Ho

. 1997; Lee-Lau-Ho. 1998).Many examples of the use of oo to speed up the simulation optimization processes by orders of magnitude in computation have An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

been demonstrated in the past few years (Ganz-Wang. 1994; Ho-Larson. 1995; Ho-Deng. 1994; Ho-Sreenivas-Vakih. 1992; Lau-Ho. 1997; Patsis-Chen-Larson.

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

1997; Wieseltheir-Barnhart-Ephremides. 1995). However, oo still has limitations as it stands. One key drawback is the fact that 0 for many problems ca

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems’Mei (May) Deng® and Yu-Chi Ho’ABSTRACT - We introduce an ordinal optimization approach to

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problemsis still IO3 away from the optimum. This is often of scant comfort to optimizers. The purpose of this note is to address this limitation through itera

tive use of 00 very much in the spirit of hill climbing in traditional optimization.2.Model and ConceptsConsider the expected performance function J(0 An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

) = E[L(x(t: 0. CD] i E[L(0. c>]. where L(x(t; 0. CD represents some sample performance function evaluated tlirough the realization of a system trajec

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

tory X(t; 0. c> under the design parameter 0. Here c represents all the random effects of the system. Denote by 0. a huge but finite set. the set of a

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems’Mei (May) Deng® and Yu-Chi Ho’ABSTRACT - We introduce an ordinal optimization approach to

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems.1(9) has little analytical structure but large uncertainty and must be estimated through repeated simulation’ The w

ially supported by N$F grants EEC-9402384. EEC-9507422, An Fcree contract F49620-95-1-0131. and Anuy contracts DAAL-04-95-1-014S. ĐAAL-03-92-G-0115. T An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

he authors Eke to thank Ptof LiYi Dai of Washragton University and Prof Chur.-Hunj Clxu of University of Pennsylvania tor helpful discussions.® AT&T L

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

abs. Roon 1L-20S. 101 Crautoids Comer Roa± Hohudel. NJ 07733. (732) 949-7624. (Fax) (732) 919-1720. mdav@att.catn.• Division of Applied Science. Harva

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems’Mei (May) Deng® and Yu-Chi Ho’ABSTRACT - We introduce an ordinal optimization approach to

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems often equivalently,https://khothuvien.cori!The principal claim of oo is that performance order IS relatively robust with respect to very small K or t

«x (We shall use s on simulation 01 small number of replications interchangeably here after to indicate that the confidence interval of the An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems

An Ordinal Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems’Mei (May) Deng® and Yu-Chi Ho’ABSTRACT - We introduce an ordinal optimization approach to

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